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US reviews Mideast peace push as tit-for-tat moves multiply

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posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 04:12 PM
US Secretary of State John Kerry is getting impatient with the so-called Middle East "peace" initiatives.

It's no surprise to me because it seems nobody really wants "peace" anyway.

Every single effort *always* gets to a certain point and then falls apart every time.

There must be a bigger more powerful and potent agenda in play.

Even the Ottoman Empire had conflicts all over the place.

And not even the international pirate Kofi Annan could get anything done either. All he ever did was create new "Coffee Klatchs"

Jerusalem (AFP) - Washington said Friday it was reviewing its push for a Middle East peace agreement as a spiral of tit-for-tat moves by Israel and the Palestinians took hard-won talks close to collapse.

US Secretary of State John Kerry, who has invested more than a year of intensive shuttle diplomacy, said there were "limits" to the time Washington could devote to the process.

"This is not open-ended," Kerry said in Morocco, adding that it was "reality check" time and he would evaluate with President Barack Obama Washington's next move.

US reviews Mideast peace push as tit-for-tat moves multiply

WHY don't they want Peace ?

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 04:21 PM
For real lasting peace it would take two parties to want it... With the religious fervor and total race hatred that has been magnified over the centuries if not more so recently I doubt there will ever be peace until one salts the earth of another... Sorry might as well look at the history of the region no matter how ugly.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 04:26 PM
There has not been 'peace' in the Middle East for over 2000 years.

2000 years from now the ME will be just like it is today.

That is what happens when those people over there 'cling to their guns, and religion'.

Kerry knows this.

They ALL know this.

Kerry, and this country is awefully damn ARROGANT to think all they have to do is say jump to those countries, and they will ever listen to them.

Their problem is they need to sort their own crap out by cleaning up their own mess, and institute some 'separation' of church and state there.

edit on 4-4-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 05:07 PM

WHY don't they want Peace ?

They are full of pride, thinking they are doing a good thing for their fallen god by killing others.

There will not be any peace until after the Golden Dome is damaged (or destroyed).

Then as Albert Pike said, World War 3 will occur between Christians (Russia/anti West) and Muslims (Obama / NATO) where the worlds population will exhaust itself after watching itself commit suicide.
Putin even said that he is pro-Christian.

Then after the muslims and christians destroy each other, a new world leader will rise from the ashes and rebuild the Golden Dome in Jerusalem.

Personally, i thought things are going very smoothly. By June a lot of people are going to be wishing they could time travel back to these days of peace and massacre the elite in one day.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 05:35 PM
Why no peace yet ...Well they are not ready ...They? yea tptb ...lets look at it .."There are three inter­locking ele­ments that are key to any society: Pol­i­tics, eco­nomics and reli­gion. The three are inter­de­pen­dent and cannot be “unhinged” into sep­a­rate com­po­nents. Every facet of human inter­ac­tion is wrapped up in these three ele­ments, meaning that there are no more than three elements."

"When one talks about a “New World Reli­gion”, a sim­ilar ana­lyt­ical approach is nec­es­sary. While those in the global reli­gious move­ment are quick to dis­cuss global polit­ical gov­er­nance issues, those in the global eco­nomic and/or global polit­ical world more often side-step reli­gious ques­tions as being “pri­vate issues”, and simply deny any goals of bringing about a uni­fied, global reli­gion of any sort"

"As we examine this sub­ject, one cannot help but note how the Amer­ican court system is fanat­i­cally removing every sem­blance of Judeo-Christian sym­bolism from public places using the argu­ment of “Sep­a­ra­tion of Church and State.” In spite of the fact that America’s her­itage is deeply rooted in simple con­cepts like the Ten Com­mand­ments, these are now per­sona non grata. To the global elite how­ever, there appar­ently is no “sep­a­ra­tion of church and state”… as long as it is their reli­gion and their state: Nei­ther of these wel­come tra­di­tional evan­gel­ical Christianity"

Tri­lat­eral Observer Vol. 3, Issue 9, Sep­tember, 1980
The term “Humanism” is often erro­neously thought of as humane-ism. Humanism is a sec­ular, non-theistic (athe­istic) reli­gion that believes man is capable of self-fulfillment, eth­ical con­duct and sal­va­tion without super­nat­ural intervention."

"Roots of modern-day Humanism go back to at least fifth cen­tury B.C. to the Greek philoso­pher Pro­tagoras who said, “Man is the mea­sure of all things.“1 During the period of the Enlight­en­ment, philoso­phers such as Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778), Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804), Georg Hegel (1770 – 1831) and slightly later Karl Marx (1818 – 1883), devel­oped human­istic doc­trines that have worked their way into the 20th cen­tury in the form of Humanism, Marxism, Socialism, Com­mu­nism, Col­lec­tivism and Rationalism"

"Hegel coined the idea, “Freedom is not some­thing merely opposed to con­straint; on the con­trary, it pre­sup­poses and requires restraint.“4 Like Rousseau, he con­tended that the indi­vidual could be “free” even when he is being coerced into it, and even though he would not like being forced, he must follow the “public will.”

