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People obsessed with everyone being 'rude'? (Political Correctness)

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posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 09:06 AM
Its seems that online, people are always complaining of people being discriminating (racism, sexism) not using manners, etc

But I thought the richer a society gets, behavioral discipline becomes less reinforced. Discipline is more reinforced during poorer times in poorer areas in order to motivate individuals and the community to rise above poverty. The majority of people who complain of this seem to be in the Generation X, a more traditional generation with less financial opportunities. Perhaps its because of the rise of the internet. Discussions have moved from public sphere to the anonymous world of the internet.

A perfect example is the South. Its always stereotyped for being overtly polite..and guess what.. Its always been poorer than the rest of the US and the most religious..hmmm is there a correlation here?

Anyway back to my point....People who always complain about this seem to look at it purely from an emotional perspective (''I'm thin skinned so I take offense to anything that doesn't fit my beliefs.'') as opposed to a more logical (''A certain standard of behaviour [not to the level that people complain about] is necessary to support the function of society.'').
Is this an example of Political Correctness or something else entirely?

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: depleteduranium92

You're mistaking political correctness for basic social behavioral development.

It may or may not have a correlation to being poor or having financial opportunities, there is no data. It has do with respecting other people's space and not being disrespectful for the sake of being disrespectful.

Such as what happened to me when riding the bus few months ago. Man sits down on bus and begins making lurid and sexually harassing comments. This is not acceptable social behavior toward someone. I called him out and had to threaten him to leave me alone finally, but it's ridiculous that some people lack even basic skills at interacting around other people.

Now we have the internet to deal with as well. But these are still people on the internet. It is important to remember that on the other end of the conversation, a living breathing individual is sitting there. Being mean and disrespectful for the sake of being that way just shows a lack of social development.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: depleteduranium92

A perfect example is the South. Its always stereotyped for being overtly polite..and guess what.. Its always been poorer than the rest of the US and the most religious..hmmm is there a correlation here?

That's not the stereotype of people in the South I encounter.

However "Virtue is it's own reward"..... that might also apply to having good manners and not being a "dick"

I was told by a mod when I complained of rudeness on ATS to "grow a thicker skin" I did.

Now insults and being labeled a "people like you" is a source of pride.
edit on 4-6-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: depleteduranium92

I can only speak for myself. The more dismal things get, the more I suffer financially the more idgaf about PC. I in fact no longer bite my tongue online, so to speak because people need to get the ef over it, grow a damn pair, get thicker skinned because what's coming they gotta get their big boy pants on or they will be eaten up in the future (not physically but figuratively speaking)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: OrphanApology

I think we have become overly sensitive in general when it comes to anything offensive. I think everyone should have basic manners, and use common sense, but sometimes people get frustrated and there is nothing wrong with them voicing that frustration.

For example, all over the news today is a story with Jonah Hill using a gay slur towards a paparzzo. The guy was following and harassing him, so Jonah called him a fa@@0t. He was frustrated and in the heat of the moment called him that. Was he calling a gay person that because they were gay? No. He didn't even know the guy and was using it how most people use it like a normal insult.

For some reason gays decided to take that word for themselves, and now people need to apologize on tv, hold press conferences, even get fined thousands of dollars if they use it. That word never referred to gay people. I used that word growing up. All of my friends used that word growing up. The last thing it was used for was calling someone gay.

The south park episode where they refer to harley riders as f@6$ is a perfect example.

I thought we had freedom of speech in this country? What happened to that?

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: Euphem

You need to stop watching television.

Just because the media bloats up everything doesn't mean that regular people on the street do. I have yet to see any proof of people becoming more sensitive. If anything, people are far more lenient now than they were even 20 years ago.

The media is a machine that tries to rile up the public with various story angles. They pick and choose which stories they run and ignore all the rest. If you want to understand the reality of the situation, simply look up from your phone. Look around. What do you see?

Also, freedom of speech does not mean that people aren't also free to criticize you. If a man goes up to random women and starts making lurid and sexually harassing comments, they have every right to respond and defend themselves. The same goes for anything you say or write.

