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posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 08:37 AM

Thousands are planning on a trip to DC for this special celebration and remembrance. Many events are being planned. This site will be periodically up-dated as more information is gathered and available in order to provide a complete timetable for all the events being planned.

November 11, Veterans Day at Arlington National Cemetery
The Veterans Day National Ceremony will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on Tuesday, November 11. Beginning at 10:30 a.m., the U.S. Army Band will perform in the cemetery's Memorial Amphitheater, which is adjacent to the Tomb of the Unknowns. At 11:00, a wreath will be placed at the Tomb. The remainder of the ceremony will take place in the amphitheater and will end around noon. The ceremony is free of charge and open to the public. Visitors arriving by car can park in the lot next to the cemetery's Visitors Center. By Metro System, the Visitors Center is about a quarter mile walk from the Arlington National Cemetery stop on Metro's Blue Line. Free shuttle bus transportation will be provided between the Visitor Center and the amphitheater. Seating in the amphitheater is limited, so visitors should plan to arrive at least a half hour before the ceremony. Contact (202) 273-8109

Could this be one of the times of the attack?

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 08:39 AM
Where is Bush speaking today? He should be at one of the many ceremonies shouln't he?

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 08:46 AM
He laid a wreath at Arlington.

Tuesday, November 11, a.m., EST

Everything's quiet.

So far, so good.

Just an average Veteran's Day.

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 08:53 AM
Here's the guy - in the Lynch incident - who should've been hyped.

Pfc Patrick Miller -
Jessica Lynch's Hero
60 Minutes

(Note - Why do so many US guns jam in times of heavy combat?? -ed)

NEW YORK -- Hardly a person in America has not heard of Private Jessica Lynch. But if it weren't for the heroic efforts of a much less known soldier, Lynch would have been a statistic -- killed in action -- instead of the subject of headlines, a movie and a book. Mike Wallace has the story of this unsung hero...

On the fourth day of the war in Iraq, a huge American convoy headed from Kuwait to Baghdad. A dozen heavy trucks and other maintenance vehicles fell behind the rest and got lost.

At sunrise, Iraqi troops ambushed the lost soldiers, firing from both sides of the highway. The Americans sped up to escape the attack, but the Humvee that Pfc. Jessica Lynch was riding in smashed into the back of a jack-knifed American tractor-trailer. Less than a mile behind Lynch, Pfc. Patrick Miller was driving the last truck in the convoy. During the attack, he floored the accelerator, trying to steer and duck bullets at the same time.

Miller says he had not used his weapon at that point. "I used my truck on one of 'em," he says. "An Iraqi jumped out in the middle of the street, and I ran him over."

Iraqi bullets pounded Miller's truck, which also carried Sgt. James Riley and Pfc. Brandon Sloan.

"I knew that we were taking a lot of incoming just from the sounds that were coming around us," Miller says. "It was bouncing off the trucks, bouncin' off the hood. I went to stick my hand out the window to adjust the mirror so I could see 'em comin' from behind. And as I got my hand right to to the window, the mirror just shattered."

At that moment a bullet hit Sloan in his forehead, killing him instantly. "He just tensed up and slumped over. Didn't make a sound or nothing," Miller recalls. He kept driving. "You had to. You couldn't stop and try to take care of him."

He says, "It just felt like a real bad war movie. You were actually seeing people die in front of you."
The rest:

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 08:55 AM
Rebuilding the Temple of Solomon is a end times event it is in the Bible that the anti-christ will use the temple and declare that he is God.

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 10:46 AM
well, my instincts tells me that, the next target will be somewhere in europe. probably the destruction of a true symbol for everyone. what it is i do not know.

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 10:49 AM
BAGHDAD, Nov. 11 -- L. Paul Bremer, the U.S. civilian administrator in Iraq, is returning unexpectedly to Washington for high level consultations amid continued frustration with the performance of Iraq's U.S.-appointed Governing Council, administration officials said Tuesday.

People are unexpectedly moving around I wonder if somthing is in the works.

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 10:56 AM
...Heads will roll...

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
But I will be revisiting this thread on November 12, just the same, with a post-hoc series of questions for the researchers and protagonists, about what didn't happen.

I'm sure we're all giddy with anticipation. However, concern over potential ridicule from one's peers is no way to encourage research efforts.

