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Next Level BS #6: Global Warming, SWAT Raid over Tweets, Texas School Textbooks, and more...

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posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: WeAre0ne
a reply to: proob4

Can you grow up? They are just words. They are not even bad, you have just been raised to think they are. It's not the 1950s anymore.
Oh so swearing is grown up? Seriously? You're too funny.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 10:37 AM
Global warming is a lie. The polar ice caps have grown. \

Phil Robertson said convert or kill them in regard to those belonging to ISIS. Give all the facts.
Having the Ten Commandments at a Court House or any where else doesn't violate the Constitution.
As Congress has never passed a law respecting a religion.
However, Christians have been persecuted by you secular humanists perverting the truth. Satanism isn't a real religion. It's a secular humanist philosophy that places man as god. Adam Daniels is an idiot and doesn't understand his own 'religion'.
A real Satanist doesn't believe in god or the devil. They're 'religion' is secular humanism and believe that man is god and this is all there is.

As for Texas, well that is laughable, but only because those people have nothing to do with American history.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: soaringhawk
Phil Robertson said convert or kill them in regard to those belonging to ISIS. Give all the facts.

Yes he did. We covered that hypocritical idiocy in a previous episode.

"Global warming" isn't a lie. As we clearly show in this episode, it's been tracked by scientists for over 110 years. The amount of ice at the polls aren't indicative of global average temperatures.
edit on 24-9-2014 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

Global warming is a lie. There's no proof for it. The 'climate change' is not a result of man. It's all part of a cycle. Referring to a scientist isn't proof at all of global warming. SPECULATION isn't facts buddy! For a site boasting to deny ignorance, you sure do embrace it.
There's nothing hypocritical about what Phil Robertson said. He said 'convert or die' because that's exactly what those belonging to ISIS do. He wasn't serious when saying it, but said it as simply a response to them. They are terrorists and deserve to die. This website was to be about truth but liars like yourself make it a joke.
You are an imbecile.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

Global warming is a lie. There's no proof for it. The 'climate change' is not a result of man. It's all part of a cycle. Referring to a scientist isn't proof at all of global warming. SPECULATION isn't facts buddy! You cite one scientist and suddenly it's the gospel truth. That's pathetic.
There were no facts given for global warming. Those pushing the global warming are the same behind the new world order.
I guess that shows your true nature. Which is to be expected for a site that condemns those that expose Free Masonry for the Satanic subversive organization that it is.

For a site boasting to deny ignorance, you sure do embrace it.
There's nothing hypocritical about what Phil Robertson said. He said 'convert or die' because that's exactly what those belonging to ISIS do. He wasn't serious when saying it, but said it as simply a response to them. They are terrorists and deserve to die. This website was to be about truth but liars like yourself make it a joke.

There's no reason Next Level deserves a first class seat on the main page. You are exposed ATS.
edit on 24-9-2014 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: soaringhawk
Global warming is a lie. There's no proof for it. The 'climate change' is not a result of man. It's all part of a cycle.

I never implied what is causing the observed increased in CO2 parts-per-million in the atmosphere, and corresponding observed rise in average global temperatures, since the late 1700's. Calling tested and observed science a lie is the worst kind of misinformed denialism.

Satanic subversive organization that it is.

Disagreeing with a religion does not invalidate it.

There's nothing hypocritical about what Phil Robertson said.

It's the worst kind of hypocrisy.

In response to a direct question from Hannity, about what Robertson thinks we should do about ISIS, Robertson parroted Old Testament dogma that is philosophically no different than what ISIS is doing now.

It's the same as this… there's no difference between the image on the left, and the image on the right:

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: soaringhawk
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

Global warming is a lie. There's no proof for it. The 'climate change' is not a result of man. It's all part of a cycle. Referring to a scientist isn't proof at all of global warming. SPECULATION isn't facts buddy!

There were no facts given for global warming. Those pushing the global warming are the same behind the new world order.

A brief history of climate change

Politics of global warming

The politics of global warming are complex due to numerous factors that arise from the global economy's interdependence on carbon dioxide emitting hydrocarbon energy sources and because carbon dioxide is directly implicated in global warming - making global warming a non-traditional environmental challenge:

Implications to all aspects of a nation-state's economy - The vast majority of the world economy relies on energy sources or manufacturing techniques that release greenhouse gases at almost every stage of production, transportation, storage, delivery & disposal while a consensus of the world's scientists attribute global warming to the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This intimate linkage between global warming and economic vitality implicates almost every aspect of a nation-state's economy;[1]

Perceived lack of adequate advanced energy technologies - Fossil fuel abundance and low prices continue to put pressure on the development of adequate advanced energy technologies that can realistically replace the role of fossil fuels - over 91% of the worlds energy is derived from fossil fuels and non carbon-neutral technologies.[2] Developing countries do not have cost effective access to the advanced energy technologies that they need for development (most advanced technologies has been developed by and exist in the developed world). Without adequate and cost effective post-hydrocarbon energy sources, it is unlikely the countries of the developed or developing world would accept policies that would materially affect their economic vitality or economic development prospects;

