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Assassins of the Cabal

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posted on May, 30 2003 @ 05:58 PM
It is very much a cult. It is a cult that has been around for thousands of years and only containing the wealthiest of society's members.

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 12:00 AM
svali's credibility has been questioned before... Posted by Echelon

That may be true, however the evidence above and beyond Svali seems to bear out that something very interesting is happening. I would ask MKultra (although I think he has already answered it) if he sees a trend of activity that could indicate a program of extended psychological manipulation and mind control?

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 04:58 PM
How to Identify Serial Killers

Psychologists in Wales have created a simple psychological test to identify potential psychopaths who could become serial killers. Right now, all we have is profilers, and recently they've identified some serial killers as white, when they've turned out to be black.
If someone had given Derrick Todd Lee, the man accused of killing five women in Louisiana in the past 2 years, the simple, 10-minute serial killer test, maybe many lives could have been saved. The test is designed to reveal people's deepest thoughts and feelings. Psychopaths are good at covering these up and are often highly skilled at lying. They lack empathy and can kill without remorse, but they can be charming and learn how to fake the feelings that normal people have, which is why many of them are so hard to catch.

Psychologists at Cardiff University think psychopaths' emotional detachment can be used to catch them. They created a test that flashes a series of words on a screen, one after another. The person being tested has to classify each word as either "pleasant" or "unpleasant" and either "violent" or "peaceful." They press one button for "pleasant" or "peaceful" actions and another for "unpleasant" or "violent" actions.

posted on May, 31 2003 @ 07:25 PM
My definition of assasins - Bang! > White light > Heaven or Hell.

By the time you know of them its to late.

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by FoxStriker
My definition of assasins - Bang! > White light > Heaven or Hell.

By the time you know of them its to late.

Kinda makes you wonder if something we are posting on ATS might catch the Cabals eyes as dangerous....

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by dragonrider

Kinda makes you wonder if something we are posting on ATS might catch the Cabals eyes as dangerous....

Only if the info was taken serious and went public.

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 12:41 AM
But if for some reason, a poster was considered a threat, regardless of the validity of the info posted, well... wouldnt be a bad investment to go find some kevlar...

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:03 PM
A lot of people have been talking about an article in last month's Harper's magazine by Jeffrey Sharlet, editor of the web site and co-author of the upcoming "Killing the Buddha: A Heretic's Bible" (Free Press). Sharlet chronicles his three week stay inside a $4.4 million Arlington, Virginia mansion owned by a mysterious, highly connected, religious group known as the Fellowship.

Not only did Sharlet live among the members, he delved deep into the group's archives finding evidence that the Fellowship has had extensive links to such spiritually enlightened characters as Latin American dictators, death squad leaders and Indonesia's brutal President Suharto, who is accused of killing more than half a million suspected communists with the aid of the CIA.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:20 PM
his is how they pray: a dozen clear-eyed, smooth-skinned "brothers" gathered together in a huddle, arms crossing arms over shoulders like the weave of a cable, leaning in on one another and swaying like the long grass up the hill from the house they share. The house is a handsome, gray, two-story colonial that smells of new carpet and Pine-Sol and aftershave; the men who live there call it Ivanwald. At the end of a tree-lined cul-de-sac, quiet but for the buzz of lawn mowers and kids playing foxes-and-hounds in the park across the road, Ivanwald sits as one house among many, clustered together like mushrooms, all devoted, like these men, to the service of Jesus Christ. The men tend every tulip in the cul-de-sac, trim every magnolia, seal every driveway smooth and black as boot leather. And they pray, assembled at the dining table or on their lawn or in the hallway or in the bunk room or on the basketball court, each man's head bowed in humility and swollen with pride (secretly, he thinks) at being counted among such a fine corps for Christ, among men to whom he will open his heart and whom he will remember when he returns to the world not born-again but remade, no longer an individual but part of the Lord's revolution, his will transformed into a weapon for what the young men call "spiritual war."

"Jeff, will you lead us in prayer?"