Either way though, I see no proof in the real world of people becoming more butt hurt. I don't have Facebook, Cable, or any of that other nonsense so my connection to reality is different than many out there. People just don't care that much. That doesn't mean they won't respond if you are yelling racist comments or something of that nature.
edit on 4-6-2014 by OrphanApology because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 09:50 AM
I know I got dogged yesterday for voicing my opinion about obese people and how it's McDonalds fault and other places like them, how I'd like to see them shut down all of them so I won't have to see obese disgusting people cause they'd have to lose weight not being able to get McDonalds anymore. Now I meant very obese, morbidly obese not fat. It's not only bad having to see them, it's awful for their health. I said something because they should feel bad, maybe if someone told them how horrendous they look, maybe it would ignite a fire in their ass to get in shape and become more healthy. I know a guy who died in 2012 who was morbidly obese. I tried being nice to tell him he's killing himself obviously that doesn't work.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: ldyserenity

Well, while I understand your point of view in regard to obesity...

Telling someone they look terrible is not the way to make them want to lose weight. If anything that would make them want to eat more. Many overweight people have self-esteem issues arising from negative childhood experiences.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: depleteduranium92

We used to set each other on fire and Europe spent a few hundred years having full blown wars about who had the best bible interpretations and who didn't want to listen to a man in a large hat. I'd call this progress.

And ja people are right , don't use TMZ for social commentary. Where I'm from no one cares about these things.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: OrphanApology

I'm sorry I didn't realize you knew who I was, and what my habits are. I hardly ever use my smartphone, rarely watch TV, and browse many different news media sources daily when I work. This story was across all different media platforms in many different countries.

Maybe you need to get out of your bubble and actually research what happens across the nation and the world. Kobe Bryant got fined 100,000 grand for using the word f@660+. Donald Sterling was forced to sell his team for saying racist things. It isn't just the media that makes a big deal out of these things. Unfortunately when they do make a big deal out of things it matters because MSM still has a big audience.

I appreciate your immediate use of personal attacks on me not knowing anything about me. Perfect example of someone unable to form a valid argument, resorting to what your small interactions with the world are.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: ldyserenity
I know I got dogged yesterday for voicing my opinion about obese people and how it's McDonalds fault and other places like them, how I'd like to see them shut down all of them so I won't have to see obese disgusting people cause they'd have to lose weight not being able to get McDonalds anymore. Now I meant very obese, morbidly obese not fat. It's not only bad having to see them, it's awful for their health. I said something because they should feel bad, maybe if someone told them how horrendous they look, maybe it would ignite a fire in their ass to get in shape and become more healthy. I know a guy who died in 2012 who was morbidly obese. I tried being nice to tell him he's killing himself obviously that doesn't work.

You know, some people were just born ugly. They can't help it.

Would it be rude of me to say to someone not blessed with beauty "Man, you are really ugly, perhaps you should get plastic surgery and take care of your problem". How about that? Is that ok?

Man, you are really stupid, perhaps we should slap your mother for spawning you.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Euphem

To my understanding, the NBA is a private league that has rules on membership. To continue membership players and owners sign private stipulations in regard to behavior.

Also so far you say that your opinion is not based on media melodrama but so far you've used two celebrities as examples in regard to how "sensitive" general Americans have become.

Also nothing I said is a personal attack. You used a celebrity as an example to generalize America and so I stated that you should stop watching T.V., basically pay attention to real people around you and compare their behavior to what you witnessed 10 or 20 years ago.

edit on 4-6-2014 by OrphanApology because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: depleteduranium92

A perfect example is the South. Its always stereotyped for being overtly polite..and guess what.. Its always been poorer than the rest of the US and the most religious..hmmm is there a correlation here?

That's a terrible example. The South was traditionally much richer than the North. The North first tried stealing their money (80 percent of taxation was taken from the South and 80 percent of spending was in the North).

When this failed and the South lawfully withdrew from the Union, the North BURNT IT TO THE GROUND. Talk about spite!

I expect Southerners are considered more polite because they are a nicer, better class of people.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: OrphanApology

I never said the average american is more sensitive. I am talking about the outspoken and controlling groups that try to dictate what is right and wrong(gay rights, civil rights, MSM, etc..). Those groups and people reach millions/billions of people.

