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"The real Men in Black..."

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posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 01:18 AM
They have been pretending to cover up the existence of E.T.s by leaking the existence of E.T.s because they want us to think there are E.T.s but there aren't any E.T.s because it's just top secret craft.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 04:34 AM
a reply to: Ridhya

You are making a few grand assumptions about me there..just going by that, i would say what you think is *your logic* is highly flawed and i'm sure this approach of yours, hinders truth seeking...just for the record i have studied things like this for 10 years and wanted to share my personal findings and also, this involves an exceptional amount of personal experience with UFOs and the paranormal additionally,as well as a high level of un-biased research (my opinion is always open to change incidently)

I don't like the tone of your is people like you that muddy the waters and create an unhealthy environment for constructive debate.

Oh and i assume you haven't read the may take time.

Yes i did state my beliefs, but at the same time attempted to come across as impartial (also listing *possibilites* for examples,as it is up to every individual to examine the evidence and draw conclusions for themselves.

You have ignored the points i have made and singled out on what you think is debunkable (you are a classic troll man) how about the rh negative blood factor..anyway don't answer that, i'm done talking to you..

Have a nice day

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: MoonMysticHey Moonmystic..

Well as for Wes..i found His info to be quite consistent..although i am ever skeptical as one should be..i really think He is encroaching on the truth,that said i tried to contact Wes (with no response) and He has not added any recent work to His collection..i intuitively am suspicious of this..could it be He was 'treading to near' as surely if someone really did have it all cracked, would they be allowed to continue their work?..hmmm i assume not..are you familiar with Mac Tonnies?..He coined the term cryptoterrestrial and met an untimely demise, quite possibly for bordering on the heart of the matter..many suspect He was terminated.

There is clearly more to this overall conspiracy which i believe is centered on an energy level directed at humans..i mean,for a moment just ponder the idea that this 3d form and reality we are used not natural i.e. augmented..we only view space and concepts in our limited perception..i say our natural form is akin to a light body and that our reality is trapped in this frequency,even the afterlife is possibly an artificial construct?

I like your approach to this Moon mystic and like you say 10 years ago stuff like this wouldn't be contended.I also believe a lot of info true and false is released by those in control is clear they plan to de populate the world and have been doing so...but..they still need a remainder of individuals and for them to know the scale of the true reality (all beit agenda driven)

I really think the role of NASA is to hide the true nature of space and act as all knowing mediator between us and the stars.

To get nearer the truth we must examine the facts;

We have royalties/elites/presidents so on,who can be traced back to Europe all the way to Babylon (the church is also based on this) this can be checked by anyone-supporting the theory of the Annunaki and it's origins in Atlantis..
This is a great site..the author was a member at ATS until He encroached on the truth too much and was perma banned even after signing in from another IP....

Secret societies also paying homage to their origins dating back to Egypt and all points this way

We have abnormal blood lines (subject in itself) which all point to Atlantis..Michael Lee Hill is one case shown lime light

We have evidence of ancient nuclear warfare (supported by so called myth as well as vitrification and enormous radiation levels at many sites) I believe so called myths are nearer the truth than most care to imagine..example

We have vast structures (e.g. pyramids at Gizeh to name just one) all built on the hyperdimensional energy grid,which is natural to all celestial bodies in space.

We have evidence of sunken cities correlating with the origins of Atlantis a very real place when you take all into consideration..the clue is in the etymology

Another Buddy of mine online had a water tight case for intervention in our DNA and such (not my exact field of expertise) wish He was here,but unfortunately i lost contact with Him as He was banned from DTV no doubt because He was exposing the truth.

The list goes on..One thing you can be sure of is that every area of study from science,history to astronomy has been infiltrated and apart from pioneering brave individuals (Velikovsky e.g.) the main stream of these arts is designed to hide the true nature of reality.

