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Marijuana is Medicine "Journal of the American Medical Association" concludes

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posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: oddnutz
Just how would these studies use a placebo for inhaling the marijuana?

They are likely using THC in pill form or edibles.

That's really the only way to control the amount of THC being given to the test subjects. Smoking it or using a vaporizer are not really scientifically viable.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 12:11 AM
Every one Should start growing some in the garden.
then you dont have to give the GOV money for tax.
I smell it ever ware in uk now!
it will Stink the world out!

I herd that if you eat some the effects last longer???

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: buddha
Every one Should start growing some in the garden.
then you dont have to give the GOV money for tax.
I smell it ever ware in uk now!
it will Stink the world out!

I herd that if you eat some the effects last longer???

According to information widely available online, edibles take longer to "kick in" but last a bit longer once they do.

It also depends on a lot of factors like the variety of cannabis and how it's incorporated into the edible.

It's fascinating how many ways that single substance can be used.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 12:32 AM
While everyone is arguing about the legality of marijuana, I can reflect that I've never been without it, not anywhere nor any time...And that's during 50 years of my 68 year life, in several cities in each of 6 countries on 3 continents.
So what's the problem?
Whatever the evil AMA decides to do, it shouldn't change anything for us veterans!
It is our right, whatever the countries' laws decide.
Same goes for abortion, religion, marriage...whatever. I was born with free will and the right to decide for myself.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 01:33 AM
Temperance As A Virtue

originally posted by: butcherguy
Good on the AMA.
When are they going to call alcohol what it is?

About a century ago. The AMA passed the following resolution in 1917, which remains in effect to this day, and publicly supported the 18th constitutional amendment prohibiting alcohol in the U.S.

Whereas, We believe that the use of alcohol is detrimental to the human economy and,
Whereas, its use in therapeutics as a tonic or stimulant or for food has no scientific value; therefore,
Be it Resolved, That the American Medical Association is opposed to the use of alcohol as a beverage; and
Be it Further Resolved, That the use of alcohol as a therapeutic agent should be further discouraged.

In light of the official AMA stance on alcohol and history of opposition to the legalization of marijuana, the publication of these JAMA articles on cannabis as a medicine is worthy of note.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft


posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 02:16 AM
The very interesting thing is that one of the criteria for a drug to be classified schedule 1, is that is has no medical benefit.
This report is basically a precursor to what I will predict will be a reclassification of cannabis. Probably one of Obama's last hoorahs.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 02:42 AM
There exists a surprisingly easy method to extract the goodies from the fresh, not dried, plant material.
All its material, including leaves and stems, not only buds.
It will leave the chlorophyll and non medical substances behind, and leave you with all the pure THC and CBD components. CBD can also be transformed easily after that, to the higher delta-THC components.
When this concentrate is smoked, the intense smell is gone and not detectable anymore in social circles.
This concentrate can be used in many medically advantageous and positive ways, for instance by ingestion, or applied on the skin, or under the tongue.

So, yes, Big Pharma can be easily out-tricked this time. By anyone.
Because the two simple things you need for this simple process are available everywhere over the counter.

What every European should amaze is the hard fact that in the Netherlands, the former fountain of wisdom regarding growing and upgrading of weed, since the first of March 2015 a witch hunt is started to imprison and heavily fine everyone who offers for sale, any articles needed for growing weed. Lots of grow shop owners are/were imprisoned already, and a LOT of grow shops have closed their doors to avoid the 80,000 euro fines and the seizure of cars, capital and stock.
This will of course force this part of the growing activities underground again.
Prices will rise, criminality will rise.
What grand scale stupidity is to expect further from this kind of right wing governments.?

I've always noticed that there is a strong correlation between the sizes of US embassies in certain countries, and the oppression of drug-usage by its citizens by their governments.
However, for the Netherlands, it's quite astonishing, when you know the history of its very lenient soft drugs policies in the past 45 years.

So I guess Big Pharma wants to swiftly eradicate the wealth of knowledge that existed under professional weed growers there. The THC strength in weed had grown from under 10 % in the early sixties to over 28 % in f.ex. Haze, nowadays.
California, Washington and some other US states their growers have also added their cultivation wisdom over these 45 years. Vancouver growers too.

