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Cartoon Conspiracies

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posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 03:14 AM
The world of conspiracy is one that can reach almost any topic and some of the time rightfully so as many are in fact real. However when you hear about a conspiracy typed theory you wouldn't think it could enter the world of cartoons. Yet it does, and it in fact it isn't as crazy as it sounds. Something people point out, along with adult jokes in kid shows, is weather or not in spongebobs case it was just a coincidence as to how two of the main characters are named "crusty krabs" and "sandy cheeks" and that they live in "bikini bottom". These points aside, the "cartoon conspiracies" usually state a theory of the true nature of the show and how it got started or what it really means.

The main theory of how the idea for the show Spongebob came about was by the famous 1950s nuclear bomb testings that were done on the bikini atoll island and that the characters, the sea life would become alive from all the radiation that ravaged the land and water. That the name of the shows town is called bikini bottom as in the bottom of the bikini atoll island under the water. With these type of theories aside, cartoons have in fact had adult themed premises, namely the original cartoons from decades ago when they first were invented. Some of them started out with these adult premises when they were just comedy strip and then turned into tv shows that kids ended up later watching but still had the adult concepts in their roots.

The Donald Duck conspiracy theory is that he had PTSD from being a navy man when going to war. Crazy, but it's not even a theory if you look at the earlier comic strips where he freaks out on his nephews after hearing loud noises and has moments of extreme aggression, something which is known to affect people who have PTSD, as a result of the bombs, life or death situations, or horrific sightings. The strip also shows Donald's nephews that says "it looks like uncle Donald is sleep walking again", as in being blacked out and not having control over the viscous acts of aggression he commits.

Theres more theories for other shows as well like one that says the spinach in Popeye the sailor man was actually based on cannabis and that in the days when the comic strip was created in the early 1900s, spinach was a common nick name for cannabis and that sailors often bought it back from after being overseas.'s_in_popeye's_pipe

Another one that's a little more crazy is that the smurfs were based white supremacy as allegedly shown below and that's its main villain character in the show is some type of stereo type of a Jew and allegedly shows by the characters pet name and that he is depicted having other stereotypes like having a big nose and always obsessing about gold. It's also said that back in the day when the show was created, white supremacy was the idea for how the characters would be and that how the characters all wear white clothes expect the leader of the smurfs who wears red similar to old and still relevant fashion of white power. Cartoons were known to have propaganda during these days and during the war, this cartoon theory is anyone's best guess.

One more theory that doesn't show much evidence like the Donald Duck PTSD and others is one for the show whinny the poo. It's said that all of the shows characters represent a mental disorder, Whiny the poo being ADHD, Eeyore being depression, Tigger shows hyperactivity and impulsiveness, Piglet is Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Owl is dyslexic, and best of all Christopher Robin is a paranoid schizophrenic who imagines different characters in his life.. Obviously this one could just be coincidences that fit the characters, but it's clear that some fan cartoon theories are real as to how the basis of the show was created or what the characters stood for
edit on 12-10-2015 by Telepathy3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: Telepathy3

S&F from Belgium ... just for bringing the Smurfs to ATS !

Speaking of cartoon conspiracies here is one I'd like to share with you.
Preliminary warning : I and the friend I had that discussion with were drunk ...
We established totally surrealistic consideration about the downing of the two Malaysian planes involving Tintin : the MH370 as part of his adventures in the Flight 714 and the 714 => 7/14 became MH17 in the context of the Bordurian/Syldavian conflict ...
Told you we were drunk.

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 04:41 AM
I think another explanation is available here.

When you write any story be it book, TV Show, Movie or Cartoon, you need a list of characters and you need to know a lot about those characters.

Now if all of your characters are just plain boring people, then you will not have much to write on.

So you need to make characters interesting. Adding various neurosis aids in creating interesting story lines.

Imagine the character list for Housewives or some other drivel. Every person is just so off the planet but some consider it entertaining.