As for fiction writers,movie producers, many,if not most, are members of secret societies and what is pushed as sci-fi is in actuality more nearer the truth..i consider every area of so called reality to be a conspiracy..that is the level of deception here.

I normally just swing by and put a few thoughts up without getting into discussion here (due to time) but i will make sure i pop back again to this thread as i like where it is heading.

Thanks for the insight into this subject.

edit on 23-8-2014 by Buddyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: Buddyman
Which means i've studied things like this for twice as long as you. I know you were trying to be impressive... the amount of time you do something is irrelevant. Time doesnt make you correct.

You called yourself unbiased, impartial, wary, yet demonstrated the opposite. Belief is the opposite! Go look up what these words mean. You listed a ton of things you believe in. Atlantis, greys, annunaki, hyperdimensional energy grid, ancient nuclear warfare. Prove any of it. I think you need to look up proof and assumption too. Saying there is evidence of radiation and such doesnt mean warfare happened, there are natural nuclear events.

Dont get so uptight when people disagree with your beliefs, its just a website.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 03:55 AM
I'll bet the editor of this story made changes so that it "fits" within certain approved socially designed ongoing themes, and if you read the words well, you can see where the author has biases about different things, or supports different things / views.
Counter intel definitly is still being used against anyone who gets too close to any of the real truths about what is going on, and is easy to see with the chain of deaths that happen to investigators of the phenomenon.

This Guardian news item doesn't appear to support any of the real (claimed) stories of actual MIB's and when I read it, it appeared the author doesn't think too highly of UFO related things, although it is true that a lot of what is seen is the disinfo he is talking about, but I get the feeling he doesn't think much of the real thing either.

Investigators have been killed by:
Hit and run deaths
Fast acting cancers
suicides when they weren't depressed or anything mental. Maybe paranoia. One guy publicly announced he was reopening his investigation of the kecksburg incident and was killed by a hit and run a couple weeks later..they never caught the driver.

The Paul Bennewitz affair is a good example of the dirty pool these guys play. They get a kick out of using their power in all kinds of sadistic ways. Surprisingly the US Air force is involved with this phenomenon still and lots of other quasi-shadow military groups in all the branches of the military, plus corporate contractors.

There are real men in black, but it is obviously used by someone or somethings to scare the hell out of witnesses using very bizzare visuals and electronics. Usually only heard about in cases that are really catching something that they don't want people to know about. They could be non human even, and even if this was true, the implications would make it impossible to ever hope to find any official that would even know about it, let alone do anything about it.
Just food for thought...

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: Ridhya

With all due respect, (meant in good natured way), (and not necessarily directed at you alone),
I found his post to be highly interesting and thought provoking and isn't that what we are here for? Why the need for him to prove anything? People can research for themselves and draw their own conclusions and find their own "proof" anyway, which is the currently advocated method of finding out about UFO related things. If someone proposes something even based on pure conjecture, it can stimulate other people into checking things out, and that is the whole reason to talk about it in my opinion..

This is assuming all involved are neutral and unbiased of course.
edit on 24-8-2014 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit to add

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: Buddyman
a reply to: MoonMysticHey Moonmystic..

Well as for Wes..i found His info to be quite consistent..although i am ever skeptical as one should be..i really think He is encroaching on the truth,that said i tried to contact Wes (with no response) and He has not added any recent work to His collection..i intuitively am suspicious of this..could it be He was 'treading to near' as surely if someone really did have it all cracked, would they be allowed to continue their work?..hmmm i assume not..are you familiar with Mac Tonnies?..He coined the term cryptoterrestrial and met an untimely demise, quite possibly for bordering on the heart of the matter..many suspect He was terminated.

No the name Mac Tonnies doesn't ring a bell. But I'll look him up. As for why Wes Penre has seemingly backed off his work, I have no idea lol. When you say you contacted him do you mean through a provided email? Maybe you could try looking him up on a social networking site if you haven't already. A lot of people conducting this sort of study have Facebook accounts and the like. This Miiiiiggghhht be him. Not sure. He doesn't have any feed visible. But some of the comments on the images seem to align with his sort of thing.

