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How to fix the communications - Key to the gates

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posted on May, 14 2015 @ 05:24 PM
Most people are obscure. There aren't that many that are effective in the things they do and say. About 80% of the people in the united states are of evil nature and are still obscure. About 20% of the people in this country are of good nature and are still obscure. The reason why people good and evil are obscure is because of television and the people around us. Television is an existence of random experiences and unrealistic functioning people that is against the functioning people of our society. What I mean by functioning is “functioning of the human brain”. Our function's and what we learn lead us to the way we think. The functioning and what drives them (what their taught) of people on television does not match with the functioning and what drives the people in our society – thus leading to misalignment of the communications.

Common problems of people with obscurity are being inconsiderate , all or nothing thinking , being objectionable , evil social cues , evil dominant cues and corrupt communications development of the brain. All of these problems can be cast by people in our society. There is no discipline on either side of the natures so it creates uncertainty within people without the discipline. This uncertainty is caused by the dominant cues of “I don't believe you”, “people don't know what they are talking about” and the like.

In order to fix these problems – discipline is to be used. With this - this discipline can be realized and utilized. Imagine “thinking out of the box” as being effective or errorless or disciplined. Imagine “thinking inside of the box” as being obscure or ineffective or error prone.

For example – john comes home from school and his mother yells at him for tracking mud in the house. Both people are in the wrong. For one – john should have more discipline and his mother also. In johns case it is because of the society and television shows he has learned from and because of his l

posted on May, 14 2015 @ 05:30 PM
For example – john comes home from school and his mother yells at him for tracking mud in the house. Both people are in the wrong. For one – john should have more discipline and his mother also. In johns case it is because of the society and television shows he has learned from and because of his lack of technical information and discipline to rectify his brain and communications. If john would have learned that it is obscure and undisciplined to track mud in the house and have the proper technical intelligence of this then john will solidly be aware that this is wrong. Technical intelligence improves the speech and the actions of young children. Without technical intelligence a child loses a fraction of his or her super brain. A structure-all that resides as a fixer of johns problem is “thinking outside of the box” in the area of tracking mud in the house, meaning being effective or errorless or disciplined. Being effective in this area and being taught at a young age should disspell “nature” and initiate “nurture” thus making john a disciplined child. “Nature” as in the supposed actions john will take naturally uncaused by him alone but by the work of his genetics. “Nurture” as in being systematically taught.

I'm not posting too much stuff because I don't want you guys to be put under mind control. This has nothing to do with the elbib (read backwards) but I'm going to take precautions any way.

posted on May, 14 2015 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: RevelationsDivad

So, what you're saying is: Taught discipline is the key to better communication between people? And that this discipline is equatable to 'thinking outside the box'?

Could you elaborate a little bit more? I'm not sure I understand exactly what the solution is. I mean, you don't want people to simply do things because others told them to do it. People should reflect upon things themselves, and try to apply logic and common sense to come to the best course of action, no?

posted on May, 14 2015 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: ParaZep

when you think out of the box in all areas by being disciplined or errorless (communications and actions) you become the best of your nature meaning you are “out of the box”. I say “out of the box” because it is like a prison (which is ralimis ytilaer to the box, read backwards) and this prison brings you suffering. You suffer because you do not know the correct way of doing or saying something in an area meaning you are ineffective and error prone and undisciplined. If you don't suffer then you are “out of the box” and you know what to say or do in an area meaning you are effective and errorless. If some one told me that if I think a certain way I would have a super brain, I would listen. Not all people in the same nature as me would want to think in a way someone else told me to do, but if I wanted to bring out the best of my nature then I would, other people might go their own way.

The OP is a structure-all so I know its difficult to understand and I haven't elaborated on every important aspect of the OP. Hopefully you understand now.

posted on May, 14 2015 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: RevelationsDivad

So basically being 'disciplined' is knowing the correct way to act in a certain social environment or interaction?
Correct me if I'm grossly misrepresenting what you are trying to say.

If some one told me that if I think a certain way I would have a super brain, I would listen.

I think you would first want to decide whether the person telling you this had your best interests at heart, or even whether you would trust them about anything, even not related to you.