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 12:54 PM

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 01:07 PM
Here's the article from this is part of the issues we have been discussing then are we to expect another in 36 or 25 hours? I also heard on the news this morning that a study was released stating London is a major target for terrorists...unfortunately, I don't have a link or a copy of an article. I saw it on Headline News this morning.

Explosions rock Baghdad
Iraqi politician killed in confrontation with U.S. soldiers
Tuesday, November 11, 2003 Posted: 2:01 PM EST (1901 GMT)

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Several explosions were heard in Baghdad Tuesday night and smoke was rising from within the coalition's heavily secured Green Zone, which includes most of the Coalition Provisional Authority's activities.

A spokesman for the authority said officials are investigating.

The blasts were heard just hours after the U.S. Army officer in charge of coalition ground forces in the country said that the tempo of attacks on U.S.-led troops has escalated.

Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez told reporters that the number of daily engagements between troops and guerrillas has doubled from the mid-teens to 30 to 35 within the last two months.

"What we're seeing is that unmistakably the number of engagements per day are increasing," Sanchez said.

By using rockets and mortars, those opposed to the U.S. presence also are employing more remote tactics to avoid direct combat with coalition troops, he said.

"When they do decide to engage, we're having good success in killing them," Sanchez said.

In addition, he said that a rocket-propelled grenade appeared to have hit a Black Hawk helicopter that went down Friday during "a vulnerable time" as it attempted to land. Six U.S. soldiers were killed in the downing.

Sanchez said that U.S. troops also have increased the "pace and intensity" of their military campaign against pro-Saddam Hussein guerrillas.

"We are taking the fight into the safe havens of the enemy in the heartland of the country, where we continue to face former regime loyalists, criminals and foreign terrorists," Sanchez said.

Thirty-eight U.S. troops have died in November to date, bringing the number of U.S. troops killed in the Iraq war to 398. Since President Bush declared an end to major combat on May 1, 259 U.S. military members have been killed.

There is no reliable source for Iraqi civilian or combatant casualty figures, either during the period of major combat or after May 1. The Associated Press reported an estimated 3,240 civilian Iraqi deaths between March 20 and April 20, but the AP said that the figure was based on records of only half of Iraq's hospitals and the actual number was thought to be significantly higher.

Sanchez said more than 5,000 suspected terrorists of various nationalities are in custody and undergoing interrogation.

At one time, 20 suspected al Qaeda members were being questioned. It never was established that they belonged to the terrorist group, Sanchez said.

Killing sparks U.S. protests
U.S. military officials said Tuesday that U.S. soldiers shot to death the chairman of Sadr City's governing council during a heated argument this week. Sadr City is a largely Shiite neighborhood in the Iraqi capital, formerly known as Saddam City.

Officials said the quarrel got under way Monday when the chairman, Mohannad Ghazi al Kaabi, tried to park his car near the District Advisory Council building in an area closed to traffic. When U.S. troops tried to stop him, military officials said, he became agitated, got out of his car and began arguing with a soldier guarding the offices.

Al Kaabi wrestled the soldier to the ground and grabbed his gun, according to the officials. Another soldier shot al Kaabi in the upper thigh, they said.

A medic administered first aid to al Kaabi and transported him to a military medical facility, where he was pronounced dead.

The death is under investigation, military officials said.

About 200 to 300 demonstrators walked to the Sadr City council afterward to protest the killing and began chanting anti-American slogans.

Carrying Shiite banners mourning the death, demonstrators called for a thorough investigation. They demanded that American troops leave Sadr City and give security duties to Iraqi police.

Bombings in Basra, Baghdad

The casket of Roy Buckmaster, 47, an Air Force veteran from Oregon, is carried Monday in Portland. Buckmaster was killed in Iraq while helping destroy munitions.
A bomb exploded Tuesday in British-controlled Basra, killing two people and wounding two, a British military official said. The bomber was killed in the blast, the official said.

No coalition soldiers were involved in the incident and there was no further detail about the other casualties.

In Baghdad, a witness said that an improvised device exploded Tuesday in front of an Iraqi court in the Wazirya neighborhood, wounding at least two prisoners and two Iraqi police officers.

In other action, Sanchez said Iraqi security forces captured an ambulance Monday carrying a "vehicle-mounted improvised explosive device" near Baghdad.

Police tried to stop the ambulance south of the al Daura police station, according a statement from the 1st Armored Division. The ambulance sped away, causing an accident, the statement said. Three people got out of the ambulance and fired small arms at the other vehicle involved in the accident before fleeing, the military said.

