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Time (not a line or a circle. Not a shape)

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posted on Dec, 2 2004 @ 11:23 AM
I do wish I could go back and find that thread I channeled most of my way through about time. It really struck me, made me think differently about time.
A part if what I was given (it isn't as effective in my words as it was it those words), but it was something about...
If you are 3 then turn 4, you do not stop being 3. Just because you are 4, you do not stop being 3.
I know, that may make absolutely no sence in this thread to some, but if you think about this, within the framework and subject of time itself ... it is definatley not a line, and it's not really a circle. We still think in shapes, but it's more like atmosphere - it's encompassing and to differnet degrees. (only to different degrees, or segregated in the way that we - or possibly others???) are only aware of what we are in the midst of now. I think that's why some of us can 'tap in' to other places or worlds or realms - what ever you choose to call it. I think it's just being aware.

Try to think of a stack of pancakes...the bottome one largest, the next one a bit smaller, then smaller etc... Reality/realms/time - what we know and understand is this tiny little pancake at the top of this huge stack. And although each pancake is seperate and can be "an individual pancake", the entire stack is the (uh oh. I have no word for this part....maybe 'time' s the right word? Maybe the correct word is reality? I can see and feel and know things I just can't discribe propperly because there doesn't seem to be words to belong to som many notions and things. I do wish I could sit and talk to someone that could help me to put on paper the things I get.

Is this making sence to anyone? Actualy - if the few that read this thread don't mind, I think I'll double up and post this on a seperate thread so we get more talk on this subject.

Anyway. Time is continual. It never stops, past time is not only past, but it is at the same time present and future.

posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 12:52 PM
i dont understand how time cannot be in a line form. I think that it is indeed going in a line, but i debate wether the line is infinite or not. Even though a line segment is not infinite, it has an infinite amount of points. I think this is a good model for the description of time because, how can time began and never end? therefore i think time should be represented in the form of a line segment, because it may appear infinte, but that's only because we are looking at the infinite amount of points on the line segment of time. along with other "dimensions" travelling parrallel to eachother, or tightly together, or maybe all as one. And i seriously don't understand the pancake thing.

posted on Dec, 4 2004 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by CountFranklin
i dont understand how time cannot be in a line form. I think that it is indeed going in a line, but i debate wether the line is infinite or not. Even though a line segment is not infinite, it has an infinite amount of points. I think this is a good model for the description of time because, how can time began and never end? therefore i think time should be represented in the form of a line segment, because it may appear infinte, but that's only because we are looking at the infinite amount of points on the line segment of time. along with other "dimensions" travelling parrallel to eachother, or tightly together, or maybe all as one. And i seriously don't understand the pancake thing.

It can't be just a line because a line is one straite ongoing thing (assuming of course it is an endless line). But time, it is not a single layer. It is not 1 dementional like a line is. Every point of time in the past is not just 'past', it is ongoing...
The pancake thing was just an example - not a very good one - sorry.

posted on Dec, 4 2004 @ 09:25 AM
Age, we all age over time. But you�re right, when we are 3 and we turn 4, we don�t look any different - we�re older because �time� has said we are. Interesting.

[edit on 4-12-2004 by Everlasting]

posted on Dec, 4 2004 @ 11:20 AM
i just explained that time was NOT a line. OK? It's a line segment, with an infinite amount of points. It appears infinite because we look at the infinite amount of poits on the line segment. each point is a moment in time, so it appears infinite. its a line segment damnit. of course time itself is not one dimensional. but to think of time as itself floating through. . .the universe, it would be depicted as a line segment.

[edit on 4-12-2004 by CountFranklin]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
I think that's why some of us can 'tap in' to other places or worlds or realms - what ever you choose to call it. I think it's just being aware.

I can see and feel and know things I just can't discribe propperly because there doesn't seem to be words to belong to som many notions and things.

I understand you *perfectly* about the concept of awareness you speak of and how difficult it is to describe certain experiences. I've kind of discussed these things myself in the past. What I have discussed so far has been *diluted* (tip of the iceberg) by necessity.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by sen5e

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
I think that's why some of us can 'tap in' to other places or worlds or realms - what ever you choose to call it. I think it's just being aware.

I can see and feel and know things I just can't discribe propperly because there doesn't seem to be words to belong to som many notions and things.

I understand you *perfectly* about the concept of awareness you speak of and how difficult it is to describe certain experiences. I've kind of discussed these things myself in the past. What I have discussed so far has been *diluted* (tip of the iceberg) by necessity.

Diluted - very good way to put it.
Have you noticed that the things that are 'most complicated' are also, in that brief glimps, the most simple?

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 01:13 PM
I know it puts a term to it, but I think I completely understand and that is why my best way to explain time was as more of a spiral... it is all connected and if you look from different angles it can be all sorts of different things - but it's definately not so definate or organized as a line. On a line each separate point is a separate point, it can't be that cut and dry.

It overlaps within itself... as if "the present" is just where and when you happen to be tapping into at that instant

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:45 PM
You guys are VERY close..
Time doesn't exist..
its a concept.. its symbolic.. a big symbol in the sky changes position (I know we move around it) and we THINK another day has gone by .. but in space.. its always the same time .. NOW.
You've never been to the past, and will never be in the future.. you are always in the now. Which is why Jesus says rest in me... God is eternal ... Time is eternal .. God is a kind God and does not judge, although not judging IS judging.. therefore anything that become a symbol is God.. or a part of him.. this is hard to explain to you...
But it goes REALLY deep into the mind.. You are God so to speak .. (don't get me wrong) If you meditate you'll know what I'm talking about. .. That voice in your head.. is really just a concept.. all it does is think of symbols and their interperatation, when you can listen to that chattering you will feel "the now"
somewhat like a Deja Vu... A Deja Vu is when you catch up with the now.. (the only way I can explain it) its you grooving with the eternal now while your concious.. You think what I'm saying is BS... Jump forward.. did you jump into the future?. . Jump backwards.. did you jump into the past.. or the future? neither .. still in the same place.. STOP MOVING, YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE.. lol

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:52 PM
Eternity is the absense of measureable time

We ( europeans ) are one of the few cultures on earth to see time as a straight line. Most cultures see time as a cycle, circles within circles.

