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Conspiracy and the NWO

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posted on May, 29 2003 @ 06:22 AM
Firstly, most of this conspiracy stuff is manifested by the individual. If you have a mental state which believes in most of this then you are bound to find conspiracy or 'wierd goings on' in practically anything in day to day life... But anyway on to the main topic:

Why are people talking about the NWO so much? It's never going to happen, and if it does, people will inevitably rebel against it and freedom will once again be restored. It's happened through history hunderds of times, people don't like being manipulated or persecuted against thier will. Or if that doesn't happen the the NWO will break down internally because of certain individuals greed for dominance of power. So i don't see the big deal with all this chat about it, it's fate has already been decided through thousands of years of human conflict and history.

viewpoints welcome

posted on May, 29 2003 @ 06:42 AM
"It's never going to happen"

not in any way you can imagine, but if you look at history you will see that we live in a completely different world than ever before, we live in a world controlled by the media, with time, they could condition the majority of the world that they are right, no matter how extreme the actions they want to take are.
You are extremely underestimating the power of the media.
And i am not underestimating the power of the people, i think you could be right, but the media has the ability to condition the people into certain ways of thinking.

posted on May, 29 2003 @ 06:57 AM
I agree that we are influenced more by the media today, however this can be taken to a point... yes if we are influenced to buy things, or our opinions change on the war on Iraq etc. When it comes to it directly affecting yourself however, you are concerned with yourself and your security first, you are less easily influenced by outside sources. So for instance if the NWO took over and started to influence certain things then we may not be too bothered as it would be such a flawless transition to their control apparently. However if they began to limit childs per family and similar things then it would be much more difficult to be persuaded to live with the ideals of the NWO.

I believe that media influence can be taken to a point, after which our own opnions and needs come first, for instance the ability to bear children and to give them protection them is primal, i and i severly doubt people could be influenced to that level when it directly affects them.

posted on May, 29 2003 @ 11:04 AM
the media has the power over the people that the church did in the Dark Ages, but to a much lesser extent.

For like snoop said, the media doesn't really have much control over moral decisions or ethical standards, but the church does. Or did.

That is the reason we see harder working and more ruthless power mongers working the strings of the politically oppressive system.

I think that "They" use the deceitful and neglectful trapings of soceities woes and goes, to the advantage of their Agenda.

Thinks like materialism, social lifes, sex lifes, habits, appetites, desires, motivations, will power, and a whole lot more. They are able to capture these aspects of our lives because in part "They" created many of them.

Many things in life are there as part of the picture, but like all pictures, not all of them tell the whole story.

The manipulation comes in anyway it can.

To try and label it to one conception is just not conceiving all that could be known.

You See???

[Edited on 29-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on May, 29 2003 @ 11:16 AM
Yes, i see where your comming from with the idea of implanted ideas etc, but when it comes to it, which it wont, because the NWO idea is a load of rubbish in my opinion... They will simply be overthrown by the rebelling masses... People are strong, people fight for what they believe in, and no collection of bourgeois diplomats or operatives could ever hope of remaining in control under such circumstances.

posted on May, 29 2003 @ 12:59 PM
It's happening now all around us. Pull your head out of your a$$ man!

[Edited on 29-5-2003 by Ctrl]

posted on May, 29 2003 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Snoopdopey
They will simply be overthrown by the rebelling masses... People are strong, people fight for what they believe in,


People are lazy and complacent.

We just want our daily does of of employment drudgery... followed by an over saturation of network/cable brain pabulum to placate our nascent desire to do something meaningful... get something to eat... go to bed... and start it all over again the next day.

People won't get pissed off enough until something interrupts the routine.

posted on May, 29 2003 @ 02:13 PM
Snoopdopey, already you've been implanted with the idea that the NWO doesnt exist. But Ctrl is right. It is here. If people don't realise that then there will never be rebellion.

People are lazy and complacent.

People are strong.

People are both, theres just too many of the lazy kind. I hope i'm not out of place in suggesting that you may be one those people snoopy and might want to get off your heiny and do a little more research. Which i'd be happy to provide but i gotta run........