Do not allow Big Pharma to mess with Marijuana growing nor cultivation freedom, period.!

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 02:50 AM
Marijuana has been proven to increase appetite, used for glaucoma, used to treat seizures and apparently is impossible to overdose on and alcohol can easily kill you while dangerous drugs like latuda are somehow legally pushed?
The current drug laws are asinine and only makes sense if you see how the corruption benefits big pharma monopoly in sickness.
Imo this is a very serious issue because so many people suffer when a much healthier medicine is withheld due to greed.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 02:55 AM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
The cynic in me thinks :

Pharma saw how much money was made in colorado etc...we better make it medical so it gets Pharmaceutically dispensed.

...or Monsanto is now in position to dominate the medical marijuana market with chemically grown and/or GMO pot.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 03:26 AM
Alcohol / tobacco - good.
Cocaine / marijuana - bad.

Reference: The House I live In (2012), IMDb

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 03:54 AM

originally posted by: Answer

originally posted by: buddha
Every one Should start growing some in the garden.
then you dont have to give the GOV money for tax.
I smell it ever ware in uk now!
it will Stink the world out!

I herd that if you eat some the effects last longer???

According to information widely available online, edibles take longer to "kick in" but last a bit longer once they do.

It also depends on a lot of factors like the variety of cannabis and how it's incorporated into the edible.

It's fascinating how many ways that single substance can be used.

one thing to mention as well is that eating cannabis is not the same as inhaling it.
When you inhale you are inhaling Delta-9-THC, but when you consume Delta-9-THC it is converted into 11-Hydroxy-THC which is 9-10 times more psychoactive than Delta-9-THC. For example if you consume 3mg of Delta-9-THC it would be like inhaling 18mg of Delta-9-THC. Just something people should prepare themselves for before doing ; ]

Finally steps are being taken in the right path, but lets be honest the government has known that cannabis is a medicine for years!
They have a patent on cannabis "Patent No. 6630507" 07&RS=PN/6630507

the DEA doesn't want to schedule down marijuana because of the funding they would lose because they wouldn't have as many raids and bust's.

just look at this example in 1988

i really don't know why marijuana is still illegal, conspiracy? Maybe. Hypocrisy, FOR SURE!

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: Majic

So they have been silent for the last 97 years?
Thank you for the post and enlightening me.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 06:36 AM
I wonder if marijuana is still against the T&C now?! Can we talk about the natural medicines of mother earth NOW?!

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 06:45 AM
Somewhere wires got crossed I think.

Study: Scant evidence that medical pot helps many illnesses

CHICAGO (AP) -- Medical marijuana has not been proven to work for many illnesses that state laws have approved it for, according to the first comprehensive analysis of research on its potential benefits.

The strongest evidence is for chronic pain and for muscle stiffness in multiple sclerosis, according to the review, which evaluated 79 studies involving more than 6,000 patients. Evidence was weak for many other conditions, including anxiety, sleep disorders, and Tourette's syndrome and the authors recommend more research.

The analysis is among several medical marijuana articles published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. They include a small study suggesting that many brand labels for edible marijuana products list inaccurate amounts of active ingredients. More than half of brands tested had much lower amounts than labeled, meaning users might get no effect.

edit on 24-6-2015 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

It depends on the spin the media outlet gives it, I had only seen the one article that's linked in the OP, thanks for another media point of view. This seems to be pretty major news, especially for MS patients (I know several personally), and that's maybe the main reason that the media should be shouting it from the rooftops. Another interesting thing about the AMA's publication of the study is that they knew that any positive analysis would throw the inherent fallacy that marijuana deserves to be a Schedule One drug into the ash-heap of history, yet went ahead and published anyway. That's also major news. A pretty big deal (especially for MS patients).

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: Starling
While everyone is arguing about the legality of marijuana, I can reflect that I've never been without it, not anywhere nor any time...And that's during 50 years of my 68 year life, in several cities in each of 6 countries on 3 continents.
So what's the problem?
Whatever the evil AMA decides to do, it shouldn't change anything for us veterans!
It is our right, whatever the countries' laws decide.
Same goes for abortion, religion, marriage...whatever. I was born with free will and the right to decide for myself.

