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Anti-Christ Will Mark His Followers....

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posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 11:17 AM
Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist--denying the Father and the Son.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: SirKonstantin

Regarding the mark of the beast in plain speak...

The way to identify any spirit, whether Christ or anti-christ is by sound and expression of that sound.

Think of it as thought and the manifestation of that thought by what you do. Thought is the sound...and deed is the outward expression of that thought. In other words, it's what's said and done...what's heard and seen..."the word and the works". Together they declare the spirit and the spirit cannot be evidenced without both the thought and expression of that thought. That's the pattern. The two parts declare the one spirit.

So no worries, the mark of the beast being in the forehead or the hand is simply referring to what you think and what you do. The mark itself is the spirit that's produced.

Put yourself in a real world example...let's say:

I'm on a time schedule and need to get to a meeting. I look at my watch and figure I can squeeze in a quick stop at the store to pick up something I need yet still make it to my appointment on time. After all, the store is right on the way to where I'm going. But I end up getting stuck at the end of a long line of people waiting to check out and this is going to make me late for my meeting.

If I stay in that line, one of two things will happen:

1. I can bitch and moan, show movements of frustration, or make side comments "this cashier is so slow, I don't think she knows what's she's doing, she must new, why don't they open up more registers, etc, OR

2. I can maintain my composure (and even though it's burning me up inside) I'm not going to show anyone the frustration of the circumstances I'm experiencing. I will patiently wait my turn.

How does this apply?

Christ is patience. If I remain patient then I AM expressing Christ. On the flipside, if I show impatience then I'm not expressing Christ, but rather I'm expressing the anti-christ. Anti-Christ is revealed and evidenced by my expression others can see or hear. And this spirit of impatience is the mark of the beast. Patience begets patience, impatience begets impatience. Rabbits don't produce baby elephants, they produce more rabbits. A seed brings forth after it's own kind.

It's that simple.

So go find out who God is and express his characteristics. These characteristics are referred to as the fruit]of the Spirit...or paraphrased, "that which the spirit produces". By doing so you will know first hand what the resurrection of Christ really is and find yourself as a participant of the second coming.

In summary...

Death of the anti-christ is an individual effort which benefits humanity as a whole and elevates the entire creation in the process. It can only happen by expressing the Christ nature first. He must increase, I must decrease. This is the only way to elevate creation as a whole and every problem we have on this planet is directly related to the fact that the human race doesn't know this simple truth.

Eliminating the anti-christ in your life is the second death, by the way. It's when death dies.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: LetsMotivate

Sooo we are looking at a universal enlightenment? if everyone "kills" the anti-christ within themselves?

I really like your information. Thank you.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: SirKonstantin
You're welcome and thanks for reading it.

What you say is precisely true. It's the spiritual neutral point. This means it doesn't get any simpler than that and it doesn't get any more complex either.

Expand the idea of universal enlightenment to meta-versal enlightenment. This encompasses anything which could possibly be part of the creation; whether we have experienced infinite reality first hand or not. All of creation is waiting for humanity to accomplish this so together we are elevated. It's a team sport so to speak. The only thing about it is that we don't win the game until everyone contributes 100%.

Everyone has the anti-christ nature and it needs to be consumed by the Christ nature. This is true. It takes time and causes tribulation. Anything which we can say or do which does not express the Christ nature will eventually be consumed. This is hell. Hell is good. We've got to cut though hell if we want Christ revealed in us. This is the message of the Book of Revelation in it's entirety.

Find out who God is because it really doesn't matter who the anti-christ is when you're expressing the characteristics of God. By doing so you will be able to discern the spirit of anti-christ and bare witness against it. And this is what matters most of all things, that you bare witness against the anti-christ and divide yourself from it.

Separate the characteristics of God from the symbols used to identify God. A symbolic representation is, " I am the door." And a characteristic of Christ is represented as "God is love".

You can't be a physical door but you can be an opening to the truth for others to walk into.

And finally, write this and keep it:

God is Love. God is invisible.
I can't see Love but I can see the expression of Love through you.
And the expression of love is the Son of God.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: SirKonstantin
a reply to: WCmutant
I would like to know how Nero made his claim. I know he was an unpleasant person.

Could you inform me more about the Pluto effect and Saturn in Sept/Oct???Thanks.


Thanks for the nice reply. Nero didn't make his claim. He was an absolutely horrible Cesar. The reference in the bible of 666 (mark of the beast) has been shown to be directed at Nero using gematria (a type of numerology) where 666 spells out Neron Kesar (Nero Cesar) in Hebrew letters.

Regardless, the use of 666, mark of the beast, or anti-Christ are all really misused and abused terminology these days.

I really should write a separate thread on the Pluto effect as well as Saturn. Saturn rules government, banking, finance, and structure. Pluto rules death, transformation, and rebirth.

Pluto is in Capricorn right now. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, therefore Capricorn rules the same things (govt, banking, finance, etc.) What we have is this recipe Pluto (planet) representing death/transformation in Capricorn (sign) ruling government, banking, finance, and structure. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, financial crisis to remind us to fix our system. The system didn't get fixed.

More importantly Pluto in Capricorn is currently in opposition to the USA's natal Sun in Cancer. It entered into opposition around May/June 2014 and will stay in opposition with a 3 degree orb until December 2016. Nazi Germany fell with Pluto opposite it's Sun, while the USSR fell with Pluto conjunct it's Sun.

The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was over 200 years ago, 1762 to 1778, the time of the American Revolution - transformation of structure and government.

Saturn is a more important player in the puzzle. Saturn as the ruling planet of Capricorn has been nestled in the fixed sign of Scorpio the last several years. It's been keeping the stock markets arbitrarily inflated. I've seen too many people that kept trying to predict a market crash, even myself forgot to check Saturn and was making inaccurate predictions.

