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Quantum physics is simply a programming technique

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posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: genma
Let's talk about "draw distance". This is a term used to describe how far a user or player can see into the environment of a computer simulated game world. As your avatar moves around on screen the world is dynamically built/rendered and collapsed around you so that only what is focused in your view is generated. This saves on hardware resources. Why tax the computer with calculations to render that pretty beach 5 miles away if you can't see it in game? This leaves the system open to use those resources for other computations such as physics and AI. If you think about it, this is the core concept of quantum physics. According to the double-slit experiment atoms only materialize when observed. To me, this is the smoking gun for a simulated universe.

Actually all atoms are there various states of spin. When observed, we only see a singular state of spin at that moment.

The double slit experiment was created to prove that atoms demonstrated both properties of a particle and a wave. And that was proven by the subsequent interference pattern created when the atom exited the slit.

posted on Dec, 30 2014 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: clay2 baraka

The double slit experiment was created to prove that atoms demonstrated both properties of a particle and a wave. And that was proven by the subsequent interference pattern created when the atom exited the slit.

What i think it shows is that if you just fire a photon at the slits then its acts like a wave and only becomes something that can be observed as it hits the back wall but if you try to measure which slit the photon went thought then it forces the photon to make a decision and act like a grain of sand, no wave pattern.

I think (not sure at all) that the equipment used to measure which slit the photon goes thought might interfere with the photon but i am told that if the equipment to measure what slit the photon went through is left switched on but the data is thrown in the bin then the net result returns to being a wave pattern.

is this true or is this BS ?

Entanglement theory is BS as i see it and i think we might also be getting a few twisted lies about destroying the data in the double slit experiment too but as i say, i am not sure yet.

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