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Is Karma the East's "Hell"?

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posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

This entire thread is speaking of eastern religion. If you just wanted to comment on buddhisms views why not originally say buddhist views? I pointed out jainism for the purpose is an example of how far the cobcern for all life can take. Its not a branch of buddism btw. Buddhism is a philosphy before it was a religion. Buddhism was created mostly to oppose the castes of Hinduism. I just dont see a lot of control in it through karma which many people misinterpret. Id like to be corrected if i am wrong. From what i understand of buddhism is that its very choice based. Most religions call themselves the one true religion but buddhism calls itself more of a correct path but not the correct path. Basically it admits to there being more than one way of doing something that can bring peace of mind. Am i wrong? Karma has been used to control people but ive not seen good examples given for religion outside the Hindu castes. Control i have seen includes the chinese government making it illegal to be reincarnated without government issued permit but that is religious oppression so that is different. Could you give me some examples of how one would feel guilty for their actions with karma involved any more than normal concience?
edit on 21-7-2014 by Aural because: Forgot words

posted on Jul, 21 2014 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: Wandering Scribe
Hey wandering; I agree with everything you say here (how are you).

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