posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 04:27 PM
To clarify,
What I was trying to say was that some people in the UFO world think that the human race, as it exists today, was 'engineered' by ETs. They
theorize that the sudden appearance of abstract thinking within human society, in a relatively short amount of evolutionary time, can be explained by
a program wherein ETs geneticly enhanced or engineered some humans in the prehistoric past. These engineered humans went on, in this theory, to
displace all other human types because they had superior planning abilities.
I admit I was a little unclear, but my thinking was that a study that shows that all living humans are descended from 2000 individuals, who lived in
the same region, at the same time would go along way towards helping out the whole 'ET seeding' theory. Byrd was saying that it's not special for
only 2000 lineages to make it to the modern world, as it's not special for only two teams to be left at the end of a tournament (due to elimination),
but my understanding of the study is that it used DNA to trace everyone back to 2000 individuals who lived in the same general population. My
thinking is that, if we (the ones who made it this far) all came from a group of 2000 people, and not from a larger, more widerspread, population,
that the whole idea that ETs could 'create' a specific breed of people, then 'release' them on the Earth seems more plausible.
Look at it this way, the golden retriever is one of the most popular dogs in the USA. Yet, if you did a genetic analysis of it, you would find that
its ancestry goes back to a few english hunting dogs. It's not as strong as the wolf (which is the animal dogs were first domesticated from), but
it *may* be smarter than it. Now, the GR was bred by humans to be a clever dog that was good at aiding hunters, at first, and was later on bred to be
good with children. It is, somewhat, unatural, as it is the product of intelligent selection. Now,,, if the GR was the ONLY dog in the world, and
all the millions of them could be traced back to about 2000 basic retrievers, yet, at the same time, the GR appeared to have a lot of abilities which
it wouldn't need to survive, then a Golden Retriver scientist might conclude that, somehwhere along the line, mythical 'humans' may have done
something to separate GRs from the rest of the pack, so to speak (maybe this analogy is bad, but I think you know what I'm getting at).
I'm not saying that humans are ETs, just that ETs may have come along, thousands of years ago, and genetically manipulated 2000 archaic homo sapien
embryos so that, when matured, they would have greater mental abilities than all other beings on the planet.
So far as Neanderthal (or Neandertal) is concerned, though people have believed for about a century that we may be his descendants, many modern
scientist believe that the Neanderthal lineage died-out without descendents.
I hope I've made myself clearer, Magestica and Byrd
[Edited on 11-6-2003 by onlyinmydreams]