Hi, I'm Karzenth. I am a senior Public Relations student at NAU. I work as a broadcast technician which is the single most boring job on the planet.
I like to sleep and shop and I came here because my boyfriend is a memeber. I am a moderator of this forum : www.rumandmonkey.com A LOT of spamming
goes on there..
It's ok to have a Homer Simpson job my dear Karzenth, welcome to ATS, the birds are released into the sky the multitudes cheer as the sun sets, blah
blah blah blah...
By the by, Karzenth is my beloved girlfriend, I am trying to lure her from the Rum and Monkey forums to the ever groovy ATS forums, please make her
fell groovily welcome...
Welcome to ATS~and if ya didn't fully 'know' your boyfriend before-you will now..very interesting person he is(not in a bad way) Glad he talked you
into becoming a member...look forward to reading your posts..