You have to have interesting characters and initial success leads to selling the story and then some Producer is selected, who has no idea how it all started and frankly does not care and so we end up with major changes over time. Add a few screwy writers and you end up with more unrelated drivel.

There is a vast difference between the start of a comic strip and he end Cartoon. So much is lost in the translation.


posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: pheonix358

True, but your saying you don't think these are true? I mean the nazi where featured in cartoons like Donald Duck in the 40s and 50s or whenever for propaganda. Just how it's said, writers or show creators pick real things to base their show on and time and time again through the history of cartoons political or social topics where the basis for shows

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: Telepathy3

Agreed. Walt Disney was a guy who used cartoons to support his country. It should not really surprise us considering were and how he was raised. Of course he helped! He was a proud American.

But looking back from our modern perspective it is too easy to cry conspiracy.

Cartoon strips have always had a message and that largely depended on the artist concerned. Having a large captive audience is a great way of putting out subtle messages. Any one of us in that position would do so with relish.

I don't see the conspiracy angle. These represent the personalities of the Artists and perhaps their editors.


posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: Telepathy3

Primitive & Alien encounter?
Its a conspiracy!!!

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13

Hah wow I forgot about that, the little green guy that blinks into space on the shoulder of a person like a spirit being/alien. That's funny, when you look at it there's tons of popular shows like family guy or South Park that often put these type of things into their shows

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 06:25 AM
Stay away from that part of YouTube.I usually end up there after heavy drinking and smoking, looking at Illuminati symbolism in Thundercats.Before you know it, you'll think you have microphones in your light switches.

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: CallYourBluff

I couldn't help but to lol at this, very true man. It ranges from pyramids to 911 foretelling or precognitions, that's not that bad but some people take it too far and start believing in things without any evidence to support it whatsoever

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: CallYourBluff

There are no bugs in light switches........ They put the ones in my house under the couch, 'cause they know I never vacuum under there.

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 07:37 AM
Cartoons, like Movie Tone News, preceded theatre movies so kids could have something to watch, ostensibly to make it easier to bring them along and hopefully put them to sleep, or some such?

So, we need propaganda for the adults in kids cartoons at the movies.The enemy? Well that was easy…

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: intrptr

When I see you in my threads you always post good stuff lol

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 08:50 AM
My god.

You have managed to ruin Winnie the Pooh.

Evil, Evil, Evil person you are.

I could totally see you being right about the smurfs though....

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 09:30 AM
That is the first time for me seeing the Smurfs linked to white supremacist. I had always heard sort of the opposite when I was growing up. Basically that the Smurfs represented a communist collective with Papa Smurf representing Karl Marx. People like Hefty were = to Stalin and Brainy Smurf was = Trotsky. Gargamel was supposed to represent kabbalist capitalist trying to create wealth by transmuting the Smurfs into gold. Then you have the weak link smurfs like Vanity and such more pokes at capitalist society. Jokey I had once heard was supposed to be Molotov or Bakunin

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 11:27 AM
my favorite from this batch is "What's in Popeye's pipe?"

He certainly had an appetite all the time, his eyes looked almost closed and he was constantly toking on that thing. I think that's a bullseye ole' Popeye!

a reply to: Telepathy3

edit on 12-10-2015 by FamCore because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 12:11 PM
And the final remnants of my cherished childhood are now ruined...

posted on Oct, 12 2015 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I'm reply to the telepathy post from the other thread, it's not letting me reply over there. But yea man I've had that happen a lot, when you think of someone you haven't seen in a while and then see them or other happenings like it. It talked about this in one of my threads a while ago, one time I was in a position where a friend of mine was near me when I came up to a spot and he didn't know it was me and It was dark so he didn't say anything. I install felt someone looking at me and knew I wasn't alone, like I could feel him focusing on me. I've also had other happenings with the mind similar to these. Da javue* is also one of the most weird emotions ever, like your living something you've already lived and that you already did what it is your doing, kind of like a form of precognition
edit on 12-10-2015 by Telepathy3 because: (no reason given)

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