Wes Penre FB

There is clearly more to this overall conspiracy which i believe is centered on an energy level directed at humans..i mean,for a moment just ponder the idea that this 3d form and reality we are used not natural i.e. augmented..we only view space and concepts in our limited perception..i say our natural form is akin to a light body and that our reality is trapped in this frequency,even the afterlife is possibly an artificial construct?

I'm not sure about an energy level but I know that many people in this life feel extremely stifled. This could be attributed to many everyday things though. We are so bombarded with stress that effects us mentally and emotionally. Many of us don't have time in between work, study, family etc to just sit down and get our bearings. I have a few friends that live out on farms, away from the city and suburbia that tell me life is a lot more bearable that way. Many of us have had the power taken away from us, in that most of us couldn't be self sufficient if we tried. So we are so reliant on a system that is all about keeping the masses as slaves to keep the filthy rich wealthy and the corporations on top.

I really think the role of NASA is to hide the true nature of space and act as all knowing mediator between us and the stars.

NASA = Never A Straight Answer.
I'm with you on that one. I think a lot of so called "legitimate" sources can't necessarily be trusted either. Over time I have come to simply trust my own intuition more and more. I do believe there is a divine presence in us all, and that it will guide you if you listen. I know many would consider that to be foolish, but I am so past caring what others think lol.

To get nearer the truth we must examine the facts;

I recently got told to read the book "The ring makers of Saturn?" I haven't gotten around to looking into that and can't tell you much about it sadly, but I have heard this is a lot of interesting concepts in it.

Another character you may find interesting is Michael Tellinger. I'm particularly interested in his work with the Ubuntu party which is aiming for the eventual complete abolishment of money. Still a looongg way to go before anything like that gets underway, but me and my father saw his presentation recently as he has been touring the world and actually came to Brisbane here in Australia. I think you may like some of his theories about the hidden aspects of our history. Having said that, I've also read a few scientific rebuttals to his work, so I'm kind of stuck on the fence as to whether or not there is legitimate reason for this and not just a bunch of fanatics who can't let go of their own "educated" opinions and entertain the possibility that there is more to the truth. That, and a lot of his theories are based around the Sumerian text, which has a lot of dead weight attached the translation lol. I suspect many would feel threatened by the concept of his party alone, but, either way we definitely need some sort of "change."

The list goes on..One thing you can be sure of is that every area of study from science,history to astronomy has been infiltrated and apart from pioneering brave individuals (Velikovsky e.g.) the main stream of these arts is designed to hide the true nature of reality.

Quite possible. If the Gov can go all out to elaborately create all the ET hoaxes and cover ups there's no telling where the lies have been inserted elsewhere.

As for fiction writers,movie producers, many,if not most, are members of secret societies and what is pushed as sci-fi is in actuality more nearer the truth..i consider every area of so called reality to be a conspiracy..that is the level of deception here.

You make a valid point. A lot of writers do naturally conceptualize their own beliefs and truths into the creation of their story. Some are blatant warnings. (George Orwell's 1984 comes to mind.) I'm not sure I think that this is all agenda driven and not merely the genius of certain writers though. I know that some authors have been privy to certain information, and have subtly revealed it in fiction.

I think in the end all we can do is keep researching and attempting to broaden our minds. In order to do this, sometimes we have to put our pride aside as well as our own opinions, no matter how informed we feel they may be, in order to unbiasedly evaluate information. This is not easy to do though! Searching for the truth is a painstaking task. (Well, at least it has been for me.)

You also mentioned having countless personal experiences, which has undoubtedly contributed to your tenacity in these subjects you research. Perhaps one day you will share them with us.
Personal experience is one of those things I never scoff at. It is what starts off many people on the quest for the truth.

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