Karl Marx hated Chris­tianity, Judaism and reli­gion in gen­eral. He stated: “Crit­i­cism of reli­gion is the foun­da­tion of all crit­i­cism.“5 Even in his own life­time Marx was known as a mil­i­tant atheist. All of his writ­ings were directed toward destroying the middle “bour­geois” class by means of the working class, which was to result in a class­less society"

"The prob­lems of eco­nomic growth and devel­op­ment can no longer be resolved by one nation alone; they are world­wide in scope.”

‘Tech­nology is the vital key to human progress and development. ”

“We urge that parochial loy­al­ties and inflex­ible moral and reli­gious ide­olo­gies be tran­scended. Destruc­tive ide­o­log­ical dif­fer­ences among com­mu­nism, cap­i­talism, socialism, con­ser­vatism, lib­er­alism, and rad­i­calism should be overcome.”

‘[Humanism]… tran­scends the narrow alle­giances of church, state, party, class or race in moving toward a wider vision of human poten­tiality. What more daring a goal for humankind than for each person to become, in ideal as well as prac­tice, a cit­izen of a world com­mu­nity "

"Corliss Lamont is one of the most pro­lific writers on Humanism, and is lit­er­ally “Mr. Humanism” in regard to awards, men­tions, etc. in human­istic cir­cles. Lamont authored The Phi­los­ophy of Humanism (1977) and noted “A truly Humanist civ­i­liza­tion must be a world civ­i­liza­tion.“10 He fur­ther wrote:

“Humanism is not only a phi­los­ophy with a world ideal, but is an ideal phi­los­ophy for the world… sur­mounting all national and sec­tional provin­cialisms, pro­vides a con­crete oppor­tu­nity for over­coming the age-long cleavage between East and West. It is the philo­sophic coun­ter­part of world patri­o­tism”11

“The prin­ciple around which the United Nations and the Inter­na­tional Court of Jus­tice are orga­nized is that the scope of national sov­er­eignty must be cur­tailed and that nations must be willing to accept, as against what they con­ceived to be their own self-interest, the demo­c­ra­t­i­cally arrived at deci­sions of the world com­mu­nity." "

rejec­tion of tra­di­tional Chris­tianity and religion
the neces­sity for sub­or­di­na­tion of the indi­vidual to state and the community
catch­words of both Humanism and Marxism are “democ­racy, peace and high stan­dard of living”
indi­vidual rights and beliefs are non-existent
col­lec­tivism is supreme.



Corliss Lamont (pre­vi­ously quoted as a prime source of humanist phi­los­ophy) is the son of Thomas W. Lamont.

Let’s to back to the First World War.

Thomas W. Lamont (1870 – 1948) was one of the orig­inal orga­nizers of the Round Table group cited by Quigley in Tragedy and Hope.13

Lamont’s auto­bi­og­raphy is appro­pri­ately enti­tled Across World Fron­tiers. He was not only a senior partner in J.P. Morgan & Co., but was also a director of Guar­anty Trust Com­pany, Inter­na­tional Har­vester Co. (with its Tri­lat­eral direc­tors today) and the law firm of Lamont Corliss & Co. Thomas Lamont was a key figure in the Morgan finan­cial group. (For fur­ther infor­ma­tion and exten­sive doc­u­men­ta­tion on the links between J.P. Morgan and the devel­op­ment of the early Soviet Union, see Wall Street and the Bol­shevik Rev­o­lu­tion by Antony Sutton.) "


Humanism today is being “taught” throughout the busi­ness world by the Aspen Insti­tute, par­tic­u­larly to the multi­na­tional cor­po­ra­tion com­mu­nity. The major financiers of Aspen also are the major financiers of Tri­lat­er­alism, and no less than seven mem­bers of the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion also serve at the Aspen Institute.

In short, it seems the pri­vate financing for the Aspen Insti­tute comes from the inter­na­tional banks in New York City, and more specif­i­cally, from foun­da­tions con­trolled by Rock­e­feller and Morgan interests.

Donors sup­port activ­i­ties which reflect their objectives!


