posted on Jun, 7 2003 @ 04:10 AM
"Well, if Iran actually intends on winning, they better have terrorists in the U.S. armed with briefcase nukes (atleast a hundred), and they better
strike down all of our major targets (including political, military, and perhaps some major civilian).
Edit: Of course since we have many bases all over the world, they would need to take those out as well. Such a large scale operation would be near
impossible.. "
lol, what the # are you talking about?
a war in Iran would be a mistake for the US, unlike with Iraq, the Iranian army would certainly defend their land, as would the civilian population,
of course if the USwas prepared to take casualties in the many thousands, but it would take a very long time, and i don't believe America would have
much help, even from Britain.
Attero, you are basically saying Iran would have to destroy all of the US army to survive, lay off the crack son, if they killed half of the deployed
troops, the US would give up, the public over there would be mortified.
American soldiers aren't trained well enough, if they spent more money on man to man training, they would be a formidable force, but they're not.