Right now Saturn is in Sagittarius, but it will move back and forth between Scorpio and Sagittarius until Sept/Oct 2015. Sept/Oct 2015 Saturn will move fully into Sagittarius and it's not a good placement for Saturn.

    Oct 1929 - Saturn was in Sagittarius
    Oct 1987 - Saturn was in Sagittarius
    Sept/Oct 2015 - Saturn begins Sagittarius

Keep in mind that other planets have their places and can aid or hinder the process. In 1929 Uranus was in Aries, also a very tough placement. While in 1987 Uranus was in Sagittarius.

In Sept/Oct 2015 we will have:
Saturn in Sagittarius (like 1929 and 1987)
Uranus in Aries (like 1929)
Pluto in Capricorn (like 1776)

Another very important thing, both the 1929 and 1987 crashes Saturn was in later degrees of Sagittarius (26 and 18, respectively). However, with the current transformative energies of Pluto I'm not hopeful. It's why I keep saying that Sept/Oct 2015 is the "beginning."

You may not have studied the 1929 crash, but Oct 1929 wasn't the first crash that year and it wasn't the last. In fact, the stock market didn't reach bottom until 1933 (it's all-time low).

We now must consider what really brought us out of the Great Depression as a nation, economically speaking - World War II. Specifically, government spending on wartime products.

Of course, the Glass-Steagall Act did a lot to stave off the destructive greed that caused the crash. It put important things in place that kept banks from gambling with depositors money. As we all know Glass-Steagall has been slowly destroyed by every US president since Reagan (hint: he sucked just like the rest).

We must now ask ourselves what are we currently in position to have happen?
1. Glass-Steagall is gone
2. Gov't spending is already ridiculous
3. Gov't debt is horrendous
4. The stock market and derivative debacle of 2008 was never addressed or fixed

I have been watching recent actual prices. Gas prices are dropping but food prices are rising (esp. prices for staple goods - eggs, milk, butter, etc.).

Sept/Oct 2015 is the beginning point in the data stream for me. And yet we (regular citizens) sit around bickering over Republicans vs. Democrats, black vs. white, religion vs. religion vs. non-religion, etc. These are all things that have been designed to keep us distracted from looking at and laying blame squarely on the 1% that truly own this nation (and arguably the world). Of course, the current bickering is now about cops. It doesn't help that our system (legal and otherwise) is broke as a joke.

As long as we are divided among ourselves we will lose.

posted on Jan, 7 2015 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: WCmutant

the use of 666, mark of the beast, or anti-Christ are all really misused and abused terminology these days.

This is an intelligent statement because it brings to naught the importance of the number itself. Numerology is a dead end road because it offers you and me nothing in terms of betterment of self for the sake of service to others. Focus on betterment of self so you are capable of assisting others when they need it. No?

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 06:55 AM

Sept/Oct 2015 is the beginning point in the data stream for me. And yet we (regular citizens) sit around bickering over Republicans vs. Democrats, black vs. white, religion vs. religion vs. non-religion, etc. These are all things that have been designed to keep us distracted from looking at and laying blame squarely on the 1% that truly own this nation (and arguably the world). Of course, the current bickering is now about cops. It doesn't help that our system (legal and otherwise) is broke as a joke.

As long as we are divided among ourselves we will lose.

Wow. The planets are amazing. So, by this method, you are able to have a higher chance of correctly guessing a tragic event in time on Earth? Therefor having time to prep. Regardless of not knowing what the doom is, just be on high alert?

Why aren't there any recent date event? I am interested in Earths magnetic field flipping and chaos ensues.

Data Steam beginning in Sep/Oct? what does this mean for you?

I completely understand when you talk about the government. It is TPTB ( 1%)
I fell i would not be completely wrong when i say that us, regular citizens, are the personification of what we call government. D or R, two side of the same coin. Its the lobbyist and fat-cats on the outer-most sphere. Controlling.


P.S. lets continue this in PM

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: SirKonstantin

Sept/Oct 2015 is the beginning point in the data stream for me. And yet we (regular citizens) sit around bickering over Republicans vs. Democrats, black vs. white, religion vs. religion vs. non-religion, etc. These are all things that have been designed to keep us distracted from looking at and laying blame squarely on the 1% that truly own this nation (and arguably the world). Of course, the current bickering is now about cops. It doesn't help that our system (legal and otherwise) is broke as a joke.

As long as we are divided among ourselves we will lose.

Wow. The planets are amazing. So, by this method, you are able to have a higher chance of correctly guessing a tragic event in time on Earth? Therefor having time to prep. Regardless of not knowing what the doom is, just be on high alert?

Why aren't there any recent date event? I am interested in Earths magnetic field flipping and chaos ensues.

Data Steam beginning in Sep/Oct? what does this mean for you?

I completely understand when you talk about the government. It is TPTB ( 1%)
I fell i would not be completely wrong when i say that us, regular citizens, are the personification of what we call government. D or R, two side of the same coin. Its the lobbyist and fat-cats on the outer-most sphere. Controlling.


P.S. lets continue this in PM

SirKonstantin, I will admit that I'm a data nut. My educational background is economics/statistics. Everything to me is a data point. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time but I really want to do more historical planetary analysis.

From a forecasting stand-point one should be able to look back at a precise astrological data point and find similar events. The problem is Pluto and other slow moving planets. Ideally, I'd look back to other periods in history where Pluto was in Capricorn and see if Saturn transited through Sagittarius as well as Uranus in Aries. I'd then also look at other planets to find similarities and compare any major known events going on.

To me, astrology and planetary movements ARE the reason why we use the phrase - "history repeats itself." Planetary movements are cyclical and will always return to their positions.

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