[Edited on 29-5-2003 by levitationjunkie]

posted on May, 29 2003 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by levitationjunkie
It is here. If people don't realise that then there will never be rebellion.

I myself have to take the biblical view that it is inevitable.....but far as rebellion goes.....I plan on taking down as many with me as I can.

And to any alphabet soup guys like the NSA, CIA, RCMP, BATF et alia...... I have a message for you...

posted on May, 30 2003 @ 04:28 AM
I agree with Snoop........

The NWO will not last, and is way too over blown and demonized anyway. Then again the only thing that makes all this Anti-NWO crap possible is the interruption of the routines. Once that happens then the people of the world will resist it, until then...........

As of now, NWO is nothing but many different agencies, such as the Rockerfeller Foundation and Round Table.

That is the so-called NWO, just Present, not new, but old.

You See?

posted on May, 30 2003 @ 06:53 AM
The NWO is beginning to be publically promoted by the same organisations the sheeple already trust and they're buying in.

Anti-NWO crap? If that means i'm against the indoctrination, mind violation, loss of privacy and ridicule or persecution for expressing 'alternate' viewpoints, if it means i'm against the poisoning of food, water and air supplies, against corporate monopolies controlling government instead of the people, against staged conflicts in which innocents and those fooled into believing that they're fighting evil when they're fighting for it are the only likely victims, against one world government and the obliteration of the last remaining threads of freedom we have then, yes, i'd rather buy into some 'anti-nwo crap'.

But personally i think the term 'anti-nwo' has been coined very caresless by someone resisting the NWO or very precisely by somebody who's all for it because it breeds negativity.

The NWO is peoples routine, and because of that they're not given the time to even consider the possibility of its existence. But now that they're being informed of its existance in the media, with the right spin they're ready to accept it because they've been living with it for so long. They don't see the harm it can do. This is the danger.

You See?

posted on May, 30 2003 @ 07:06 AM
Oh, i forgot to mention the introduction of disease as a Problem-Reaction-Solution pretext for government control of livestock and now humans. Plus travel restrictions being imposed through the new 'congestion charges' in London and ID cards, with fingerprint scans and possibly iris scans along with your other information stored in one huge government database.

I didn't even mention microchipping did I?!

posted on May, 30 2003 @ 01:12 PM
Honestly guys your thinking way too deeply into all of this, I dont think they dont exist cos they want me to think that it doesn't exist... what a silly thing to think about, i mean really a 'New World Order' sounds like some little boys playtime adventure. Ha! seriously guys, even if they do exist, they're not going to take over the world, the world has over 6Bn people they probably have several thousand at the most, do the math guys, and socialise some more

posted on May, 30 2003 @ 01:27 PM
It very well could happen. And if it does, people will probably revolt and restore rational time that is.

Revolution doesn't happen over night, it takes time, usually, lots of time and lots of lives. Look at Hitler. Look how long it took to take him out, look at how many lives were lost.

If you say it will never happen, it will be the first thing to happen.

posted on May, 30 2003 @ 11:19 PM

"It's happened through history hunderds of times, people don't like being manipulated or persecuted against thier will. "

That's very true, it HAS happened through history hundreds of times... the wealthy leaders take advantage of their populous, with the populous completely unaware. It is basically state-sponsored terrorism. They create something to instill fear in civilians- a scenario where innocents are killed- and control us in that manner. If we are afraid, we can't ask questions. What makes you think that the process was interrupted? In fact, the process continues now-- as we are making history each day and the Bush administration continues to make poor choices. I wish things could be different, but this is the way that it is.

This administration is blatantly out of control. Remove your patriotism for a moment (a patriotism based on masonic symbolism) and look at the facts! Look at what the Bush regime has accomplished in just a couple years!

They are making political advancements too quickly in the name of terrorism.

