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It's MINE, not yours!

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posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: kosmicjack

That is actually not that uncommon a thing, though the refusal over a simple address is out of my experienced norm. It is called "walking the sale" and is common ( or at least was through the eighties, nineties and aughts ) regarding things like attached service plans, warranties, accessories and the like.

What it implies is that whoever sold you the bed frame was making their largest profit margin from selling their customer information and not from their actual products. That is not to say that the products were not profitable, only that the company was fixated upon the 100% profit ( or close to it ) that their data sales created.

When I worked in management for a big box store who shall remain nameless ( though their giant yellow price tag logo transcends names ) "walking sales" was part of the culture, and a horrible trap for just about everyone who did not have "President" somewhere in their name. The Corporate policy was to never walk a sale. Full stop. Period. NEVER. Instant termination if even suspected. Period."

Only once the policy had been stated the "hints" began. If a subordinate walked a sale? That employee was terminated and their reference was forever tarnished. The entire in store management team ( five levels deep ) was also in hot water and all were at risk. However... if an employee had a lower than average attachment rate for accessories and extended service plans? An even harsher and more immediate result would follow.

The data collection works along the same principle. And retailers know this. These companies spend fortunes hiring outside consultants to do surveys and studies on these issues. They KNOW that many members of the public will become frustrated, insulted or even outraged at a minimum wage cashier demanding personal information from them. They also know that the policy leads to cashier turnover being outrageous because, seriously, who wants to deal with that kind of stress for a few bucks an hour? However the companies also know how much of a profit they make from those phone numbers. They know how valuable that demographic information is to other companies as well as their own. They know that targeted marketing is very profitable... so they don't care. They don't care if YOU get angry every single time you spend a dollar. They don't care if the mental wards are filled with former cashiers who can no longer make eye contact with even small animals due to social anxiety from their trauma.

They only care that every phone number procured, every service plan attached, every phone case or optional cord sold for a 5,000% mark-up adds to their bottom line and is a step toward sending their own kids to college so that they never have to work as cashiers nor shop in any non-boutique store where lowly proles are harassed to make extra purchases or give up their privacy for profit.

edit on 10/7/15 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: VoidHawk

what annoys the fxyz christ outa me is that it seems that we have cough these details up on almost every website we visit these days in order to get any thing. what also annoys the fxyz christ outa me is that every time cick to accept their T&Cs we agree to our privacy, rights, choices and or options being striped away from us too.

I dunno about others but I 'm starting feel like Im falling down a funnel these days when it comes to privacy, rights, choices and options.

Giving false details is something I do a musch as possible but I expect it will become sick hawke soon.

posted on Oct, 7 2015 @ 06:52 AM
a reply to: VoidHawk

LOVE it!!!!! My wife and I experienced this at B*th and b☆d € works on sunday. I kindly decline and the cashier kindly ask again. It's like a ping pong match...

What is amazing to me is how many robots just blatantly give out everything email cell physical adress. Good thing I'm not one of the bad guys.!

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