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Nationalism in Germany

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posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: Ridhya

I agree fully.

But the problem they are creating with these MENA immigrants is a real problem and it has got to be solved somehow, or otherwise Europe will be a muslim continent ravaged by war in 50 years. Muslims will outbreed native Europeans even if we stopped all immigration this very day. They're already in a low intensity conflict with the state, think that will diminish as they consolidate their numbers and their power?

What is happening is cultural genocide and it is as wrong as the European colonialism of past was.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

Then why don't you let someone else have your property or your land then? If you have any, give it away.
Put the money where your mouth is.

Why don't the whole freaking world move to Japan then, that would be alright by your standards wouldn't it?

Let's move a 150 million people there, make them a minority in their own country.

That would be alright? Or why don't all of Europe move to Costa Rica? All in good fun. We'll do it since we can and since it's so incredibly fair, and, of course, within our rights as cosmopolitan citizens of the world. Yay, diversity and rainbows, right?

Why is it always Europe though? Why do we have to lower our standards? It's gotten to the insane point where if you don't agree with literal insanity and cultural suicide you're a nazi, a nazi and a pariah.
There's never any pressure on the rest of the developed world to take in droves and droves of immigrants, why is that?

Your words may sound all warm and fuzzy but this is reality, such wanton ignorance never works in the real world, realpolitik is where it's at. And the reality of the situation is that Europe can't handle this type of immigration without drastically lowering its standards of living. But that's alright with you though, isn't it? We should all sacrifice our standards of living and our way of life on the altar of warm and fuzzy leftist politics. Everyone's included right? Everyone but us.

And even if we could take in these many immigrants without even a hint of a problem it's not our responsibility. Never was.

The outcome is they'll turn our functioning states into third world hellholes. Then who'll take in the poor migrants?

We'll all be poor and there'll be no greener grass on the other side. It'll all be burnt. Well except China maybe, and good luck getting a piece of their cake and trying to call yourself Chinese, they don't play that ____.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 05:50 AM
The whole "multiculturalism" experiment is a failure.
I am not talking about other European nationalities either, who migrate around the continent, but those from far flung places, who always seem to prefer to stick to their own fellow migrants and DO NOT assimilate into the host nations population, creating ghettos and little enclaves. I have been called a racist many times for saying this but it is a fact.
I am not against others keeping their cultures, traditions or religious beliefs either, as long as they are not counter to those of the host nation. For example, Polygamy, which is illegal here in the UK, yet seemingly allowed for some on the grounds of religious belief. That is counter to the law and should not be allowed, unless the law is changed to allow it for the entire population.

The press seems to be doing it's usual hatchet jobs on the orders of the corporate management and politicians, in painting any and all opposition as being somehow Nazi's or Far Right wingers on the political scale. The truth is rather different.
Yes, there are exceptions to the rule in operation. I am fully confident that here in the UK, the EDL and now the other lot (I forget their name) are creations of undercover police and security services, and it's just as likely that so too are the opposition groups. The evidence is already out there of undercover infiltration and enabling by government departments of both sides, the old divide and rule scenario playing one created entity off against the other. This is why I never follow any political or other such group.

What is happening now is demonstrations are growing and ordinary people, protesting a whole range of government issues, are taking to the streets. Focusing on just one issue though is just a tactic to demonize the group and label them one thing or another, and is just an old tactic of those in power.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: warren408
Oh no, not again reruns of Nazi Germany, (

You're in luck, it isn't Nazi reruns.
The real Nazis are the ones trying to turn Europe in to an Islamic state.
I hope the people get their voices heard and stop importing trouble by the boatload.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals

originally posted by: warren408
Oh no, not again reruns of Nazi Germany, (

You're in luck, it isn't Nazi reruns.
The real Nazis are the ones trying to turn Europe in to an Islamic state.
I hope the people get their voices heard and stop importing trouble by the boatload.

Actually, the real Nazis are the dictators in Brussels imposing this destructive multicultural BS on us all, without any right of the people to say no!
Of course, the conditioning and social engineering that has gone on for quite a long time makes people automatically shy away from such issues, thinking they may get branded a racist.

posted on Jan, 12 2015 @ 10:18 AM
PEGIDA is.. knowning nothing about everything.
PEGIDA is.. having an opinion, no matter what.
PEGIDA is.. shouting every other opinion down.
PEGIDA is.. living in fear.
PEGIDA is.. stupid. They don't think, the only way for them is to listen to their primal instincts: fear, therefore hate.

Listening to PEGIDA (which I doubt anyone of you non-Germans really did) is like listening to a small children, crying over the injustice that others should have the same rights and duties as oneself.

PEGIDA is a new shame to Germany.
edit on 12 1 2015 by ManFromEurope because: (no reason given)

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