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No Bid Halliburton contracts for....concentration camps

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posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 10:45 PM
It's no longer a conspiracy theory. Halliburton subsidiary KBR has just received a contract to build "temporary detention" centers:

What a joke. America is building it's own genocide, it just amazes me. Exactly-genocide, this is a detention camp for dissenters. The crap is about to hit the fan....

I think the plan to put Americans in camps has been in the books ever since the end of WW2. Rex 84 commisioned under Reagan, and the fact that FEMA reportedly uses only 6% of it's budget for disaster relief makes the future look bleak to me.

[edit on 13-2-2006 by Nakash]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 11:53 AM
Check out my thread on this subject:

Mod Edit: Fixed Link.

[edit on 18/2/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 05:40 PM
Wow!.... All those jobs... and all that money; no wonder this thread is ignored by all the, "We are the greatest, because we are the richest!" Americans.

Halliburton's other tenticle, DynCorp, gets busted transporting hundreds of thousands of slaves across Europe, but who cares, can't punish them for "logistics training", can you?

It seems to me all the threads most vigorously 'ignored', played down or 'debunked' (in some peoples minds) are those that fit closest to Biblical warnings we were told to watch for, Oh, and of course there is no end of posters determind to convince people they should totaly ignor the Bible anyway.

Don't forget one of the warnings to watch for is, a great increase in 'knowledge' with a great decrease in understanding...and that I see on ATS every day.

"Hey Ma, look at all the stiff necked, hard hearted, proud, corrupt, unjust people, running to their own destruction!"

"Gentle son, most are just blind, deaf and deceived. Pray they will be called out of the darkness, and we won't be panicked into joining the stampede."

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 06:27 PM
More than likely they were jsut awarded the contract becasue guantanamo needs to be emptied sinec even the UN wants it closed. There is nowhere in the article that says concentration camps. I do like the spin put on it on though.

Also, this would benefit after natural disasters such as Katrina, would it not? think positive man.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
think positive man.

I'm positive all those tens of thousands of innocent people "detained" and tortured around the the world, for years, without trial, without conviction and with less "rights" than convicted murders, would question either your education or 'agenda'.

Australia's "detention" camps (contracted out to American companies, I believe) even keep children locked up for years.

Yep, give detention camp contracts to slave traders. That's bound to convince a great number to 'trust' and 'obey' their Government...well at least shut up and pretend they do, which is all our "great" leaders really 'ask' of us.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 07:11 PM
i love how it takes people so much evidence and so many years to realize they cant trust the government.
i also cant believe that there are so many blind americans who are so quick to defend the government ..even when they are infringing on your rights.
all this wire tapping and now there building these detention centers to house political dessinters. well all i have to say is watch what you say on the phone cuz hes listening......whos he ...big brother thats who and hes watchin and listenin, and taking notes.
this has nothing to do with the bible, and the end of times. it does have to do with greed and power both of which seem to be running our current administration.

[edit on 14-2-2006 by plague]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 07:20 PM
Well don't worry, only terrorsists do, and Greenpeace, and ACLU, and I heard even John McCain was being wiretapped, or at least his office was. So unless you are Greenpeace, terrorists, ACLU, or John McCain you won't go to the detention camps.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by DevinS
Well don't worry, only terrorsists do, and Greenpeace, and ACLU, and I heard even John McCain was being wiretapped, or at least his office was. So unless you are Greenpeace, terrorists, ACLU, or John McCain you won't go to the detention camps.

this is exactly what im talking about when i say that some americans are blind. no offense ......yea maybe thats what the watch list includes now but what about the tricle down effect ...6 degrees of seperration. what happens when you as an innocent bystanderd is watched because you know some one whos in one of these groups. what about when they start putting those who speak out against the government on tap and then eventually haul them off to these camps. all im saying is that someone needs to watch the government because they are damb well doing a good job at watching you.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 08:15 PM
Now I wonder if this story isn't getting outrage from (white) Americans because they hope it won't be long before all those (black Moslem) now rich, hip hop and rap artists and their fans, get locked up as Islamic terrorists.

It takes time and costs money to prove someone's a criminal, and remove them from society, but any 'bothersome' person can be 'suspected' of having terrorist 'connections' and wisked away for as many years as they survive.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 09:10 PM
Tell me folks, can anyone here compete with slave labour? I know I'll either be competeing with that for a living, or I'll be working for Haliburton @ a wonderful $0.00/hour - after taking all my vaccines and if I'm still alive.

Even though it's right out in the open, everyone is still yapping about sports! The Illuminati will just continue to fund more and more sports, I suppose!