For example, if someone told you that the solution for society was to imprison and eradicate the Jews, would you just take their word for it, or would you try to apply your own reason and common sense? If your answer is the former, that's very dangerous ground, see World War II.

posted on May, 14 2015 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: ParaZep

There is no other way to explain it without showing its full potential in the areas of good and evil parazep. The laws of the technical knows no friends, they are just as judgemental as the lacilbib (read backwards) god. Theres no helping it, if what I have to share causes a war then war it will be because the modern day version of life on this planet isn't working. Who is ready for what I have shared?

Do you want to live a life of suffering or die and be in peace for what you believe in? Others will go their own way, so I don't think it will start a catastrophy or war. Atleast the people that listen will be helped. It will also level the battle field. Like I said, not every one will listen or be interested. It is time for innovation. Information like this has been missing a seat for over 30 to 40 years. Its time that people know about hard data form of communications.

posted on May, 14 2015 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: RevelationsDivad

I see...

On a side note, why do you spell some words backward? Is it to do with this discipline or...?

posted on May, 14 2015 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: ParaZep

no, the backward spelling isn't because of discipline. Its because I don't want any super computers on my tail for me posting advanced communication. I posted advanced things, but the ralimis (read backwards) is even more advanced if I explained it. I can't explain that over the net. And to those that wanted my information on the communications, I have to get out of this endeavor I am in. [email protected]

read my links in my signature. There is other important information in them. Thanks for reading parazep.

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 09:26 AM
The only thing I'm getting from this is to be thoughtful, considerate and respectful. Humans are naturally thoughtless and consider only themselves and "thinking out of the box" is giving consideration to others or to other ways of thinking. I'm I close on this?

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 10:03 AM
I hope you dont mind but I'm opening this up for debate, because i fundamentally disagree woth what you said:

In johns case it is because of the society and television shows he has learned from and because of his lack of technical information and discipline to rectify his brain and communications. If john would have learned that it is obscure and undisciplined to track mud in the house and have the proper technical intelligence of this then john will solidly be aware that this is wrong. Technical intelligence improves the speech and the actions of young children. Without technical intelligence a child loses a fraction of his or her super brain. A structure-all that resides as a fixer of johns problem is “thinking outside of the box” in the area of tracking mud in the house, meaning being effective or errorless or disciplined. Being effective in this area and being taught at a young age should disspell “nature” and initiate “nurture” thus making john a disciplined child. “Nature” as in the supposed actions john will take naturally uncaused by him alone but by the work of his genetics. “Nurture” as in being systematically taught. 

I'm not posting too much stuff because I don't want you guys to be put under mind control. This has nothing to do with the elbib (read backwards) but I'm going to take precautions any way.

Okay so as far as lacking technical information and discipline is concerned, you are saying that this is entirely natural without the right nurturing to instill that discipline, and thereby change the nature....
But it sohnds like youre suggesting this can only come through authority and not through experience.
Here is where I disagree. I would say its more to do with having senses that functon than any kind of technical information... The technical information is apprehend immediately through experience, but the technical information iteself is by far the least important between senses and information picked up via the senses.
If you are arguing that senses are trained via discipline, that is correct, but its not nurture, its nature, because our senses can only ever be taught through experience of the world.

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

authority and experience are within the same boat.

Some ones senses do not function properly because their reality is devoid of the technical. Technical is the middle man in this situation. Your world is what is being controlled by the technical and your brain functions suffer from it and also what you put into the world (by speaking or doing) is obscure. Functions deteriorate from corrupt brain development, thus disabling the super brain.

The technical is the most important bridge between the senses and information picked up via the senses. Without the technical – it is impossible to support the senses and information picked up via the senses properly.

showing less evil dominant cues and evil social cues, violence (in reality or T.V) will dispermit a childs development to become corrupt thus decreasing their evil nature as to say if that child was born with a evil nature (genetic).

