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Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy apologizes for race remarks

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posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 11:48 PM
Did everybody over look this?

Militant Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy

combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods.
"a militant nationalist"
synonyms: aggressive, violent, belligerent, bellicose, vigorous, forceful, active, fierce, combative, pugnacious; More
noun: militant; plural noun: militants
a militant person.
synonyms: activist, extremist, radical, young turk, zealot More

Defintion found by Google.

Notice it was the first word in the paragraph?

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 11:53 PM
When you have to try and split hairs and desperately try and get this broad context in order to stand by a remark, its best to simply apologise, admit it was a poor statement, and move on....props to the guy for going against the extreme element demanding he is fine and getting back onto the mainstream view of things.
Guys old, he is used to words of his time. problem is, his time was a very racist time where objectifying people with different skintones was the norm....simply didn't to alter his vocabulary.

Now..back to the main issue...of him feeling entitled to use public land for his private business without paying the fee like everyone else...
Actually, the racist stuff might be more nuanced and gray. heh.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 11:53 PM
In all my travels, in all my life. . . I've held more respect for those who were open and honest with their opinions, than those who could look me in the eye and lie about how they felt.

Bigot or not, racist or not, political correctness has made liars out of many.

Simply because we are too afraid to break the social taboo of speaking our minds, we've created a society that is stunted in its growth.

Our society is not free.

Our society is a Bonsai tree. Constantly being pruned, being shaped, and retarded in its growth.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: liejunkie01


The LA Times story is a bit slanted.

Almost like they were trying to dispel the "apology".


Here's a different article...

Rancher Cliven Bundy explains racially charged comments

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
In all my travels, in all my life. . . I've held more respect for those who were open and honest with their opinions, than those who could look me in the eye and lie about how they felt.

Bigot or not, racist or not, political correctness has made liars out of many.

Simply because we are too afraid to break the social taboo of speaking our minds, we've created a society that is stunted in its growth.

Our society is not free.

Our society is a Bonsai tree. Constantly being pruned, being shaped, and retarded in its growth.

And that's how to handle thing.
Anyone has the freedom to say whatever they want.
People have simply learned to not say whatever they want whenever they want without dealing with the consequences.
if PC = having social consequences for poor behavior..then what is your problem with it?
No laws against it, just simple shunning, boycotting, censoring via websites and other private industries, etc...reject that behavior and thought pattern in society to improve tomorrows kids from not even being exposed much to it..turn it into the fringe crap it actually is, spoken in dark corners by ignorant bigots verses proclaimed loudly without anyone scorning them...

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

A society based on lies instead of true intent and feelings cannot last.

A small caveat; don't be an assh#le. There will be assh#les. There will always be assh#les.

I'm not talking about the assh#les.

I'm talking about regular people, throughout the country. We all don't think the same, talk the same, approach like the same, nor see people the same.

But under the draconian rule of Emperor PC, we have to "pretend" that we are the same.

And to be honest, some of us are far better than others.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 12:32 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: SaturnFX

A society based on lies instead of true intent and feelings cannot last.

A small caveat; don't be an assh#le. There will be assh#les. There will always be assh#les.

I'm not talking about the assh#les.

I'm talking about regular people, throughout the country. We all don't think the same, talk the same, approach like the same, nor see people the same.

But under the draconian rule of Emperor PC, we have to "pretend" that we are the same.

And to be honest, some of us are far better than others.

I agree. I am better than conservatives, and I hate this PC stuff where I have to be nice and talk to them as if they are equals. not being a arseO, I am just being real. I should be able to simply laugh at them and call them knuckledragging artards on sight with everyone totally not pressuring me to clean up my wording..cause, you know..freedom n stuff.

see the issue?
to me, I am not being an ass, but to others, it is.
you gave the caveat of not being an ass, but that is subjective
What your actually saying is that you enjoy political correctness based on what you personally find offensive or jerky...but things you say that are offensive or jerky is just being real and people should respect that.

No, what I said should be frowned on, and people I offend should not buy my services if I am using them until I learn to not be an ass...that is all political correctness is. Your british, PC is artform for your heritage.

