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What is the point of Psychic / Paranormal powers?

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posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 12:22 PM
If they really exist what is the point of paranormal / psychic powers?

You are not changing the world for the good, that I can see. I just see a bunch of people with elitist and self centred meaning of self worth and superiority.

If there was anything in it, then surely there would be a consensus or commonality.

In every field there is contradictory views and methods.

Enlightened better than the average Joe, Psychic "A" says the boogie man or whatever exists and can be engaged by Ouija.

Enlightened better than the average Joe, Psychic "B" says no, the boogie man or whatever exists but you have to have to have a rite, a spell, an incantation and burn / eat / sacrifice herbs / animals / virgins.

Enlightened better than the average Joe, Psychic "C" says "Balls" The boogie man don't exist or can't harm you if you do not have evil at heart.

So you spend hours creating "Psi" balls. So what? To what end?

Spoon bending, moving toothpicks with your mind and manipulating clouds. So what? Is it making the world a better place?

I see similar experiences witnessed differently depending on whether you believe in aliens or the devil.

Where is the tangible proof that you are doing good for the world, mankind, even for yourself.

If these powers really exist surely they should be for the demonstrable good?

You people have the right to believe in whatever you want to of course. But I see delusion.

The mind is a powerful thing.

SS out.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 01:34 PM
I am psychic, was born that way, and I find your post very offensive. First of all, who says it's supposed to be used for good? It's a talent, just like being good at baseball is or blue eyes, blonde hair etc. Why are you so against people who have this talent?

You make some pretty blanket statements against psychics without supporting anything you say. I can tell you really haven't researched this topic or known many psychics.

And for the record, I've helped LOTS of people with my ability. I help them to see the problem they are currently entwined with and I can help them sort things out due to being able to sense other's motives or intents. My ex-landlady used to have me to readings for her friends, family and for parties. Every single person walked away with something useful and they always thanks me profusely. I have often given free readings as well.

Yours is simply a hateful post, to be filed where all other useless, pointless, hateful and ignorant posts should go, in the trash.

So what are YOU doing to improve the world????

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:00 PM
Lets get into reality forestlady.

There are no psychic powers, anywhere in this world.

I help them to see the problem they are currently entwined with and I can help them sort things out due to being able to sense other's motives or intents

That means your a shrink, not a psychic super human.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by CallonMe
There are no psychic powers, anywhere in this world.

I've learned that there are no absolutes, only gray areas. You may be right, but you may also be wrong.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 02:17 PM
Thankyou for pointing that out TheBandit795, I agree.

There is much we do not know but for me, I cannot possibly look at things that I see in my everyday life and think that I could actually be "super" in any kind of way, shape, or form.

posted on Dec, 8 2006 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by CallonMe
Lets get into reality forestlady.

There are no psychic powers, anywhere in this world.

I help them to see the problem they are currently entwined with and I can help them sort things out due to being able to sense other's motives or intents

That means your a shrink, not a psychic super human.

Obviously you know nothing about how it works. That is what a psychic counselor does. They use their psychic abilities to counssel the person who has come to them. And the word is not "shrink" that 's insulting. Nor did I ever, once, claim to be a "super human".

So who says being psychic is a "super" power? For me, it's just something I have always lived with and is another one of my talents that I've been gifted with. I'm good at gardening, too, is that a superpower?

It always amazes me how people who know zero about psychics or their abililties, love to put down the whole idea of being psychic. Do some research, oK, so you can sound more intelligent instead of sounding like an ignorant know-it-all. An open-minded, truly intelligent person would have asked questions, instead of automatically insulting me.

The OP sounds like a troll, just trying to vent some hostility. Are you a troll?

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 02:41 PM
Nope, I'm not a troll whatever that means. I just think that being psychic is impossible, and I did not insult you but you did insult me.

Originally posted by forestlady
so you can sound more intelligent instead of sounding like an ignorant know-it-all

Maybe you should read the T&C over again because, you my dear, have broken one of the rules that you agreed not to break whilst agreeing to the Terms and Conditions when registering.

Here you go. Terms & Conditions

Behavior: You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack anyone.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 02:57 PM

I just think that being psychic is impossible

If you cared to open your mind and not form an opinion before you had done a little research you will find that quantum physics and specifically quantum entanglement has shown that psychic phenomenon is indeed possible.

We'll also learn that one reason for persistent scientific skepticism about psi is due to outdated assumptions about the nature of reality. For centuries, scientists assumed that everything can be explained by mechanisms analogous to clockworks. But over the course of the 20th century, we've learned that this common sense assumption is wrong. When the fabric of reality is examined very closely, nothing resembling clockworks can be found. Instead, reality is woven from strange, "holistic" threads that aren't located precisely in space or time. Tug on a dangling loose end from this fabric of reality, and the whole cloth twitches, instantly, throughout all space and time.