Since our basis for measuring Time is the orbit of celestial bodies, the cycles of time is closer to the truth of how we Measure Time.

Regardless, Time is a Human construct, not one of Nature. When we are Gone, the UNiverse will not blink.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by toolmaker

Eternity is the absense of measureable time

We ( europeans ) are one of the few cultures on earth to see time as a straight line. Most cultures see time as a cycle, circles within circles.

Since our basis for measuring Time is the orbit of celestial bodies, the cycles of time is closer to the truth of how we Measure Time.

Regardless, Time is a Human construct, not one of Nature. When we are Gone, the UNiverse will not blink.

Yes, but time will still exist. lol
although it doesn't exist.. hahahahaha.. it never started and never ends... lol
warp your mind?


posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 05:07 PM
ATS is a great place to learn about technologies and politics...

but I can see now why I wouldn't come here for scientific pursuit.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by toolmaker

Eternity is the absense of measureable time.

That is EXCELENT! We all all 'living' an eternal life. Of course, the only part of that life that most of us can come to grips with or detect happens to be but a small part of that eternity.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by dnero6911
You guys are VERY close..
Time doesn't exist..
its a concept.. its symbolic.. a big symbol in the sky changes position (I know we move around it) and we THINK another day has gone by .. but in space.. its always the same time .. NOW.
You've never been to the past, and will never be in the future.. you are always in the now. Which is why Jesus says rest in me... God is eternal ... Time is eternal .. God is a kind God and does not judge, although not judging IS judging.. therefore anything that become a symbol is God.. or a part of him.. this is hard to explain to you...
But it goes REALLY deep into the mind.. You are God so to speak .. (don't get me wrong) If you meditate you'll know what I'm talking about. .. That voice in your head.. is really just a concept.. all it does is think of symbols and their interperatation, when you can listen to that chattering you will feel "the now"
somewhat like a Deja Vu... A Deja Vu is when you catch up with the now.. (the only way I can explain it) its you grooving with the eternal now while your concious.. You think what I'm saying is BS... Jump forward.. did you jump into the future?. . Jump backwards.. did you jump into the past.. or the future? neither .. still in the same place.. STOP MOVING, YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE.. lol

That's true - time is nothing but our own form of measurment. It's our way of keeping track of events and each other.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by blanketgirl
I know it puts a term to it, but I think I completely understand and that is why my best way to explain time was as more of a spiral... it is all connected and if you look from different angles it can be all sorts of different things - but it's definately not so definate or organized as a line. On a line each separate point is a separate point, it can't be that cut and dry.

It overlaps within itself... as if "the present" is just where and when you happen to be tapping into at that instant

Your post reminds me of a dream I had about 'what life/reality really was' when I was a teenager. (I was feeling pretty good at the time though ;-'

Anyway. It was like a fabric made of an infinate number of 'little tornados'. And every small funnel was made of smaller funnels.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 09:00 PM
Wow nice triple post, I agree with Nox, Why are you guys trying to put a shape on time???:puz
Some of you not all of you like the poeple who think time is a line with infinit points) Its better to think like dnero6911 did that there was never such a thing as time as there will never be.

[edit on 7-12-2004 by The_Final]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 09:45 PM
That is why God is nameless.. because before we came around we couldn't measure (still can't) and had no name for God.. Time was timeless until we made it timeful .. lol

Why do you think we keep adding days, subtracting days... adding hours, subtracting hours... because its impossible to measure or name... we just came up with the closest concept.. lol
.. We're too busy trying to define it to actually define it.. which is why we live in the past and future instead of grooving with the eternal now.. lol

[edit on 7/12/04 by dnero6911]


posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 11:06 PM
Y'all need to take some advanced abstract math courses.

Learn the terminologies and the names of the proofs and logics you're using.

Start using terms like, "Proof by induction!"

"Statistical significance!"

"Scientific Method!"

Because right now, most of this is worse than a lower division college philosophy course.

No scientist or engineer would understand what half of you are trying to say. I happen to be known by friends as being EXTREMELY lay for an engineer. I don't use complicated terms. I try forming sentences slowly, in ways that make sense, rather than confusing non-engineers with insider jargon.

I'm trying to say that I'm NOT a picky guy. I normally don't care if the correct terminologies aren't used, but...
When someone like me can't comprehend half of what's being said. Something is wrong.

EDIT: I've heard similar theories from people high on psychedelics.

[edit on 7-12-2004 by Nox]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 11:29 PM
Thats because your whole life has been based on symbols.. you can't look outside the box.. lol
Might be why it doesn't make sense.. When you focus all your energy into something, especially engineering whatever or anything of that nature relating to science you can't percieve anything other than that because its all you've studied and come to know.... You come to rely on its functions.. breaking that cycle would throw your head in quite the spin..

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 11:30 PM
Time is a concept developed by man to measure change.
Each unit of time (day, hour, minute, second) is relative. Each unit
is as "long" or "short" as a person perceives them to be.
Time does'nt really exist except as a tool to help man make sense
of his existence.
Yesterday is gone.
Tomorrow may never come.
What we really have is the NOW.

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