You said you don't use facebook and neither do I, but facebook, twitter, and all the other social media sites allow the rest of the world to see what you say. If that offends a certain vocal group be prepared for extreme backlash. This is what I was referring to, not the average american, but the viewpoints of the few being forced onto the many.

Regarding those celebrites, twenty years ago nobody would have been fined for that. Nobody would have been forced to sell a team for offending someone. Nobody would have been forced to pay 100 grand for using a homophobic slur. Nobody would have to go on television apologizing for insulting a paparrazo. Do you understand?

And yes you did attack me personally. You assumed I sit around watching TV all day, and never look up from my smartphone like I am some zombie teenager. Never assume something about somebody you have never spoken to over the internet.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: Euphem

You use celebrities as examples and that means you either A. Watch T.V. B. Read celebrity news or C. Watch celeb T.V. via the web.

Unless this information just magically enters your mind through waves from outer space.

Either way, it doesn't matter.

Although it may be true that Americans are being sued etc. for things such as homophobic slurs that doesn't mean the media hasn't controlled and been cruel toward other particular groups in the past. The only difference is that it has now shifted somewhat. Now instead of attacking gays for being gay, people are being attacked for attacking gays. The only thing that has changed is the group being defended at this point.

Many years ago a gay person who even said they were gay would have been kicked out of their apartment, lost their job, and a slew of other nonsense. The media has always been unfair and attacked particular groups for various reasons and viewpoints.

Nothing new.

I had much rather live in an America where someone gets heat from the media for being homophobic and racist than be in an American where they get heat for being gay and black. That's just my opinion of course. The shift in my opinion is much more pleasing than the historical alternative.
edit on 4-6-2014 by OrphanApology because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: depleteduranium92

A perfect example is the South. Its always stereotyped for being overtly polite..and guess what.. Its always been poorer than the rest of the US and the most religious..hmmm is there a correlation here?

Lol since when? i heard the opposite growing up.

South is full of racist, bigots, religious fundies and you get trashed if there is an increase in your melanin content.

Poorer area are nice and they do stick together because poor people have to deal with poverty before racism.

People who always complain about this seem to look at it purely from an emotional perspective (''I'm thin skinned so I take offence to anything that doesn't fit my beliefs.'')

or the person on the op piste spectrum "im ignorant, so i dont care what i say to people, they just have to take it"

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: OrphanApology

I never said I don't watch tv at all. I try to keep up with what the MSM message is across the networks to see any hidden agendas compared to what is really going on in the world. Also, I will sometimes watch sports or a history/nature type of show. In your original comment you were implying that I constantly watch TV, keep up with celebs, and this is why my opinion is a certain way. That is not true and you are still assuming things.

When you say that it is no different now that the group being defended has shifted you couldn't be more wrong. For one thing, F@6 is not a homophobic slur. The gay community decided to make it one and now is basically taking away free speech.

By the way, I am using celebrity examples here because they are well known by most people, and they can relate to them. Explain to me though, how was Jonah Hill attacking gays by calling a straight paparazzo who was harassing him a f##? How was Kobe bryant attacking gays when he called the ref who is straight a f##? You seem to lack basic logic and reasoning here. Gay people aren't being attacked in these examples. People are overreacting(aka more sensitive) much more drastically now adays, and if you can't see the difference don't even bother replying back.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: Euphem

Faggot or fag is a homophobic slur and has a pretty bad place in the hearts and minds of many a gay(especially American gay men). It would do you well to read up on gay history so you know exactly under what types of circumstances the word has been used and why it is now considered a slur.

The history of it as a slur started out as a slur for women and then started being used toward gay males(probably because most slurs toward men demote them to the ultimate low which is the status of female, historically). It is not a word that gays decided to steal suddenly and say was a slur. It was thrown upon them usually in the presence of physical assaults or other serious situations.

You may look up situations in which the word was used to describe gays. Start with looking up the "Upstairs Lounge Arson Fire" and "Stonewall Riots". Most notably, newspaper articles and interviews so you can get an idea of how people used/use the word, it's history, and why oh why a gay might consider it a slur.

edit on 4-6-2014 by OrphanApology because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: OrphanApology

I know the history, and I disagree with you 100%. I am done with our conversation here. It was nice talking to you, take care.

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