Science is at the very earliest stages of understanding entanglement, and there is much yet to learn. But what we've seen so far provides a new way of thinking about psi. No longer are psi experiences regarded as rare human talents, divine gifts, or "powers" that magically transcend ordinary physical boundaries. Instead, psi becomes an unavoidable consequence of living in an interconnected, entangled physical reality. Psi is reframed from a bizarre anomaly that doesn't fit into the normal world - and hence labeled paranormal - into a natural phenomenon of physics.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 03:17 PM
It is not an insult when it's the truth. You sounded ignorant of the subject at hand.

As well, I find your postings on this thread offensive and closed-minded. I do not wish to waste my time any more on this thread.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
The OP sounds like a troll, just trying to vent some hostility. Are you a troll?

No I am no troll. But if your psychic powers were real you would know that, wouldn't you?

If psychic gifts were real why would so many people need to be on these forums? Surely you would all be at one with the universal consciousness and the need for knowledge would be satiated.

Its just that I go through forums like this and find people that believe they have gifts / powers.

I am convinced that the fact that the side of the brain required for so called psychic gifts is also the side used for creativity and imagination...Smell the coffee....

You say who said that the "gift" is a force for good? I say that is one of the points of my post. What is the point of the gift?

A long while ago, in another life / existence, I had shall we say belief and experience. Events made me realise that it is all delusional. A lot of the so called effects are the same as going to an analyst or talking to god. The subject feels better because of their belief that someone is listening...that's one of the major parts of counseling.

Personally a visit to a counselor or psychiatrist would be of as much benefit...but not as expensive as most psychics

Yes I believed that I had seen things, felt things. I believed I knew the future. But with the mind/brain interface you are dealing with something where belief is all. This whole site is full of paranoia caused by belief of NWO, Alien abduction, you name it its somewhere and its got a label.

I look at the so called gifted people and note that the same arrogance, and superior feeling of self worth that is the disease of society. I was just hoping that the exciting new world of this new humanity that so many are expecting, this enlightened spiritual age of man would mean more. But it is just a belief. Belief is not reality.

Selective perception and belief that's all the gift is about.


posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 03:57 PM

If psychic gifts were real why would so many people need to be on these forums? Surely you would all be at one with the universal consciousness and the need for knowledge would be satiated.

There are repeated verifiable scientific experiments that show psychic phenomena to be real. You just have to look!!!

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 04:51 PM
Something Smells.......(smells of opinions and not much more

There are two forms of skeptism...

1) A well informed skeptics, they are fine, you can actually have a worthwhile conversation with these people.

2)The ignorent skeptic. Either by choice or lack of contact with research sources, these are the hardest people to deal with as its very hard to debate with someone who lacks the basic facts.

Dude, im not trying to insult you by any means, but trust me, there is ALOT of scientific research into how the "intention" of a human being can effect and influence things at the quantum level, Quantum Physics even SHOWS us this throughits very natur that we are only JUST beginning to understand.

If you really care about finding out the answers to something that you didnt know before...(and after all, thats what ATS is all about..educating yer self an' all that jazz), then track down a book called "CONSCIOUS ACTS OF CREATION".

There is (obviously judgeing by your post), alot of info you haven't been exposed to, i'm not asking you to take a leap of faith, JUST THE OPPOSITE, hold on to your skeptism and go do some reading/research.
Become the "WELL INFORMED" skeptic, the 2nd type is such an embarrassing place to dwell for any length of time when you REALLY dont have to.

Some books that everyone REALLY SHOULD READ
(for reviews, type the name/title into Amazon or something similar)

Bruce Cathie - (Mainstream science is only JUST talking about what this
has known/shown for years)
The Energy Grid
The Bridge to Infinity
The Harmonic Conquest of Space

Howard Bloom

Global Brain - (A brilliant look at the evolution of the mass mind, from
the first atoms to the human brain)

Dean Radin Ph.D

The Conscious Universe - (The science of Psychic phenomena)

William A. Tiller Ph.D/ Walter E. Dibble, Jr, Ph.D/ Michael J. Kohane, Ph.D

CONSCIOUS ACTS OF CREATION:The Emergence of A New Physics -

- (A MUST read. They spent YEARS gathering scientific evidence SHOWNING CONCLUSIVELY that human intention DOES INDEED effect situations under vigorously controlled conditions).

So, have fun.

oh, and just something to think about.....