In Brzezinski’s book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Tech­netronic Era, he wrote in ref­er­ence to a pro­posed con­sti­tu­tional con­ven­tion, “The needed change is more likely to develop incre­men­tally and less overtly… in keeping with the Amer­ican tra­di­tion of blur­ring dis­tinc­tions between public and pri­vate insti­tu­tions.“14 A prime Tri­lat­eral objec­tive is to blur the dis­tinc­tion between “pri­vate” and “public” oper­a­tions so as to divert public funds into pri­vate projects set up by Tri­lat­erals to achieve Tri­lat­eral objectives.

According to an Aspen publication:

“The idea behind the Aspen Insti­tute has three essen­tial ingre­di­ents: to gather thoughtful men and women around the table, not across the table; to explore the power of ideas in great lit­er­a­ture stretching from ancient to con­tem­po­rary time, and to trans­late ideas into poli­cies and actions that meet the chal­lenge of our age.

“In view of the rapidly increasing world­wide activ­i­ties of the Insti­tute, its inter­na­tional Board of Trustees and key staff act on the Institute’s long-standing prin­ciple to main­tain absolute con­trol over the selec­tion of indi­vidual par­tic­i­pants and their mix in all its meet­ings, the loca­tions at which its meet­ings are held, as well as the sub­jects to be dis­cussed. “16

At these meet­ings, a hotch­potch of cor­po­rate exec­u­tives, mil­i­tary people, intel­lec­tuals and media per­son­ages “mingle” and become “edu­cated,” typ­i­cally for a period of two weeks at a time. This subtle form of brain­washing on global affairs is cou­pled with the breaking down of hard line prin­ci­pled posi­tions through peer pres­sure. As Wilbur Mills once said, “To get along you have to go along.”

According to the Institute’s A Brief Overview:

“…the Insti­tute is under­taking a sus­tained exam­i­na­tion of cru­cial issues of Gov­er­nance: how soci­eties and their gov­ern­ments and insti­tu­tions, public and pri­vate, national and inter­na­tional, can better respond to the often con­flicting pres­sures for social jus­tice, fair­ness, effi­ciency and indi­vidual freedom. Under this broad theme of Gov­er­nance, the Insti­tute focuses on such sub­jects as Financing the Future; Human Rights; The Cor­po­ra­tion and Society; Energy; A Chal­lenge to Gov­er­nance; Tra­di­tion and Mod­ern­iza­tion; The First 20 Years of Life; Ethics; Reli­gion and Gov­er­nance; Work, Indus­trial Policy and Society; and Struc­tures for Peace.

The cur­rent direc­tors of the Aspen Insti­tute con­tinue to be drawn from the same upper ech­elon of global elitists.:

William N. JoyFounder & chief sci­en­tist of Sun Microsys­tems, designer of the Berkeley ver­sion of UNIX that became the back­bone of the Internet.
Walter IsaacsonPres­i­dent & CEO of Aspen Insti­tute; for­merly chairman & CEO of CNN and man­aging editor of Time Mag­a­zine. Author of Kissinger: A Biography
Yotaro KobayashiChairman, Aspen Insti­tute Japan; chairman of Fuji Xerox, director of Xerox Cor­po­ra­tion; Pacific Asia chairman of the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion; advi­sory council member of J.P. Morgan’s Inter­na­tional Council
Madeleine K. AlbrightFormer Sec­re­tary of State under Bill Clinton; director of the Council on For­eign Relations.
Gerald M. LevinFormer chairman and CEO of Time Warner, Inc.
John P. McNultySenior director of Goldman Sachs & Co.
Philip MerrilPres­i­dent and chairman of the Export-Import Bank of the United States
Elaine PagelsHar­rington Pear Paine Pro­fessor (of reli­gion) at Princeton University
Fred­eric B. WhittemorePartner, man­aging director of Morgan Stanley and Com­pany; member of the Council on For­eign Relations
Mor­timer B. ZuckermanChairman and Editor-in-chief of U.S. News & World Report; member of J.P. Morgan National Advi­sory Board; member of the Council on For­eign Relations

Aspen also main­tains a Council of Hon­orary Trustees that con­sists of former board mem­bers or promi­nent indi­vid­uals who have been elected to the Council by a majority of the board mem­ber­ship. Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion mem­bers on the council include: John Brademas, William T. Coleman, Jr., Umberto Colombo, Robert S. Ingersol,Henry Kissinger, Paul Volker and Robert McNa­mara.


According to the 2005 “Letter From the Pres­i­dent” on Aspen’s web site, Walter Isaacson writes:

The orig­inal goal of the Aspen Insti­tute, in the words of one of its ear­liest mis­sion state­ments, was “for Amer­ican busi­ness leaders to lift their sights above the pos­ses­sions which pos­sess them, to con­front their own nature as human beings, to regain con­trol over their own humanity by becoming more self-aware, more self-correcting and hence more self-fulfilling.”

