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posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 05:38 PM

Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops and support available, Time available, and Civil considerations. The US Army uses this acronym to train and retain information at the upper levels and also at the lower levels. All US Army members will learn this as part of their preparation for even the lowest of leadership positions. I would like to discuss each one briefly, how it relates to Survivalism and Prepping in general. Most importantly how using it as a guiding principle in the civilian world will help reduce all the gear some people think they absolutely have to have in order to survive a SHTF scenario. I will use an example scenario of Alien Space Ninjas from Pluto crash landing in Suburban Town USA for portions that lend themselves to scenario based learning.

Mission is a military term for a list of tasks that are either assigned by circumstance or a goal oriented project. The mission includes what tasks must be accomplished; who is to do them; and when, where, and why the tasks are to be done.

Scenario Example: The Smith Family, Dad, Mom, and 2.3 kids need to survive the crash landing of Alien Space Ninjas from Pluto in Suburban Town USA in order to perpetuate the family name.

Enemy is an analysis of the enemy includes current available information about his size, geographic location, activity, and capabilities. With this information, the Smiths can reasonably determine what the likely course of action the Alien Space Ninjas from Pluto will take. The Smiths also need to take into account on the same level the potential factors of other actors in the area. Suburban Town also has a small group of Racists who if have an issue with immigrants from Mexico, certainty they are going to take issue with space ninjas. In addition, the Smiths need to consider the environmental effect of the crash. What kind of radiation is leaking from the craft? Is it harmful to humans? Do the Ninjas spread an airborne Flu that is fatal to the Smiths?

Scenario Example: The Smiths determine that the crash is one mile away. More than 20 Alien Space Ninjas from Pluto are at the crash site. The racists are reportedly heading toward the aliens in full combat gear. Neighbors are complaining of stomach cramps and trouble breathing.

Terrain and Weather is an analysis of terrain and weather that helps determine observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key terrain, obstacles and movement, and cover and concealment (OAKOC) we'll discuss that in another thread. The basics to consider are features of the surrounding environment that are harmful or helpful to you or the risk that is present. Weather will play a part in moving to another location, staying put, visibility, and physical needs such as people generally don't last long in below zero weather in their bathing suit.

Scenario Example: The Smiths are in Suburban Town USA, summer, Tornado season.

Troops Available is an inventory of the quantity, training level, and psychological state of people friendly, allied to, or part of the group you belong to. Meaning right there with you at the time of the emergency. One should include the availability of people farther away or not immediately available (First Responders, Military) but at a secondary spot. The availability of critical support at the time and place of the emergency is priority.

Scenario Example: The Smith Family, Dad, Mom, and 2.3 kids are not liked in the local community. Even so, no one on their street has any useful training to add. The first responders are most likely busy dealing with the Aliens and are unavailable to assist.

Time is this context is the time available for planning, preparing, and executing the mission. Military leaders consider how friendly and enemy or adversary forces will use the time and the possible results. Proper use of the time available can fundamentally alter the situation. Time available is explicitly defined in terms of the tasks assigned to Troops available and implicitly tied to the perceived actions by enemy or adversary capabilities.

Scenario Example: The Smith Family, Dad, Mom, and 2.3 kids have rehearsed their emergency plans several times and know they can harden their home in five minutes if they choose to Bug in or 15 minutes if they choose to Bug out.

Civil considerations relate to civilian populations, culture, organizations, and leaders within the Area. Military leaders consider the natural environment, locations of cultural sites population centers, and local cultural customs for operational effects in all operations directly or indirectly affecting civilian populations. Military leaders include civilian political, economic, and information matters as well as more immediate civilian activities and attitudes. In our context, we can consider what kind of effect the aliens are going to have on the local area. Are people all going to run down the street in panic? Or are they going to embrace the aliens as brothers in our large cosmic safe space and sing songs about caring and intergalactic tolerance? Also, what kind of affect will the Smith Family actions have on the local area.

Scenario Conclusion:
Because the Smith family’s priority is to survive, they choose a task list (Mission) for each individual member consistent with this goal based on all the factors of METT_TC. The Aliens are a mile away and don't pose a direct threat to either Bug out or Bug in (Enemy). Instead, the Smiths choose to gather as much information as possible before freaking out (Back to mission). The Smiths use the Racists as a welcome diversion to the Aliens and use the time to gather that information (Enemy). Neighbors are complaining of stomach cramps and trouble breathing (Enemy) so the Smiths begin donning their protective gear (Mission). Dad begins to consider the option to Bug out (METT_TC). The summer conditions will have to be considered but are not a deal breaker either way (Terrain). Because the Smiths did not take the time to become well liked in their community they can neither give nor receive help (Troops Available). Realizing they may have to complete an emergency plan in real life, they harden themselves and their home (Terrain) as rehearsed (Time) while trying to consider all the available options before them (METT-TC). Upon quick consideration and counsel, the Smith Family decides against running and screaming down the street in shear panic and terror. Fleeing for their very lives from the horror of realizing they are not the center of the known universe (Civil Considerations). Until more information is available about what is going on around them the Smiths cannot make a reasonable decision to stay or go, to fight or flee. So they stay put until more information is available.

METT_TC Conclusion:
I know you can wargame these situations all day long. Sometimes it is fun and productive to play the “what if game”. I am a Doom Porn Fan. I also know that when we look around us with clear eyes and not panic; we can increase our chances of success in any situation.

posted on Jun, 28 2015 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: KlownKilla

This is real time battlefield chess. I used to milstrat scenarios when I was developing defensively weapon systems, also earlier when I was developing security for large retail/commercial applications. You have to know all your strengths, but more importantly you have to know where the holes are in your defences and seal those sucker's up. Obviously you have to make good use of your assets, but as you intone, information is paramount. The best fallback position is generally defensive, especially if you are familiar with your environment. However, this does open a problem, that being allowing a hostile force the ability to regroup or strategize. So the there is always a dynamic what-if involved when planning these kinds of actions and over time strategies generally have to change.

Cheers - Dave

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