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Proto-Sumerian origin on text on a statue discovered in Peru! The riddle of the monolith of the Poko

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posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: greyer
Magical artifacts buried under 30 ft that nobody has ever seen but you.

You'll pardon me for dismissing your claim as ignorant then.


posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: Harte
a reply to: greyer
Magical artifacts buried under 30 ft that nobody has ever seen but you.

You'll pardon me for dismissing your claim as ignorant then.


I was referring to these, magical in terms of what you think magic really is...

According to geologists the last volcanic activity on the island occurred 10,000 years ago.


posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: Harte

Even the intriguing mysterious and avoided at all costs by archaeologists hieroglyphic nature of the island that mainstream science labels relatively new age appears to be full of questionable figures, figures that looks like little green men more than any form of a language. This didn't get addressed because the mysterious leads to the truth and the truth is what they want to treat like a cookie jar. To outright deny the possible antiquity of this evidence only signifies a small stubborn shallow consciousness compared to the depth of an open intelligent mind perceiving cutting edge research.

edit on 11Tue, 17 Jun 2014 23:35:23 -0500America/Chicago14America/ChicagoTue, 17 Jun 2014 23:35:23 -0500 by greyer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 06:53 AM
"Avoided at all costs by archaeologists"?


You claim that the Moai are 9,000 years old? What's your evidence for this?


posted on Jul, 3 2014 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: Arken

Why do you keep linking this to the Sumerians? If you familiarize yourself with Sumerian art and statuary, you'd see that this piece is drastically different from the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, or Babylonain art found in Mesopotamia.

First, the head. The Sumerians identified divinity in two ways. Primarily, a horned-cap was worn by any figure who was a deity. The more horns this cap contained, the more power and authority the divinity was believed to have. Deified Kings, for instance, were depicted wearing a cap with one or two sets of horns, while the highest of the gods were depicted in caps with 4, 5, or 6 sets of horns.

The cap on this statue is clearly loaf-shaped, and lacks horns. The inscriptions supposedly identify this figure as a prophet, shaman, and the Divine's chosen discriminator of wisdom. Were this so, then the figure in this statue, like Gilgamesh, Shulgi, or Naram-Sin, would be wearing a horned-cap representative of his level of authority in the divine world.

Additionally, in Mesopotamian art the figures of commoners, Kings, and gods alike were represented as lean, tall, and imposing figures with long legs, who wore elegant and decorative robes. Further, minor divinities were depicted in Mesopotamian art wearing fringed robes. You'll notice that the figure in this statue has very short feet and lacks a fringed robe. In fact, the figure in this depiction is wearing a garment much closer in nature to the maxtlatl of the Aztec, than to the robes of the Sumerian or Assyrian.

Second, the wrist bracelet. In almost all Mesopotamian art where a figure of spiritual importance is represented, they wear a rosette upon their wrist (often erroneously mistaken by Ancient Astronaut Theorists as a wristwatch). In this depiction, the wrist bracelet is smooth and featureless, meaning it is not Mesopotamian, and if it were, it wouldn't be depicting a spiritual figure.

Third, the inscription's characteristics. Cuneiform was a series of wedge-shaped impressions pressed upon clay tablets. Even the pictographic Cuneiform from c. 3500 BC during the Uruk period is far less linear than what is etched into this figure. What is sketched into this statue are artistic representations of figures, beings, and words. You will be hard pressed to find any Mesopotamian artwork where the figures themselves bare the inscription, as opposed to the more traditional layout of using Cuneiform below an image to explain what is happening above.

You'll notice, however, that Mesoamerican art, from the Native South Americans, is no stranger to designs, spirals, faces, and literature being scrawled on every available surface of an image. Clearly this statue bears a much more striking resemblance to Inca, Maya, or Aztec art.

As for the message itself...

I'd invite you to read Sumerian mythology, and the Assyrio-Babylonian variations. The gods of Mesopotamia were vibrant, lively, and entertaining, but also very egotistical, and menacing. Their mythology is littered with mourning songs, lamentation poetry, and myths of death and destruction. This hopeful, loving message is nowhere near the Mesopotamian worldview.