…But our core mis­sion remains the same. We seek to foster enlight­ened lead­er­ship and open-minded dia­logue. Through sem­i­nars, policy pro­grams, con­fer­ences and lead­er­ship devel­op­ment ini­tia­tives, the Insti­tute and its inter­na­tional part­ners seek to pro­mote non­par­tisan inquiry and an appre­ci­a­tion for time­less values. [Emphasis added]

We help people become more enlight­ened in their work and enriched in their lives. Together we can learn one of the keys to being suc­cessful in busi­ness, lead­er­ship and life: bal­ancing con­flicting values in order to find common ground with our fellow cit­i­zens while remaining true to basic ideals.20

Reli­gious buzz­words seen above include self-aware, self-correcting, self-fulfilling, enlight­ened lead­er­ship, open-minded dia­logue, time­less values, bal­ancing con­flicting values, etc. Some readers may equate these terms to New Age Enlight­en­ment, and that would be cor­rect. Human­ists, by def­i­n­i­tion, do not limit them­selves to one “tra­di­tion”. In fact, as suc­cessful as Aspen Insti­tute has been in achieving its goals, even it rec­og­nizes that the world is not going to be con­verted to Sec­ular Humanism


URI was founded in 1993 by William Swing, Bishop of the Epis­copal Church Dio­cese of Cal­i­fornia, as an Inter­faith orga­ni­za­tion that seeks to bind reli­gions of the world into one common orga­ni­za­tion. The con­cept of inter­faith orga­ni­za­tions is nothing new, but few have made much headway in this conflict-ridden world. By con­trast, URI has grown at a spec­tac­ular rate, up to 100% per year. In his newly released book, False Dawn, Lee Penn writes

“In 2002, New Age author Neale Donald Walsch said that the URI is ‘more global in scope, and more uni­versal in reach’ than other inter­faith orga­ni­za­tions, adding that ‘I am not sure that any other inter­faith orga­ni­za­tion casts that wide a net.’”
We unite in respon­sible coop­er­a­tive action to bring the wisdom and values of our reli­gions, spir­i­tual expres­sions and indige­nous tra­di­tions to bear on the eco­nomic, envi­ron­mental, polit­ical and social chal­lenges facing our Earth com­mu­nity.

The Earth Charter was cre­ated in 1994 by Mau­rice Strong and Mikhail Gor­bachev. Some view Earth Charter as being a pro­to­type con­sti­tu­tion for the New World Order. Although closely asso­ci­ated with the United Nations, Earth Charter indoc­tri­na­tion is meant to take place through edu­ca­tion and reli­gion, which is one reason that it is strongly sup­ported by URI.

The prin­cipal spokesman for Earth Charter, and its U.S. Chairman and Com­mis­sioner, is little known Steven C. Rock­e­feller, son of the late Nelson A. Rockefeller.

Steven Rock­e­feller is the reli­gious link to the New World Order being pro­moted by orga­ni­za­tions like the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion. This Rock­e­feller received his Master of Divinity from the very lib­eral Union The­o­log­ical Sem­i­nary in New York City, and his Ph.D. in the phi­los­ophy of reli­gion from Columbia Uni­ver­sity, also very lib­eral. He is Pro­fessor emer­itus of Reli­gion at Mid­dle­bury Col­lege in Ver­mont, and also served as Dean of the Col­lege. Most impor­tantly to this dis­cus­sion, he was Chairman of the Earth Charter Inter­na­tional Drafting Committee.

Steven Rock­e­feller is also chairman of the Rock­e­feller Brothers Fund (RBF). David Rock­e­feller, his uncle, is also a director of RBF.


The global elite have a reli­gious agenda.
It is funded by the same people & orga­ni­za­tions who fund global polit­ical and eco­nomic policies.
It is spe­cific in its beliefs and method­olo­gies of envelopment.
It is unques­tion­ably set against Bib­lical Chris­tianity and Bible-believing Chris­tians because the Bible makes spe­cific claim to exclu­sivity regarding entrance into Heaven, for instance, John 14:6 states, “I am the way, the truth, and the light: no man comes to the Father except through Me.”

link So it is not hard to see why there is no peace in the middle east and when it comes it will only last a short time .Then destruction comes

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by the2ofusr1

Great Post !!!

Explains a lot about who and how and why.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

You know I have been trying to find tptb like most have ..We find them every where but the Trilateral Commission has to rank #1 That web site has a lot of research on it with all of the people places and intentions .Being a Canadian I was kind of surprised to find Jim Prentice name near the top in operations.He left CIBC recently to lobby for the oil industry to get the Natives to agree to the Northern pipeline to the west coast .These people have a amazing set of revolving doors they move in and out of .If there is tptb then these are our people ...peace

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