I think you can bring up issues and subjects without using language that is offensive..the term negro in the English language was a word used to separate black people from the rest, it was a demeaning word...same with black boy..the guy may not have been trying to genuinely be racist, but the thing is, he comes from a time when racism was a way of life. Some ridicule and scorn, along with a hit in the pocketbook, may have him reflect on this trait that he hasn't even considered about himself...its a good thing..opens you up to introspection and self analysis

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

I'd trust you more if you called me an ass to my face and disagreed with me to my face than pander to the PC bullshirt!

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 12:43 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: SaturnFX

I'd trust you more if you called me an ass to my face and disagreed with me to my face than pander to the PC bullshirt!

I think points can be made without resorting to name calling and being a jerk. That is ultimately what PC is. there is almost no difference between the two.
also, there is no law against being politically is fully a reaction by the people..people react, and will adjust based on society norms...and society becomes more structured, requiring more diplomatic articulation. Stupid people saying stupid things are ultimately silenced through this method, and that's good...because some thoughts are like a disease that should be cut out of our dialog.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 12:49 AM
It's amazing how they always manage to bring up to the forefront this constructed race issue, while they continue with the agenda of race displacement in the country, putting minorities everywhere, at least in Canada. White males may not apply for numerous jobs, and all the local stores have 4/5's or more of their employees, non white now, its really freaky going into any store, and seeing only minority workers, and wondering what the hell is going on?!!!!

Without bringing slave plantations, for that doesnt figure into anything, the other issues with minorities, foreign accents, immigrants from war or third world countries, crime rates, telling us that we should feel shame at being white, and white priviledge. Um...we're 86% of the population in our country with up until recently low crime rates and good social programs and we want to keep that.

Recently even an article how its racist to not want to date other races? For white people to favor family and friends and help out their loved ones before helping out strangers! This was insane babble from a psycho.

So I just don't consider his apology necessary for his out context remarks.

I have quite alot to say on whats going on currently, because there is a very bad agenda going on, and will never force myself to be politically correct without speaking up.
edit on 27-4-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 12:54 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
Stupid and disgusting eh? Well, you probably know what opinions are like.

yeah, there's opinions, and then there's saying s**t that's flat out wrong...guess which one you did?

Why don't you provide links for the "Holy Writ According to Daedalus" then? You didn't have the five seconds to back up your big talk?

I listed three distinct sources for the quotes I used none of which are considered to be overly "liberal" "left" or "statist."

why don't you go load up a search engine, and find it you should have done before you decided it was a good idea to jump on the bandwagon...

No one is a robot just because they don't agree with your opinions. Sorry.

quite right.....but anyone who just takes what the MSM craps out on the airwaves, at face value, without bothering to make sure it's factually accurate, and then proceeds to regurgitate idiotic untruths.....THOSE people are robots..

Here's the SAME QUOTE linked from (LINK) I don't think you get anymore conservative, right-wing, or whatever than that, do you? What do you need the quote from, The Blaze? Drudge? What's "right-wing" enough? Jeez, talk about gullible.

i don't really want biased "left" sources, or biased "right" sources...i just want facts..

and the fact is that he was quoted out of context....he wasn't saying that he doesn't acknowledge the existence of the federal government, he was saying he doesn't acknowledge their authority...

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 12:57 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
This thread is about the "racist" issue being settled. Anyone can make a mistake.

the only "mistake" made, was by the MSM....and it wasn't a mistake....

they're beholden to an that end, they edited his statements, and twisted it into something it wasn't....and the morons that watch that drivel, bought the lie, and that shaped their opinions, because they're too stupid to fact-check anything...

i don't think he should have apologized, because he didn't say anything wrong, or offensive....he made an observation....maybe it wasn't dazzlingly articulate, but it was truthful...and he didn't say anything "racist"....that's just sensationalist MSM idiot-speak

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
Did everybody over look this?

