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Is the Media beginning to crack?

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posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:34 AM
Its been a while since we have really seen any truth in media, we pretty much all discount anything the msm has to say about situations now days. Therefore I found it quite interesting that the first two articles that popped up on yahoo today are both slamming the POTUS. Could it be true? Could this be a turning point in TPTB? Is someone finally breaking down and giving us the truth? Or is this just that the editor didn't check what his people were putting on the 'net? You decide. I think someone got mad at the POTUS and decided to let him have it.
edit on 8-9-2014 by Dimithae because: hit button too soon

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: Dimithae

Oh.....I see what you did there......the irony. Media not being able to report ANYTHING....sneaky media...

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:35 AM
Empty thread?

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Lol I'm working on it! I hit the wrong button.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: Dimithae
Its been a while since we have really seen any truth in media, we pretty much all discount anything the msm has to say about situations now days. Therefore I found it quite interesting that the first two articles that popped up on yahoo today are both slamming the POTUS. Could it be true? Could this be a turning point in TPTB? Is someone finally breaking down and giving us the truth? Or is this just that the editor didn't check what his people were putting on the 'net? You decide. I think someone got mad at the POTUS and decided to let him have it.
Obama is clearly an empty suit.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Dimithae

The media is not beginning to crack they are owned by the most powerful and connected individuals and entities. They have succesfully taken control of the only real threat they had when they undid net neutrality.

They may have hit a speed bump but rest assure by the next election or the one after it the system will be throughly controlled once again. The internet will become like an endless informational of B$.

Therefore I found it quite interesting that the first two articles that popped up on yahoo today are both slamming the POTUS. Could it be true?

That is not an uncommon thing to occur during the presidents last term.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: Dimithae

Is it at all possible that the people who own the media organisation concerned, are merely preparing the way for the next puppet to take the Oval Office as his (or her) own?

I do not believe that the media are beginning to crack, based on this article. Bear in mind that plenty of news organisations are not fans of Obama, or the Democrat party as a whole, or at least that they display that dislike. It seems to me that these media empires are beholden not to one or another political ideology, but to corporate controllers, owners with iron fast grips on the reigns.

It's their interests that the media serve, and it is my belief that to an extent so do the leaders of many nations. It certainly is not the will of the people that they serve.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 01:09 PM
In order to be effective, any disinformation operation MUST contain elements of truth.

Mind control OP's always mix good info in with bad info.

This is why so many fall for the ruse.

In order for rat poison to be effective, it must look, taste, and smell just like the real thing.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 03:45 PM
Maybe because before politics and political affiliations for the major news outlets is profits.

The profits of all the major news outlets
, except Fox has been in a free-fall of biblical proportions.

Maybe they realized their tush kissing of the current administration was becoming so blatant as to be nauseating to the general public.

I know I refuse to watch CNN,CNBC,NBC or CBS news at all anymore because I know they are not trustworthy sources of information, trustworthy in the sense that I can count on them not bending to the talking points of the Democratic party.
I know they actually fail to report on many important issues for fear of hurting the dear leaders feelings.

However, they are large corporations after all and if profits stop then the networks fold. So maybe they are rethinking their blind and over the top loyalty.

Now all the networks are discovering that the demographic they strive to get, the under 50's have been leaving network TV in droves and the average TV viewer is now the over 50 crowd. The advertisers consider the over 50 crowd as normally not worth advertising to or paying money to reach.

So the major TV networks are having to face making drastic changes or dying a slow and painful death.

edit on 3Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:47:41 -0500pm90809pmk081 by grandmakdw because: spelling

edit on 3Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:49:30 -0500pm90809pmk081 by grandmakdw because: x

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 05:34 PM
Oh, my goodness. The masters...

They always put a little extra work into the last portion of the last term, or any term, as to get the desired setting, for the next act. This gives the fans something to wire themselves all up about. For the next set. Belief in having a voice, a vote. They also do this at the beginning of any puppet act. Why wouldn't they?

The masters...

I remember wondering what they had, rather, what they were threatening to use, on funny man Dennis Miller, at the very start of Obama One, circa second year. He appeared on Fox and ran a number past that ostensibly, and literally, stated that a lot of jews were 'walking away from Obama'. It was the oddest skit, and it may have been hosted by Bill. Sort of like a wildcard. This way, when the puppet performs the very lines he's supposed to, but to a public response which is negatively measured, you have a gentle disclaimer implying that the puppet acted on his own, and really wasn't following their script/orders. It's how they keep their power.

You see, all that a puppet really cares about is how they will be perceived after time is up.
His legacy. Does this not make sense? If anyone is aware that a puppet is a puppet, it the puppet.