Surely, brother. It is April 2002, and I have lived with these men for weeks now, not as a Christian�a term they deride as too narrow for the world they are building in Christ's honor�but as a "believer." I have shared the brothers' meals and their work and their games. I have been numbered among them and have been given a part in their ministry. I have wrestled with them and showered with them and listened to their stories: I know which man resents his father's fortune and which man succumbed to the flesh of a woman not once but twice and which man dances so well he is afraid of being taken for a fag. I know what it means to be a "brother," which is to say that I know what it means to be a soldier in the army of God.

posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 05:57 PM
Thirty-five years after he gunned down Robert F. Kennedy with a cheap pistol in a Los Angeles hotel kitchen, Sirhan Sirhan is demanding a new trial.

The demand is not new. Sirhan, who is serving a life sentence for shooting the New York senator, has asked for (and been denied) a retrial in the past. He has also demanded parole and been turned down 12 times.

But now, Sirhan, 59, has found a lawyer who claims he was framed, that evidence, including photographs of the crime scene, was destroyed by unscrupulous police officers at the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), and Sirhan, who shot Kennedy in plain view of several witnesses, could not possibly have fired the fatal shot.

Sirhan did fire a gun in the early hours of June 5, 1968, in the Ambassador Hotel, where Kennedy was celebrating his win in the California primary, but he was not conscious of what he was doing and none of his bullets killed the senator, his lawyer says.

posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 06:06 PM
Ok, so he's making very public waves for the illuminati. This is bad bad news. I wouldn't be surprised if either Sirhan or his lawyer end up missing.

Nice find, it does lend some credibility to our conceptualizations.

posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 06:51 AM

posted on Jun, 17 2003 @ 10:20 PM
On 28 November 1953, a delusional and depressed Dr Frank Olson threw himself out of the tenth floor window of his New York hotel. Olson was a long-serving scientist for the US Army's secretive Chimical Corps Special Operations Division, whose problems began at a meeting 9 days earlier. The meeting had been orchestrated by Sidnet Gottlieb, Head of the CIA's Technical Services Staff. Unknown to those present at the meeting, Gottlieb had aquired a quantity of '___' and secretly wanted to test it. Spiking Olson's drink with the '___', he passed the bottle around and sat back waiting for results. Olson, an outgoing personality who loved practical jokes, soon began to suffer jarring side effects. One of those present at the meeting, Ben Wilson, later recalled that Olson 'was psychotic'.

Gottlieb and his boss, the Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles, initiated a 20-year cover-up of the circumstances surrounding Olson's death.

At stake was the CIA's super secret project, MK-ULTRA. The project had grown out of an earlier secret programme, known as Bluebird, that was officially formed to counter Soviet advances in brainwashing. In reality the CIA had other objectives. An earlier aim was to study methods 'through which control of an individual may be attained'. The emphasis of experimentation was 'narco-hypnosis', the blending of mind altering drugs with careful hypnotic programming.

Ever evolving, project Bluebird was later renamed Project Artichoke, after a vegetable that Dulles was particularly fond of. Artichoke was an 'offensive' programme of mind control that gathered together the intelligence divisions of the Army, Navy, Air Farce and FBI.

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 11:16 PM
The new spread of the psychological activity...

Mind-control transmissions are another phenomenon that fits in with the subject of implants, although they are of a completely different nature. I will illustrate how these work by relaying a real-life investigation.

In the summer of 1995 I received a telephone call from a woman I will identify as Susan DaRe. She felt that she had been targeted by mind-control transmissions, sickness transmissions and just about everything else. Her story interested me enough that I decided I would visit her and do an electromagnetic study. I was already going to a hamfest (where ham radio gear is bought and sold) in Virginia, and it was not too much out of my way to stop in at her home right across from Fort Meade, a military installation in Maryland. When I arrived, we went out to dinner with her friend Bruce and she began to tell me her life story.