You should really teach your children discipline and prepare them for the technical as they grow a bit older. Teaching this to an adult may not show promise – due to the adults corrupt development. If the adult is adept, likes or is inspired in the communications then it should work. It “should” work because of these two factors – children have a super brain and learn very quickly and bridges information in the brain but adults that have not dealt with this discipline do not have a super brain and cannot bridge information in the brain together leaving their brain to the same remains (unbridged) but with intelligence about the technical. Only those with the technical discipline have super brains. Alien or human – those with the technical discipline have super brains.

posted on May, 16 2015 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: RevelationsDivad

If by technical you mean brain function, then yes brain function is technical to a degree... But no, you cannot teach a brain how to function, I completely disagree, all one can do it teach it a mode of functioning, at best a multi layered mode or discipline, at worst a single layered mode without flexibility within that discipline for lateral thinking....

Another thing I should make clear, senses and technical brain function are not the same thing.
Technical senses for adapting to a particular mode that require certain taught ways of thinking and behaviour could be a more accurate way of putting what you mean. For example the senses of a baseball player, able to hit a fastmoving baseball. It is a sense that is learned through experience, certain modes of thinking and behaving can be taught to improve technique when hitting the baseball, but the technical sense / skill to execute those directions come only through learned experience.

Therefore i find it simply untrue when you say that technical discipline should necessarily be taught and not allowed to be developed experientially / naturally... In doing so you are allowing the mind to develop freely with an unbounded flexibility and adaptability that no amount of "taught" technical discipline or training or knowledge can provide.

On the other hand when it comes to basic survival, providing for human needs, treating others with kindness and good manners etc, those things that make civilised human beings civilised, you may have a stronger argument by suggesting that these are only able to be taught.... But again, I disagree entirely...
The protocols of human interaction, civility, politeness, manners and so forth, did not just spontaneously come about one day... No god came down and set the table in a certain way and said, all tables must be set as I have set mine before you... They were developed naturally by human minds... So my argument is, those customs that ANYONE with an adaptable self taught open minded conscience will themselves naturally abide by because their senses tell them it is appropriate spontaneously in the moment, should be preserved, and those that are so superfluous that one needs to be schooled on how to behave, like your playing a role in some period stageshow, should be abandoned.

And in the words of a punk poet "%#@K all that pomp and ceremony" lol
that's what's holding us back! everyone with any sense knows that supposedly the most civilised countries in the world have governments that are capable of the most uncivilised things.

posted on May, 16 2015 @ 12:02 PM
yep...this is good....self control....better achieved in a stable enviorment..
The kids need a base that remains home, where they can build layers of social skills and keep organized...that helps them face down troubles with their people they deal with daily...and affect them even, to build them to be better,
But do not attempt to leave out the creator, it's obvious He's right there.
So moving home too much sucks....huh!

posted on May, 16 2015 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

all I'm getting from you funkadelia is that you are against common sense and correct ways to discipline.

posted on May, 16 2015 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: GBP/JPY

yeah, some of it has to do with being a hypocrite mainly in adults. In order to correct your own "being a hypocrite" you must remember to be a good person (disciplined, effective in the nature of good). all of what I have stated previously is the structure-all for both natures of good and evil.

Remembering structure-alls (technical disciplines) will give you support to gaps in your communications. Have you ever had that moment where you didn't know what to say or how to explain it? One possibility is because what you want to say deals with saying a structure-all.

I have much to study and with my comm studies I should be able to figure altogether anything out. Like I said in my other thread, I'm possessed, but in a good way. Hopefully this possession helps me figure anything out that deals with logic.

posted on May, 17 2015 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: RevelationsDivad

I just want to say as a computer programmer, if you're trying to spell things backwards to avoid setting off filters you're doing things wrong. It is absolutely trivial to read a word backwards.

Also, it requires some explanation of social network analysis and metadata but the words themselves used to describe anything are completely irrelevant, using code is the same thing as using the words themselves it's all about the frequency of words appearing in relation to other words.

Lastly, if you're worried about security Yahoo is quite literally the worst email choice to use on the planet. While all the other email providers had to be sued in secret courts to hand data over to the government without a warrant Yahoo didn't put up a fight. Out of everyone they're actual collaborators... oh and they practice very lax security habits which makes them a frequent target by other nations looking for secrets too.

posted on May, 17 2015 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: RevelationsDivad

Well all im getting is that your trying to universalise abstract concepts that are subjective.

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