Just keeps getting better all the time....

[edit on 14-2-2006 by markusjharper]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 09:52 PM
Ever since the whole 'War on Terror' I knew this was gonna happen. I mean how can you have a war on an abstract idea. Seems that the sheeple are getting herded to the slaughterhouse...

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 10:50 PM
What do you think all the military base closures were for last year? It wasn't to save money for the war on terror

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 10:56 PM
Why in the hell would the US want to lock up its own citizens? Honetsly ,someone give me one, non-partisam answer here? Why is it that people who don't buy into conspiracy are all "blind" and "need to wake up" or we are sheeple?

Now I wonder if this story isn't getting outrage from (white) Americans because they hope it won't be long before all those (black Moslem) now rich, hip hop and rap artists and their fans, get locked up as Islamic terrorists.

Do you actually beleive this? Hip hop artists are slaves to the man jsut as middle class white america, so put the race card back in your pocket.

AS far as Islam, it was a religion created by a schizophrenic caravan nomad who mixed together 2 religions, and kiiled anyone who would not convert. I will give him the fact his relgion conquered the known world in 700 AD within 100 years of its creation. Pretty damn good and scary if you ask me. Tell you the truth, I don't care. I hope Haliburton makes a Camp Islam in Idaho.

[edit on 15-2-2006 by esdad71]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 11:05 PM
There is no non-partisan answer as it is a partisan thing. Bush&Co is building detention/concentration camps for the people who don't deepthroat them on a regular basis. As such the answer is partisan because the action is partisan, they aren't rounding up the inbred rednecks or the KKK members, they are rounding up the blacks, gays, and anyone else who isn't blinded by Bush&Co.

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 11:27 PM

Never too late to become a believer:

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 11:32 PM
This is nothing new. During World War 2, Americans were placed in concentration camps and the only crime they committed was that they were Japanese decent. Remember, it's just a conspiracy theory when you have no facts to support your claim, but a true conspiracy has facts.

In February 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order Number 9066, forcing more than 120,000 Japanese Americans into "relocation centers" across the country in the largest forced movement of people in the U.S. since the relocation of Native Americans in the nineteenth century. Driving them from their homes in California, Western Oregon, Washington and Southern Arizona, the U.S. government gave families as little as two weeks to report to concentration camps where most would spent the next three to four years.

The sudden order and the distances families were being asked to travel meant that almost everything but the clothes on their backs had to be left behind. Families from Bainbridge Island, Washington, for example, were forced to report to the Tule Lake relocation center in Northern California. Most lost everything they had before the war. They had to sell, give away, or destroy land, homes, vehicles, cherished relics, and artifacts.

Nearly 65 percent of those interned were American citizens born in the United States, while the other 35 percent could not become citizens by law. They had broken no laws. There would be no hearings or trials for those incarcerated. Their only crime was their heritage.

While the Second World War raged in Europe and Asia, the incarceration of Japanese in the United States rested on a campaign of racism and hypocrisy. To justify the camps, Lt. Gen. John L. DeWitt, commander of the Western Defense Command and the Fourth Army, characterized Japanese Americans as "a large, unassimilated, tightly knit racial group, bound to an enemy by strong ties of race, culture, custom and religion," which constituted a "menace which had to be dealt with."

They’re not Concentration Camps! They’re Relocation Centers! Yea, Right.

Concentration Camps?

America's Concentration Camps

Topaz Camp

[edit on 14-2-2006 by bigrich117]

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 11:43 PM
Here is video footage of a FEMA Concentration Camp under construction.

FEMA Concentration Camp

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 10:56 PM
Muhammed was a white man according to the Quran (ask for a reference and I'll give you proof, he also had red hair). Also he condoned slavery and called blacks "raisin heads" and "slaves", and clearly said they were inferior. So much for CAIR attempting to piggyback on the civil rights movement.

posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Why in the hell would the US want to lock up its own citizens? Honetsly ,someone give me one, non-partisam answer here? Why is it that people who don't buy into conspiracy are all "blind" and "need to wake up" or we are sheeple?

These camps are built to detain millions of people, their construction was started way before 2001, so tell me what YOU think they're good for?

  • why space for so many people - how noumerous are the intended victims?
  • why hide them from view, most of these emplacements are in the middle of nowhere and lack road access

Couple that with history, especially nazi germany and the USSR and you'll understand that the greatest threat to one's survival is your own government. for instance, german WW2 casualties were certainly lower than death count by genocide.

posted on Mar, 2 2006 @ 08:55 PM
Land of the free and home of the brave? Well the free concept may be history soon so the brave concept better kick in now!

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