After telling her whole story, she told me that she is targeted and that her stepfamily is still connected to the intelligence community (CIA). Susan strongly believes the common theory that the CIA's roots began with the Nazi SS. She said the reason she is being targeted is the lumber business. When her stepfather died, she was to be left half of it and her stepbrother would get the other half of what was valued at about fourteen million dollars. Susan believes the intelligence community, working in concert with her "black magic uncle," wanted to get rid of her so that the natural son would inherit the entire business.

As we drove to her house after dinner, I began the electromagnetic study. I first tuned in to an 1080-MHz signal that I had been studying for a month. I noticed that when I got close to her car, the signal would appear. When she got well ahead of us, the signal would disappear. It was as if the transmitter for that signal was in her car. I knew this was not the case, because I'd been picking up this same signal all across the Northeast and it couldn't possibly have been transmitted from her car. There was no question that the 1080-MHz signal was being directed at Susan.

As soon as we arrived at her house, I began the electromagnetic survey at that location. I immediately found the 1080-MHz signal and also found the 435-MHz signal that routinely emanates from the vicinity of Montauk.* I also found a strong ELF (extra-low-frequency) broadcast that was as low as my equipment can pick up (about 50 to 400 kHz). I videotaped the entire display of different signals.

posted on Jun, 25 2003 @ 06:48 PM
Are they recruiting for the cabal???

Remaking the Masons for the 21st century proves a challenging task

TORONTO (CP) - As far as frat groups go, they're not exactly what anyone would describe as "with it." In fact, they can't even be called refreshingly retro, since their ancient rituals date back to the Industrial Revolution.
The Freemasons are old and their ancient traditions are threatening to keep them that way, fear leaders of the secret society who say it's time to lift the veil on closely guarded rituals and start luring young recruits.

"The World War II veterans that swelled the ranks of Freemasons are starting to die off," bemoans Stephen Dafoe, an Alberta Mason who writes books and edits an Internet newsletter about the men's group.

"There are some lodges back east that I frequently visited that were really having a hard time and they were so starved for members you were seeing one or two, or even three, lodges go in together and do what they call an amalgamation."

[Edited on 25-6-2003 by dragonrider]

posted on Jun, 26 2003 @ 10:09 PM
The soaring numbers of new pagans may have been influenced by TV shows and films like "Harry Potter," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Sabrina the Teenage Witch." There has been record attendance at rites held near Stonehenge in the U.K. Maybe it's disillusionment with wars waged in the name of religion or sexual predators in the church, or maybe it's just a desire for good company.
At least 10,000 Pagan witches and 6,000 Pagan druids were practicing in Britain in 1996, says history professor Ronald Hutton, and the number is even higher today. Druids find spiritual enlightenment through nature, and witches practice Wicca, using nature�s power as magic. "It's a religion that meets modern needs," says Hutton. "Traditional religions have so many prohibitions: Thou shalt not do this or that. But Paganism has a message of liberation combined with good citizenship." The freedom of paganism is shown in its motto: "An (if) it harm none, do what you will."

Matt McCabe of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD) says his organization has grown from a few hundred in the late 1980s to 7,000 worldwide today. He attributes much of this to the internet.

posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 06:32 AM
what is cabal??? i havnt looked into this area

I read the Montauk (sorry if its spelt wrong) took in kids at young ages and basicly wiped there minds clear and them trained them abk up to there needs under EM fields. One kid was very gifted and was mysteriously things he thought of would appear on the base he was in such as an individual, his brain was meant to be able to emiit strong em waves that warped time and space or something, end result was meant to be junior who destroyed the base.
Sorry if this is not relivent i just found it interesting how they train kids up as experiments

posted on Jun, 28 2003 @ 01:22 AM

his brain was meant to be able to emiit strong em waves that warped time and space or something, end result was meant to be junior who destroyed the base.
Sorry if this is not relivent i just found it interesting how they train kids up as experiments

That theory sounds like something I saw once on an Outer Limits, where a child can kill anyone who he gets upset at, so the entire town coddles the little tyke!

It is an interesting concept, you'd basically have a human version of HAARP.

posted on Jun, 29 2003 @ 03:37 PM
i think we are all human versions of haarp but we haven't really begun to study the science of how to tune our equipment.

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