Industrialization of the developing world - As developing nations industrialize their energy needs increase and since conventional energy sources produce carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide emissions of developing countries are beginning to rise at a time when the scientific community, global governance institutions and advocacy groups are telling the world that carbon dioxide emissions should be decreasing. Without access to cost effective and abundant energy sources many developing countries see climate change as a hindrance to their unfettered economic development;
Metric selection (transparency) and perceived responsibility / ability to respond - Among the countries of the world, disagreements exist over which greenhouse gas emission metrics should be used like total emissions per year, per capita emissions per year, CO2 emissions only, deforestation emissions, livestock emissions or even total historical emissions. Historically, the release of carbon dioxide has not been historically even among all nation-states and nation-states have challenges with determining who should restrict emissions and at what point of their industrial development they should be subject to such commitments;

Politicization of climate science - Although there is a consensus on the science of global warming and its likely effects - some special interests groups work to suppress the consensus while others work to amplify the alarm of global warming. All parties that engage in such acts add to the politicization of the science of global warming. The result is a clouding of the reality of the global warming problem.

With that said, Now the Rockefellers are divesting from fossil fuels, in favor of....get this... Green Energy.
Rockefellers, Heirs to an Oil Fortune, Will Divest Charity of Fossil Fuels.
edit on 24-9-2014 by theNLBS because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: AboveBoard
Great episode!

As to the march, well, with 400,000 people descending and all those water cups, coffee and whatnot, I doubt there were enough san-o-lets and thus the pee. I mean really, its all-natural, right?? (sarcasm)

Won't defend the trash. Won't defend clueless people. I will defend sound climate science and the desire to tilt the environmental balance back into...well, balance... (ducks in case of thrown objects or flames...) I think burning stuff and making radioactive soup is a very crude (pun intended) way to run a planet. But that's just me.

Anyway - keep up the good work!


I support sound climate science too, but in his calling out BS, but there is something to that point: You won't find people beating puppies at a PETA protest, or people having abortions at a pro-life protest, or queer hate at an anti-LGBT protest. Yet you necessarily have people doing things like flying private jets to a global warming protest. I don't blame them for flying in the jets, the reality is you must to certain places at a certain speed. There is no plug in private jet. Yet that totally undermines the idea of trying to use public policy as the main method to change it, because its obviously a technological problem. If there were carbon free jets, or affordable carbon free cars or more options, people would take them, and the policy mandating them would be conceivable without crashing the economy.

I went to a super environmental college, yet everyone I know who came out of it who have had any effect on the world put down the protest signs, picked up their science books and started businesses (usually to help companies do more with less energy, saving them money and helping the environment that way.) In most cases environment = economy, and when you use science to give people go options on both, they will take them.

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: tridentblue

I think you are very correct in saying it is a "matter of technology." It is also a matter of policy in how the current system works = we are tied to carbon, to "burning stuff" or the horribly self-destructive "nuclear option."

I heartily commend people putting their energy into clean energy and creating systems of delivery to the general public that can (and hopefully WILL) replace our carbon burning ways of doing things. I also appreciate how developing countries need to be shifted PAST our "first world" era of carbon burning, and to do that, the technology must not only be equivalent, or better, but inexpensive to implement. IF the choices are really there, the shift to green will happen eventually.

I hope that political and corporate players who stand to lose a ton of money over a shift to new technology will embrace the new and get their investment dollars into green solutions, as NLBS mentioned the Rockefellers are. I don't see this as sinister, I see this as smart business on their part. They are survivors, in an economic and power sense - if they are shifting, it means the future lies in that direction...

Protests, especially mass protests, are a way of focussing attention on an issue and that's about it, unless there are real solutions developed at the gathering, it will fade into the background in the next couple of news cycles. They are emotional responses. They also help to shine a light on what people might support politically, in terms of policy and law. Protests can elevate the overall energy a topic is given and galvanize the people involved.

But a the end of the day, its about how we heat our homes, how our tech-toys are built, how our waste is disposed of, how we grow our food and salvage/obtain/share our water, and how we get around from point A to point B. If we are smart as a species, we will adapt and evolve our technology to meet the needs of our survival.


edit on 24-9-2014 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-9-2014 by AboveBoard because: first made more sense than third...

edit on 24-9-2014 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: theNLBS

Ah. Welcome to the starless skies of *gasp* climate change/global warming arguments using *gasp* science... It is, on occasion, a cold and lonely place...

The video was brilliant and devastating. I seriously hope people watch it. I did, and I learned a lot! I had not seen that one, so thank you for posting it!


posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 04:34 PM
Good job. I now feel compelled to check out each episode. The subject choice is ingenious.

I would have cut down the Mel Brooks gag to the punch line.

What happened to our moment of zen?