I agree with you and and right there with you . However…
We better start acquiring and saving good seeds for the future when it will all be genetically modified by big pharma and no longer good for us the way it is now.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: FinalCountdown

Big pharma modifying MJ is a concern but as long as the general public is allowed to grow pharmaceutical companies will have to produce a comparable or superior product if they want a share of the market.

Where I live there are no medicinal/recreational dispensaries at this time yet many residents have their medicinal use cards. To ensure they have access to their medicine, private volunteers can be designated as care givers/growers for them. Their are rules/regs etc. The caregiver can be compensated, by the user, for a minimal fee to cover growing expenses. If they're in the position to do so, growers can give it to the patient for free.

There is a movement here to provide veterans with medicinal MJ at no cost. This isn't just about making money, which is what pharmaceutical companies are all about. Imo they can profit from extracting oils for medicinal use but as far as growing pot for sale I'm not sure they'd be interested. Either way they can't compete with local growers if their products are inferior/ineffective.

That's why it's so important that recreational use is approved. It keeps plants in the hands of the people so big pharma can't monopolize it. There's a market for them, especially concerning hospital use. In fact there's a child here in CO who regularly takes the oil drops and needed surgery. The surgery was delayed until a hospital would approve usage during her stay in the hospital. Last I heard a hospital gave the ok, she is getting the surgery/treatment she needs.

Pharmaceutical companies could provide hospitals with a safe, cost effective, consistent product that hospitals might feel more comfortable administering in house.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 10:49 AM
This is great news, but scientists and doctors have been disagreeing with public policy on marijuana for years now. Heck they disagreed with the politicians who VOTED to make it illegal in the first place.


Following the testimony of the Treasury Department and its witnesses, the only witnesses who came forward were representatives of legitimate industries that feared the Tax Act would damage their businesses, because manufacture of their products required some part or parts of the cannabis plant.45 These witnesses were assured that the Tax Act would have little if any impact on their operations .46

The one witness who opposed the adoption of the Act was roundly accused of obstructionism and bad faith. Dr. Woodward, one of the chief drafters of the Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, appeared on behalf of the AMA to suggest that, if there was to be any regulation of the cannabis drugs at all, it should be added to the Harrison Act and not be the subject of this separate, and he felt inadequately considered, legislative proposal.47 We have already examined Dr. Woodward's skepticism on the dangers of the drug. He added to this a thinly veiled attack on the lack of cooperation the AMA had received from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics.48 Finally, he advocated either assisting state enforcement of their existing laws dealing with the drug or at most including marijuana as a regulated and taxed drug under the Harrison Act.

Either because of antipathy to the AMA or because of the audacity of these suggestions, the Committee members savagely attacked both Dr. Woodward and the AMA. Witness the following exchange, starting with the doctor's answer to questions why, he had not proposed marijuana legislation

Dr. Woodward: In the first place, it is not a medical addiction that is involved and the data do not come before the medical society. You may absolutely forbid the use of Cannabis by any physician, or the disposition of Cannabis by any pharmacist in the country, and you would not have touched your Cannabis addiction as it stands today, because there is no relation between it and the practice of medicine or pharmacy. It is entirely outside of the those two branches.

The Chairman: If the statement that you have made has any relation to the question that I asked, I just do not have the mind to understand it; I am sorry.

Dr. Woodward: I say that we do not ordinarily come directly to Congress if a department can take care of the matter. I have talked with the Commissioner, with Commissioner Anslinger.

The Chairman. If you want to advise us on legislation, you ought to come here with some constructive proposals, rather than criticism, rather than trying to throw obstacles in the way of something that the Federal Government is trying to do. It has not only an unselfish motive in this, but they have a serious responsibility.

Dr. Woodward: We cannot understand yet, Mr. Chairman, why this bill should have been prepared in secret for 2 years without any intimation, even, to the profession, that it was being prepared .49

After accusing Dr. Woodward of obstruction, evasion and bad faith, the Committee did not even thank him for his testimony.50

See, the AMA has against this law from the beginning.
edit on 24-6-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 10:58 AM
I'm just curious as to when ATS will allow us to discuss our personal experiences with this medication....much like we can with ANY other medication except this one.

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