Hey bud, you brighten our outlook, and we will brighten yours.
It's your choice. Do you want a nice sunny day, or a real long one that never ends.
They think long term. After all these petty internet scare monger scandals are no longer relevant. Three selections from now, Bush will still be blamed, as he should. He set the stage for change that never changes, after all. Obama's failed so many times that he won't get anything but a lukewarm positive rating in the history books you pay for so your kids can learn history. They didn't even get the race riots they wanted!

Guess who controls publishing.

If he wants another peanut, he'd better put his heart into doing what he is told. It is simply a kontrol valve. That's all, really. Sometimes they give him the whole bag. Other times, they wait until the speech is over, and then there's a special meeting where a single dose is given. No words. Nothing but a plate, and the next dose. If they're really, really pissed, then they throw it on the floor, sort of casually, like it was dropped by accident, but so it just happened to land right at your feet, and the meeting is over.

Sometimes less, is more.

The puppet is supposed to have a certain spark in his eyes, so to seem inspired, not a mad gleam that spills craving, excess and longing. Certainly not a deprived, passive aggressive, begrudging stupor, that glances to the wing, from time to time, during the performance, while saying all the right things....

So they told some truth. As one wisely stated above…poison must not seem like poison. There has to be something of value inside.

# 282
edit on 8-9-2014 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Dimithae
The MSM is a thing of the past. They are severely compromised by shear political agendas. It is sad that media will not report truth anymore, it used to be a place of honor, the reporters would risk everything for the truth.... no matter who or what the subject was. What a bunch of cowards and sell outs. A disgrace to humanity.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: Dimithae

They may have hit a speed bump but rest assure by the next election or the one after it the system will be throughly controlled once again. The internet will become like an endless informational of B$.

Seems to me that is already happening, and it's not from the news media. It's from the endless crank sites like NaturalNews etc, and the "26 pointless pieces of clickbait you have to read" articles that infest the whole internet.

posted on Sep, 8 2014 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: Rob48

Seems to me that is already happening

Ii has to some extent. However not to the point that the undoing of net neutrality will be able to accomplish with the pay to play business model they will be implementing.

and it's not from the news media.

As long as you are NOT refering to CNN, FOX ,huffington post, drudge , MSNBC and other MSM as news media than you could be right with that assumption. The real marketing and advertising in those so called news sites do not occur soley during the commercial break or adclicks, but rather during the actual shows and articles themselves.

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 08:31 AM
Usually towards the scheduled end of a presidency, I usually see a little bit more criticalness from the MSM. I think that they do this for:

-Show. The president is already installed and is not going anywhere. It won't hurt his image much.
-To appear to the public that they are neutral and unbiased. This helps when the campaigning starts for the next election. It gives the MSM an air of neutrality which isn't really there. Just appears like that to the general public so that they can generate more readership the next time around.

The conspiracy sites and conspiracy buffs are now becoming a significant threat to the MSM in terms of influence and readership. That explains the backlash to them in the media. In truth, neither one is perfect, however. In the MSM, many posts are 'moderated'. And in conspiracy sites (some more than others), posts and threads are regularly deleted.

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: Dimithae

Therefore I found it quite interesting that the first two articles that popped up on yahoo today are both slamming the POTUS. Could it be true? Could this be a turning point in TPTB? Is someone finally breaking down and giving us the truth?

The media has done nothing but slam the President (deservedly so IMO) as soon as he took office.

Which is funny because if you look at how Obama entered the 2008 election they did nothing but pump him up. He could do no wrong. The guy went from being a nobody, to a Senator, to the president in 8 years. How do you do that without some very powerful friends help?

It just confirms to me what I've said all along. Forget the President because he is nothing but a figurehead and a distraction from the real man behind the curtain. He is there for people to blame and he is a tangible person for people to get mad at. I see it all the times on these boards how people talk about how TPTB are running things straight into the ground and then in the same post blame Obama!

Make no mistake, if the pretty people on TV are telling you something its going to have manipulation at its root.

I am truly in awe of the power of propaganda.
edit on 9-9-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 09:09 AM
If (negative) propaganda is so powerful according to your post, how do you explain the reelection to a second term?

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: MarkJS

If (negative) propaganda is so powerful according to your post, how do you explain the reelection to a second term?

Elections are just the illusion of choice.

They effectively made it to where your only two choices for President were between Obama, and some guy that looks like a cross between a used car salesman and that guy on the front of the Monopoly box. Simple plan really and look how well it worked. The money wanted him reelected and he was.

posted on Sep, 9 2014 @ 10:01 PM
No cracking, just politics as usual. It's in human nature whenever we see something new coming up to marginalize the old and get enthralled with the new. In a card game like Magic it means rebuying the same cards in new packaging year after year and in politics it means when someone is approaching the end of their term, for politicians to distance themselves from the current guy so that they can market themselves as something, new/different/better rather than more of the same.

From now until the presidential election expect a lot of negative Obama stories, and a lot of Democrats to break rank and not support him publicly.

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