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 04:54 PM
edit on 24-9-2014 by AboveBoard because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 05:23 PM
Dude. This is the first episode I've watched but it had me cracking up the whole time!! And not all Texans are stupid!! But, I cannot believe they are doing that!! its insane! REally enjoyed this and I'll be watching more for sure. You are awesome!

Just the black mass part was awesome! I agree with how Christians are. If they want to worship satan, Let them! whats it matter to chrostians if they will be burning in hell right?? Who cares. We can make room for mosques and hindu temples but can't except the Satanist? How hypocritical!
edit on 24-9-2014 by PageLC14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: proob4
Oh so swearing is grown up? Seriously? You're too funny.

I didn't say swearing is grown up...

In fact, I would never make a claim that swearing determines one's level of maturity, social status, wisdom, etc.. Swearing doesn't make one any more or less of a person.

Swearing is simply a quick way to express emotions in speech.

Kids are taught that swearing is bad. And when you grow up, you should realize swearing is not bad at all, its just taboo. It's a lot like the toothfairy and Santa Clause, when you grow up you realize its all BS.

Hence why I asked you to grow up.
edit on 24-9-2014 by WeAre0ne because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2014 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: AboveBoard

Thanks for your thoughtful reply, AB.

Policy can do things, but when you look at the world, you see (especially in a democracy) policy makers that spend more time surfing the waves for economic forces than making them. If green energy is more expensive than fossil fuels (and it currently is) then mandating it will cause an economic slowdown, and its political suicide for anyone who does it, whether its morally right or wrong to do it. It just won't work. But research investment is a good policy move, and there are others.

There are huge improvements to be made in efficiency of all energy using processes as well, and this is a great place for small businesses with science chops to walk in and start saving their clients money. It may be true what economists say, that these efficiency breakthroughs usually mean people will just start burning fossil fuels on new things and expansion, so they burn the same amount, but long term its a winning game for policymakers and customers, either the earth gets more green, or customer's wallets do. And if we ever have to cut back, we can do more with the less we energy we have.

The issue is that the alarm - though its warranted - doesn't matter, without real viable solutions. I don't want to condemn these protesters as Joe did, because at least they are trying to do something to help the world, which more than most people. But that's aiming too low. As Yoda said, "Do, or do not, there is no try". Doing in this case means becoming active at a more independent level, stop screaming at leaders for solutions they don't have. It means hitting textbooks and starting businesses. Energy saving solutions can be as simple as utilizing well planned logistics services like UPS for things previously done with company vehicles, and these solutions will save your customers money big time when you identify them. Let's get to work!


posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: WeAre0ne

It shows you don't have control over temper or have bad manners.

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 05:52 PM

Disagreeing with a religion does not invalidate it.

I disagree with it because it's wrong and is an enemy of this nation.

Calling tested and observed science a lie is the worst kind of misinformed denialism.

Through leaked e-mails, it was proven that 'scientists' were exposed as liars and paid to spread lies about global warming. There is no proof of man made global warming. The earth is changing but it's not because of man. Earth will also be here even if we were all gone.

As for the image of the American girl holding the rifle & Bible with the American flag behind her, there's a big difference! Palestine doesn't exist. Palestinians are just Arabs that weren't wanted in other Arab countries and decided to move into Israel. It's like allowing someone to live with you and they decide that they not only want more, they also want you gone!

That woman was a terrorist and not fighting for freedom. The American girl posing with the rifle, a Bible and the flag behind her represents the true patriot. This nation was built on Christian values whether you like it or not. The 2nd Amendment exist to protect ou rself mainly from tyranny. To compare that girl to the terrorist shows me you have an agenda and some other fool will believe you and Next Level. ATS is notorious for openly allowing people to bash Christians. You're not about the truth. You are about people chasing fantasies to keep them from discovering any real truth. It's a den of nuts.
edit on 25-9-2014 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2014 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: soaringhawk

I am a Christian. I believe whole heartedly in Jesus, and do Gods work where and when he calls me to do so. However, I have long since tired of the hypocritical, blinkered, ignorant people who profess to share my faith, playing the victim like a bunch of gutless, mewling newborns, rather than putting their man trousers on, and just sucking it up.

I garun-damn-tee, that things will get PROPERLY difficult for Christians at some point, so it is written, so shall it be! However, that time is not now, and a canny observer can tell that, if they really put their mind to it, because there are not government agents in their houses right now, forcing them to take The Mark, or die. Also, the fact that there are no Christians having to offer a removal service for body parts that bare the mark, to their fellow Christians, or converts who might come after the Marking, suggests that the persecution issue is a non-issue.

An inability to accept that not everyone shares ones beliefs, is not something we inherited from Christ my friend.

WHEN the end is upon us, then wail in desperation. Until then, it would be nice if my fellow Christians would have some dignity, some backbone. What Christians go through in the developed world is NOTHING! We do our Lord a disservice by whining like a stuck pig, every time someone throws the merest slight at us. It's that sort of fear based, and utterly pathetic mindset that brings us total morons like the WBC.

Please, enough. For the love of God, enough!


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