Militant Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy

combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods.
"a militant nationalist"
synonyms: aggressive, violent, belligerent, bellicose, vigorous, forceful, active, fierce, combative, pugnacious; More
noun: militant; plural noun: militants
a militant person.
synonyms: activist, extremist, radical, young turk, zealot More

Defintion found by Google.

Notice it was the first word in the paragraph?

oh yeah, i saw that too....any excuse they can get to take a shot at the man....bunch of dumbasses..

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 01:31 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

As far as I can tell, the "I dont recognize the United States government as even existing" comment all point to this "source":

His statement is cut off at the end (:30) after which the "reporter" edits in her own voice.

My guess is that he probably said something like ""I dont recognize the United States government as even existing... when it comes to Nevada law" or maybe "when bureaucrats are creating rules which have the force of law".

Who knows.

It would be nice to hear the entire interview instead of what would seem to be a statement edited (or abruptly ended) to fit an agenda.

When we had a chance to hear the entire "racist" comments, he's actually defending minorities saying that they are hard workers and more family oriented than Whites...

Regardless, all of these attacks on his character are a deliberate attempt to distract the public.

Its a typical tactic when one is trying to avoid the actual issues.

edit on 27-4-2014 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 02:12 AM
Either way, the "racist" issue is dead. That's the point here. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

What Mr. Bundy said about "not recognizing the government of the US" is more than clear; that's not the point of this discussion. I was mistaken to bring it up in this context.

edit on 2Sun, 27 Apr 2014 02:15:22 -050014p022014466 by Gryphon66 because: l yeah

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 02:13 AM

Has the New York Times issued a retraction yet ?

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 02:27 AM
That is ENOUGH

Stick to the topic at hand and knock off the sniping, and personal comments. Further comments of this sort will be removed.

Do not reply to this post.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 02:34 AM
Well good enough, for some.

As I have been saying. The best, and most legal, thing he can do (and save face).

Is to pay the "owed" fees and then file an appeal. Nothing good for him will happen at the current path of resistance.

I believe with the right lawyer-and if his premise of resistance is legit.... he'll win his case and get his money back.

If the law needs changing etc, now is the time to bring attention and support to that matter.

HOWEVER, the saddest thing out of all of this, other than the USA willing to use tasers and dogs on it's people for such a matter, BUT the ease the Feds have been able to keep the eye off them.... just because an old man says negro.

We should all be "on his side"-if he does things correctly, until the matter is resolved (after the fees are paid).

It's early in the AM and I hope the my message is clear.

Bundy is not the enemy in this matter. The Feds are for their over bearing military response. No one of you here could say you would want this to happen to anyone you care about.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 02:56 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: Danbones

The point of this thread is that Mr. Bundy has apologized for his remarks. To reiterate, and to be exact from the link provided in the OP.

“I hope I didn’t offend anybody. If I did, I ask for your forgiveness,” he said in a news conference streamed on the Internet.

This thread is about the "racist" issue being settled. Anyone can make a mistake.

star that
i m supporting that bundy didn't have to apologize but did any way
the msm represents the racists like the top democrat who once said there was a time when Obama would have only been fit to bring them coffee (or carry thier ummm ...bags )

Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008
harry reid is a top democrat too

i hope that wasn't the actual sport of tea bagging you ment there William

edit on Sunam4b20144America/Chicago54 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: buster2010
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy apologizes for race remarks

Militant Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy on Friday apologized for his comments published this week on African Americans and slavery but refused to back off from his intended point that the federal government was too powerful, saying that his remarks came “from the heart.” In a daily news conference from his ranch in Bunkerville, north of Las Vegas, the 67-year-old rancher, who is in a prolonged battle with federal officials over grazing rights on public lands in Nevada, said he was not a racist. “I’m probably one of the most non-racist people in America,” he said, standing on the back of a long-haul truck trailer with an American flag in the foreground. He suggested that his comments were misinterpreted.

It's good to see he was man enough to apologize for what he said. If a person says they are sorry for what they said then they should be given a second chance. As far as I'm concerned to him being a racist the slate is wiped clean.

So you don't think starting a comment with "I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro," is in anyway racist?

Saying you are sorry after the event isn't always good enough.

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