Im sure you know what an encephalogram is (EEG). Well, some years ago, they decided to do a similar thing with the earth, literally sticking 75 sensors into the earth around the was called the GEG (Gia Encephalogram..bit cheesey but anyway). The idea was to see if large or "worldwide" events could theoretically effect human consciouness and the earth on a "Global Conscoiuness" level. worked, the system works on radom number genorators, each of the 75 machines genorating a hundred (or more) random number sequences.........Well GET THIS, the day of 9/11, all the machines started to synchronize them selves, the guy that was checking the data Saw that something big was happening BEFORE he had heard of the WTC attack.

So.... the world is stranger than you are prepared to accept. who knows, 700 years ago we could have been having a similar arguement, and it might have been **I**, shreeking that... "THE WORLD IS FLAT DAMN YOU.....FLAT I SAY!!!!!!"

So, have fun, and educate others with what you TRUELY know, not what you THINK you know

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 04:57 PM
i forgot to mention that the GEG number sequences were generating hundreds of sequences a second.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 06:36 PM
i haven't got enough post yet to send a U2U, so ill have to do a public thankyou, and say "Thankyou very, very much", that was really appreciated.


posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 06:53 PM

You're welcome. It was a very informative post, and I've never heard of the (CONSCIOUS ACTS OF CREATION) book you mentioned before.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 07:30 PM
Anomic of Nihilism,

Im sure you know what an encephalogram is (EEG). Well, some years ago, they decided to do a similar thing with the earth, literally sticking 75 sensors into the earth around the was called the GEG (Gia Encephalogram..bit cheesey but anyway). The idea was to see if large or "worldwide" events could theoretically effect human consciouness and the earth on a "Global Conscoiuness" level.

Here is the link to the EEG project.

Its very interesting scientific study and as Anomic of Nihilism said we as humans are just at the tip of the iceberg as far as understanding what human consciousness is and the powers it holds

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 08:17 PM
This all sounds vaguely like the plot of the X-Men movies.
Oh why can't the Mutants and Normals live in harmony?

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 08:25 PM
Very interesting,
But there was no reason to bash Forest Lady.

People express knowledge in different ways. Hostility brings us but closer to stupidity

And why is this topic in Website-Related Discussions.?
Is it an attempt to discredit Paranormal Studies? then please do it in the open. Sincerity is much easier to relate to.


[edit on 11-12-2006 by WalkInSilence]

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 08:41 PM
honestly I don't think anyone really know what is the point of psychic or paranormal powers, but the fact that it does exist and while not completely and undeniably proven, it has convinced many people to keep questioning, searching and experimenting with physchic and paranormal phenonemon.

I can't tell you or explain or even begin to understand why I sometimes see, feel, know or experience things that other people do not, but the fact that I do see, feel, know and experience things that other people do not causes me to want to know more.

I am a little concerned with your assessment of anyone who has experienced the paranormal or pyschic world as being arrogant or having the answers or having experienced enlightment. I think if you were to do the research, open your mind and read a bit before making blanket statements, you would realize that those who truly have this so called gift doesn't usually see it as a gift or blessing, nor does it allow them to think they are better or closer to god or the ultimate truth than anyone else. If you were to really ask, you'd probably find that many of these people have no clue why they experience what they do and more often or not they choose to hide or not confess the full extent of their experiences.

Why??? Maybe it's because certain people, perhaps like yourself will not openly, honestly and subjectively look at each individual issue. Not every claim of the pyschic or paranormal phenomenon is real, but not every claim is explainable or fake either.

posted on Dec, 11 2006 @ 11:45 PM
First of all I want to say that all of todays self proclaimed psychics are all fake.The main reason is simple,absolutely no so called psychics saw or predicted the whole 9-11 event which I believe was the biggest story of this new century so far.I remember the day it happened,all the news reporters all said the same thing,why did nobody see this coming?Even Howard Stern was still on the air when the planes hit and he was cursing all the supposed psychics why they could not predict the most horrible event in history...because they are full of crap,that's why,shame on them pretending to be able to see the future and then go and charge innocent people money. Just my 2 cents.Anyone now, after all the time has gone by,say they did predict that 9-11 event is of course a lier.Only one guy I may believe came close was the great Nostrodomus,I did read a book of his predictions and I did see something about he said a great bird from the East would fall on the great towers in the west causing much destruction....or something like that(was a long time ago that I read that book).
All you people that waste your money on psychic readings,don't bother.You can go to a library and read a free book of predictions from Nostrodomos as he seems to hit events right on at the correct dates.

[edit on 11-12-2006 by mistr_b2]

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