"Honestly guys your thinking way too deeply into all of this, I dont think they dont exist cos they want me to think that it doesn't exist... what a silly thing to think about, i mean really a 'New World Order' sounds like some little boys playtime adventure. Ha! seriously guys, even if they do exist, they're not going to take over the world, the world has over 6Bn people they probably have several thousand at the most, do the math guys, and socialise some more

I have a very active social life, thanks. I don't consider education to be a waste of time, either. Realize that when you are controlling entire nations through FEAR, the citizens will basically run themselves & will generally stay within their boundaries. And it really does sound like a boys playtime adventure in english. After all, this is america! But why not use it in latin, just as the NWO intended- "Novus Ordo Seclorum"- "New World Order". Its on the back of our 1-dollar bill (underneath the all-seeing-eye, another masonic symbol). George Bush brought "New World Order" into our parlance during his inauguration speech. But, I'm sure those are just coincidences and the whole thing has no significance, its just to make our money look official!

Take some time to research it and form your own opinions after weighing the evidence. There are alot of great threads on this site to do so. Its a good time to start looking into it, because George Bush & John Kerry are both Skull & Bones members. That means in the next election, it might be more of the same either way you cut it. Our votes could count now more than ever, they may be our only hope!

[Edited on 31-5-2003 by MKULTRA]

posted on May, 30 2003 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by William


People are lazy and complacent

People won't get pissed off enough until something interrupts the routine.

I am neither and i am always pissed!
do not toss me into that pile of crap
the NWO is here and now and doing it's best, however it is failing, it will be exposed and defined, and if you are young your concern should be on interrupting the ever apparent religous war our civilization"s are embarking on.
this jihad will ruin our [your] precious stock market, international trade, security, and freedom's. which are already disappearing incase you have not noticed.
as long as we study history we are doomed to repeat it!

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 05:47 AM
that we can't agree on anything about the so-called NWO.

I share the same views as Snoop, even though I agree with Levi.

Snoop is right, if there is ever a huge fascist one world government than it wouldn't last long. Why???

Too many people would oppose it.

Now Levi makes a great point. He tells us that the walls of our prisons are being built by the one world gevernment drones in many many different ways.

You see, the NWO Agents realize that the world will not in 100 years or even 200 years for that matter, accept the fact that their is one ruler of all men. Whether that one ruler be a King or a council. The world will naturally fall off balance.

I think that the NWO many people imagine is something far in the future if the evil ones continue at current pace. Then again others here would disagree and they think that these NWO Agents will have complete control over us when ever they want it. I tend to disagree.

I think that "They" control us many ways, but not in all.

"They" will try to take our souls but "They" will fail.

I think some people need to calm down and realize that life will come to them just as death will. Therefore one should learn to live with it and accept it. For in the end it is all null.


posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 07:22 AM
Abe summed that up very well, not much else to say myself now.

i think the "they" in quotations is fantastic lol, but in a silly kinda way, i mean no offense by it though, i just find it funny when folk put words in quotes like that. "rabbits", "cheese", "buttocks"...

Anyway, It's a nice day here, i'm away outside

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 07:42 AM
It is actually more comical then offensive. I am glad that you noticed my quote marks. I take much pride in those. They define my writting style. For instance:

When I use the quote marks that look like this" " mean that I am refering to something that people casually label as a term or phrase. My quote marks that looks like this ' ' mean that I am refering to something that is claiming and posing the labelled term in a false manner or a hypocritical sense. So in other words if I were to go:

"Bin Laden is an "angel"."

Then that would mean that I am refering to terms used by others as true.

If I were to use another reference it would be this:

"Bin Laden's Army is a 'teacher' of virtue.

Then that would mean that I was refering to something that is deemed as true by others, when in reality it is false or contradicting.

I hope that made sense.

Thank you for posing that concern. For I was concerned that people might not have grasped my useage of the quote marks that I so often use in my writtings.


posted on Jul, 2 2003 @ 01:52 PM
As to ur first post u say that things like this have happened many times before throughout human history then is it not in human nature to learn from those mistakes and pose a reilistic threat that is not so eaisily brought down

but then maybe not. Ur thourghts pls

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