Cheryl, was kind of sassy, and spoke in riddles, and liked to joke around. I asked her about herself, where she was now, etc. She claimed that we
knew each other in a past life, near the turn of the century, and it turns out, I was female then, and a lesbian! Before, via a ouija board, I had
learned about a few previous incarnations (an Assyrian farmer, an Egyptian priest, then quite a jump to a medieval mercenary, a rennaissance
scientist, a woman in an asylum (where I knew Cheryl), and then a black man in the US army in Korea.) Given that almost all incarnations are male, it
makes sense that the female one was lezzie...
Anyhow, most of these were confirmed by Cheryl. The only reason I ever even searched, is because
I'd keep having dreams of how I died in each carnation....must have a thing against death... In some, I was killed, in others, sickness or natural
causes. The ones where I was killed were the source of the dreams. I'd constantly relive being pierced with shrapnel, and watching the chopper
leave, or feel the jambiya in my back, etc.
Cheryl would talk of where she was now. How time had little meaning, and that soon, she planned on coming back in another form as well. She joked
that she would be two when I saw her, so not to expect much....
Many of my personal beliefs seemed to be reinforced by these conversations, except
on suicide. She would clam up, and not talk about those who had done this. Also, I was trying to get her help to speak with a friend who had done
so....and she would always clam up. From this, I gathered that suicide is VERY bad in a metaphysical sense.... It was when discussing these subjects
that another seemed to be "peeking through".
The writing style was similar, but angrier... It had more sharp points instead of loops, and grew more and more slanted. It also came through
faster...sometimes too fast to write. It always tried to maintain that it was Cheryl, but it didn't "feel" right, and I knew better. Most of the
writing was incoherent, not clear like Cheryl's, but when I saw words like "kill" "death", etc. I knew it wasn't her, and questioned it. After
a few sheets of this, I blacked out, and never did it again. The writing seemed to continue a little after I blacked out, but it was illegible. I
could discern that it was the same message over and over again (about two sentences), but could make out only a few words, such as "time", "kill",
"one", that I can recall. I never touched it again, as I woke up a few hours later, and didn't remember dreaming, etc. So....creepy? Hell yeah!
I think I'll stick to reading about it for a bit....(and this was about 2 years ago...)