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Meeting America: The Deep Political Divide

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posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: sheepslayer247

Oh, I don't think that any politician, anywhere, of any political stripe is going to give up the authoritarian structure of our legal system without having it torn from his or her gnarling grasp. And trust me, if history is any indicator, (and it is) the "new boss" would be at least 10 percentage points worse than "the old boss" until the pendulum de zeitgeist evened things out.

2014 America is a special case. If you studied history prior to about 10 or 15 years ago, I think we'd find that by-and-large the "Uspublicans" used the exact same tactics as the "Themocrats" and vice-versa ... because there used to be a thing in this country called "the Middle."

Not so now. The People have been polarized. I've always been a social liberal and a fiscal conservative, but, there's no place for my ilk anymore. Yer either fer us or agin' us.

We as a People would have to make a critical leap in our general perceptions and learn to notice when our chains are being yanked ... which is, for the most part, 24/7 on every channel on every station on every vector of every bit of media in this country.

Liberal media is more palatable to those of a more intellectual or well-educated bent, conservative to those who are more belief-based in their thinking, more emotional, and, (ironically considering the economic policies of the right) generally more working-class. Generally speaking, of course there are exceptions, etc. etc. etc.

Then you have the Frankencable outlets like CNN trying to be all things to all people ... which of course, just peeves everyone off.
edit on 15Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:57:42 -050014p032014866 by Gryphon66 because: Deleted slight profanity.

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