The statue itself looks cool. The inscription, if legitimately translated, is interesting, and I'd love to know more about what it really is. But is it Sumerian? Nope.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: Arken
Absolutely amazing! Were the Sumerians settled in Latin America several thousands years ago? Seem so, according with the new analysis and translation on the carved text on a statue of Pokot civilization. The monolith is a Pokot anthropomorphic stone statue, about 170 cm high, which was found around 1960 at the site of the Pokot, about 2 km from the city of stone Tiahuanaco.
Source in italian:

According to the scholar Clyde A. Winters in the monolith of Pokot there are various inscriptions (proto-Sumerian origin), but the most important ones are below the hands (which are resting on thighs), and in the dorsal part (in the back of the statue). This is the translation inscriptions found in the front, according to epigraphist Clyde A. Winters: "Spread to all mankind the opening oracle of Putaki. It proclaims that the race of Putaki be estimated over time. Act in the right way so that the oracle may disclose wisdom. Enjoy the cult. Everyone must bear witness to the Divine will. The soothsayer interprets the guidance of the oracle, to make known the rules that guide humanity. The citizens who testified in favor of human wisdom and will disseminate examples of strong character." In the front left of the statue there is an additional wording relating to which is interpreted as follows: "The shaman proclaims the immense importance of this place, the power of Divinity in order to deliver the wisdom of man." There are two other additional incisions, always at the front: "Putaki Oh great, wise man and ancestor of many nations. And again, you swear to bear witness to the character and wisdom. Bear testimony of the power of divinity in order to strengthen your character." In the hands of the monolith will be written, according to Winters: "The oracle Putaki leads man to the truth. This oracle will sprout precious esteem, now shows his escape." As far as the dorsal part of the monolith, there are various interpretations. According to Clyde A. Winters that the translation would be: "The oracle is the ideal standard. This leads to the oracle of divine knowledge. Distribute to all mankind the divine will. Capture the sense of perfect voice. The oracle will spread peace. Listen to the oracle, the prophet calls. The diviner speaks wisely. The will of God will become visible and shining, coming from the mouth of the oracle. Listen to the soothsayer, listen to the oracle call to you wisdom and character. Listen to the oracle to spread the divine will, following the Good legitimate and fair. Call the food to you purely for the oracle. Oh Oracle, you are the witness of purity. Spread peace and wisdom. The oracle of Putaki is the father of wisdom and benefit of all. Become a visible witness of wisdom and divine will. Spread the divine will and you will be witness of his power." According to Winters, therefore, the monolith of Pokot was an oracle whose name was Putaki.

This proto-sumerian pictograms remind to the Fuente Magna vessel, another cryptic Oopart, discovered in Bolivia ad full of mysterious carvings.

Is there an hidden history of the mankind?

Clyde Winters is a nut and a con-artist. He believes that the Sumerians were black Africans who came from the Niger river, and points to chicken scratch on Olmec artifacts claiming it is "proto-Mande" (Mande writing was not created until the 20th century).

He also has a bunch of nonsense all over the internet about how all early written languages come from "proto-Mande," which, again, does not actually exist.

There is 100% chance that this is an outright fraud

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: cachibatches

Clyde Winters is a nut and a con-artist.

We prefer the more PC judgement of Clyde that he is an unsung hero, genius and awkward translator of stuff only he can read. One of the finest American making stuff up artists in the works today.

All hail Clyde, master of the sly word and discounter of truth.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: Hanslune

Are you trying to tell me Clyde is not an agent of D.A.S.T.E.R.D.? I was under the impression he was the personal envoy of the leader Fred.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: Hanslune

I had a good laugh over this.

Good to see that others in this forum are already onto him.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 01:39 AM

originally posted by: peter vlar
a reply to: Hanslune

Are you trying to tell me Clyde is not an agent of D.A.S.T.E.R.D.? I was under the impression he was the personal envoy of the leader Fred.

