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Federal judge rules Obama amnesty order unconstitutional power grab

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posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 03:42 AM

A federal judge Tuesday ruled parts of President Obama’s deportation amnesty to be unconstitutional, with a scathing memo dismantling the White House’s legal reasoning and arguing that Mr. Obama tried to steal Congress’ lawmaking powers.

Judge Arthur J. Schwab, sitting in the Western District of Pennsylvania, said Mr. Obama has some discretion in how to enforce laws, but by setting out a comprehensive system to grant tentative legal status to as many as 5 million illegal immigrants, the president has strayed into trying to write the laws, which is a power reserved for Congress.

“President Obama’s unilateral legislative action violates the separation of powers provided for in the United States Constitution as well as...

Federal judge rules Obama amnesty order unconstitutional power grab

From article:

The White House defends the policy as a reasonable use of Mr. Obama’s powers to set priorities for enforcing laws, and to stop the breakup of families because of deportation.

Priorities for enforcing laws? Jesus!

Uh huh. How about you get your damn priorities straight, and protect the border first? How about you get your priorities straight and enforce immigration law, instead of trying to play king and ignore THE LAW, Mr. Constitutional Scholar. Laws which are in place to prevent the excessive overburden on our system.

The laws aren't failing, YOU are failing to enforce them in the interests of big business who is laughing at the average American worker all the way to the bank. Love them illegals! Work cheap, and hey, now we can get 3 grand a head for hiring them!

Anyway, glad at least this federal judge has made his stance clear, and it is the right stance.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 04:06 AM
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