Hey, hey lets get it right's DASTARD, Directorate against Science, Technology and Rational Determination not D.A.S.T.E.R.D. a revolutionary group which promotes amongst other things taking the coffee component out of Tiramasu was formed by Fred's wife, Deirde 'Chicken Lips' Larrieu, which stands up for Debutantes Against Serious Transgressions (by) Egotistical Repulsive Dimwits.

However he might just be

A Clyde story:

I was participating in a joint call (what we did before the internet in the early 80's) and either he or one of his devotees got on the line and told us all that the cultures we were uncovering in Cyprus (the purpose of the call was to discuss links between bronze age Cyprus and Egypt) were all African based..........unfortunately the American speaker who came on spoke in English and I was was the only person of twenty-five on the line who also spoke English as the conversation was taking place in Japanese, Arabic, Greek and French......dead silence followed his pronouncements.

Which were kinda like this.....

Some of that material

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: peter vlar
a reply to: Hanslune

Are you trying to tell me Clyde is not an agent of D.A.S.T.E.R.D.? I was under the impression he was the personal envoy of the leader Fred.

Hey, hey lets get it right's DASTARD, Directorate against Science, Technology and Rational Determination not D.A.S.T.E.R.D. a revolutionary group which promotes amongst other things taking the coffee component out of Tiramasu was formed by Fred's wife, Deirde 'Chicken Lips' Larrieu, which stands up for Debutantes Against Serious Transgressions (by) Egotistical Repulsive Dimwits.

However he might just be

A Clyde story:

I was participating in a joint call (what we did before the internet in the early 80's) and either he or one of his devotees got on the line and told us all that the cultures we were uncovering in Cyprus (the purpose of the call was to discuss links between bronze age Cyprus and Egypt) were all African based..........unfortunately the American speaker who came on spoke in English and I was was the only person of twenty-five on the line who also spoke English as the conversation was taking place in Japanese, Arabic, Greek and French......dead silence followed his pronouncements.

Which were kinda like this.....

Some of that material

Well now, that's rather embarrassing mixing up the Directorate with those damned dirty Debutantes!

As for old Clyde... Sme of the finest fiction I've read since a Naked Lunch which makes me wonder if he was as high as Burroughs was when they wrote their respective masterpieces. Though I will admit, it was a lovely touch including the photo of the perfume bottle and then attempting to link it with Greece via Egypt when it would seem, to me at least, that its Egyptian existence was more likely a result of trade with perhaps Kush or whatever Nubia was calling itself at the time. I didn't check for any corroborating dates because I kept giggling like a little kid at how ludicrous the entire thing was. Thank you for sharing that. I needed that bit of humor after the day I had.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 04:14 AM

originally posted by: Misterlondon
There is such little known about ancient civilisations.. But the more I research and read, the more I believe they were actually quite advanced (compared to what we are told officially) begs the question.. Why did they collapse/go backwards..

Just to add a little weight to your story, in Egyptian mummies that were tested, traces of coc aine were found... which would only have come from the Americas at the time..

I tend to think these ancient civilisations are not evidence of flourishing societies with linear or progressive development, but could instead be examples of scattered remnants of a greater 'mother' civilisation that may have been as global in its scope at some point in pre-history, perhaps very much like our civilisation is today.

The evidence points to a shared global culture, separated only by distance and colloquial differences much like people today.

An example of small differences among people today would be to look at two people, say one from London and one from Washington DC.

They will have slightly different aspects to their personas or cultural views from one another, yet still share many similar cultural and developmental and technological aspects, both having a common root in history.

The language and culture is pretty much the same in both cases, as too is the written language and the methods used to transcribe this writing, the art is similar and uses similar methods and ideas, the technological expertise and methods are also very similar too, but there will still be slight differences.

Accents and small changes in dialogue, slight variations in turn of phrase (colloquialisms etc), in local allegiances and politics and in other small areas...essentially the same cultural and societal makeup, but with slight variations here and there.

Even without a common cultural root like that which exists between UK/USA or UK/AUS, UK/Canada (or many others with a shared common root), our communications technologies have enabled virtually ALL of Humanity to be connected to one another, in a global way, regardless of culture and language and in the absence of a shared common root. To connect us all and enable the sharing of culture, and of who we are.

This is what i believe could have been on the Earth sometime before recorded history..a global culture, intelligent, thriving and connected by technology and shared roots, perhaps exactly as we are today.

As to what form this pre-historical, global civilisation took, it's politics and beliefs is anyones guess, but finding tantalising remnants and artifacts here and there, odd similarities in cultural practices shared between very distant and globally separate peoples in antiquity, gives pause for thought.

Finding very similar elements such as texts and writing styles, similar architectures and monuments, similar religious elements or funery arrangements and practices, and many other curious aspects of sameness between distant and supposedly always widely separate peoples across the globe.

Elements that taken and viewed individually could understandably be mistaken simply as simultanious, but chance development, AKA parallel innovation (because we all happen to be Human and share the same thought processes leading to similar solutions to problems), but when so many of these highly specialised cultural and technological quirks are being discovered among such separated people throughout history, it gives me cause to believe there may well have once been a common root in a great global civilisation, connected and sharing information, cultural practices and styles in much the same way we do with each other today.

I presume that something terrible happened that destroyed what our species had achieved and once were. Who knows what.

Perhaps a global series of conflicts, perhaps something natural but tremendously damaging amd ultimately devastating our once connected civilisation, perhaps something else entirely caused a relatively rapid end to civilisation.

The places we think of now as prehistoric monuments and proto-civilisations of ancient humanity might have been the remaining last gasp of a once great and global society, struggling survivors of a decimated culture desparately clinging on to a once common knowledge and technological sophistication and knowing that information will ultimately be lost forever in the face of a daily battle to simply survive.

Knowing the achievements and knowledge of their time was in real danger of being lost forever, It might have been reasoned that to preserve evidence of themselves, of their once great and global civilisation was best achieved by incorporating that knowledge and technological ability into massive and timeless monuments showing high technology and mathematical precision and expertise, having encoded complex astronomical alignments to be used as a means for future generations to be able to date the origin of the monument (or indeed of the calamity itself).

Maybe these isolated and widely disparate groups of people were the struggling survivors left alive, and cut off from one another...what we see as their crude 'beginnings' into language, the written word, art and philosophy and religious and cultural practices, were not the beginning of any of those, but in fact glimmers of a once shared and common knowledge and culture, evidence of a global civilisation whose aspects were once very similar to one another, but obviously became increasingly divergent and different from one another as time and the preoccupation with isolated and basic survival went on and technological systems became defunct and memories of what came before deminished.

Leading to us, today.

Once again, we are a connected species, linked together by technology enabling us to communicate and share cultural similarities and knowledge on a global scale.

If whatever ended a previous global civilisation was a natural happening...let's hope it isn't a cyclic phenomena, or it could separate and degrade our species and create isolated pockets of survival orientated peoples who forget our current levels of technology and sophisticated communications devices once again.

If it does, there might one day, perhaps 15,000 - 20,000 years from now, be a group of people from various places on the globe, chatting away on a communications forum about what might have happened to our global civilisation, from their perspective, a mythical civilisation from 15,000 - 20,000 years ago that seemed to share many common cultural and technological similarities.

What will they think of us?

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: MysterX

The continual difficulty for the 'global civilization that was greater than our' crowd is a vexing one. Absolutely no evidence for such a civilization, and a great deal of evidence against.

One has to ask why the civilizations of AE, Sumer, Harrapa and others left tens of millions of artifacts yet the great global civilization left nothing while at the same time the relics and remains of the HG groups in those same areas survive....

One must ponder this

posted on Oct, 18 2023 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Arken nalytics=1

If Berber, could have been taken over by the Spanish, but has never been carbon dated, has no details of where it was dug up (depth, accompanying artefacts etc) and, with the mix of different poor approximations to scripts, is probably a fake. I wish it were real.

posted on Oct, 18 2023 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: chaztekno

Your avatar can trigger epilepsy, just letting you know. Would you want someone to have a seizure because of it?

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