Other developments

A British soldier guards the area in which a roadside bomb exploded Tuesday in the southern Iraqi city of Basra.
� With U.S. troops in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Bush marked the Veterans Day holiday Tuesday by telling families of those killed overseas that their sacrifices came in a just cause. At a speech during a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery, Bush said Americans are "deeply aware" of the losses in Iraq and in Afghanistan, and that those service members died "in securing freedom in those countries." (Full story)

� Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Tuesday that trained and armed Iraqis to provide security now outnumber other members of the U.S.-led coalition, including American soldiers. Myers said that 131,000 Iraqis are armed while the U.S. share of the coalition totals 118,000 troops. Iraqis are conducting security patrols and providing police and border protection in conjunction with other coalition forces, he said.

� More than 800 artifacts looted from Baghdad's Iraqi National Museum in the chaotic days after Saddam's fall were returned Tuesday, Iraqi Ministry of Culture officials said. The antiquities included a copper Bassetki Statue from 2300 B.C., a wood and bronze brazier and other smaller objects from different periods.

� British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Monday night that European nations cannot afford to be anti-American because of the need to pull together to rebuild Iraq and fight terrorism. Blair, Washington's staunchest ally in the war against Iraq, warned that it would be a "disaster" for both sides if Europe allowed anti-Americanism to define its foreign policy; while the world would be a "darn sight safer" if the countries worked together. Bush plans to visit Britain next week.

CNN's Paul Courson and Mike Mount and Ismail al Sharif contributed to this report

P.S. If you guys woudl rather I just post a link to the stories instead of the whole thing, please send me a U2U. I thought this may be easier but I notice sometimes they are pretty long. haha.

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 01:11 PM
This appears at the top of the page you use to post material to ats: MEMBERS: Do not simply post news articles in the forums without comment. If you feel inclined to make the board aware of current events, please post the first paragraph, a link to the entire story, AND your opinion, twist or take on the news item.

So yes, please edit your post to contain a brief intro, then the link.

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 01:18 PM
AP: Wanted Terrorists Plan New Attacks
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Two of Asia's most wanted terrorists are armed with explosives and planning fresh attacks on Western hotels and banks � possibly disguising themselves as beggars and receiving shelter from fellow radicals, officials told The Associated Press.

Bomb Damages U.N. Office in Afghanistan
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - A car bomb exploded outside a United Nations office in this southern Afghan city Tuesday, wounding at least one person, a U.N. official said. Afghan police blamed al-Qaida and the Taliban in the blast.

Also the Bagdad bombing...

This is three so far al-Qaida related events for the day, the bombings could be the start points for the upcomming possible events.

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 01:21 PM
Here's a link to Garons post about London.

LONDON, England -- London is at greater risk of being hit by a terror attack from Islamic extremists than any big city in the United States or Western Europe, a report says.

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 01:44 PM
this thread's beginning to bore the life outta ATS!!
tomorrow's the day we've all waited for(tonight is a possiblity).
discuss all you like....but i think the arabs have had their feast, that yahoo chat is a FAKE, for all i know it has nothing to do with the real bosses. it's BS!!

and if it is related, then it's a distraction....valhall started off well on this topic, what happened val??

there's too much unrelated info on this post...
(predicts val takes on a scolding motherly approach

what does the lynch incident have to do with this???
sticking to the topic please!!

ps: val can u b this law-despising teenager's ATS mom?

[Edited on 11-11-2003 by Cyrus]

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 01:46 PM
Though I agree with the fact that Lynch has nothing to do with this thread.

I might point out that you obviously woke up on the Ukrainian side of the bed this morning.


posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
Though I agree with the fact that Lynch has nothing to do with this thread.

I might point out that you obviously woke up on the Ukrainian side of the bed this morning.


i re-edited the was a lil edgy to start with, admittedly

my bad, im just nervous on this matter, im beginning to hate the points system, it has a downside to it, people just post for the hell of it

i guess we need to revive the RATS version of this's a better variant, at least we could get the RATS community's interests blasted into the thread.
i think we'd better start digging a lot deeper though, the alqaida root site seems something good to aim for(very hard to find btw...).
note:NOT the frontpage website sponsoring terrorism...
i'll be doing some looking, i would advise using

enter the website below for translation...

choose russian to english

this is a root search's an ultimate unregistered-website finder, far better than any of the conventional search engines(including google)
val this includes you...try, if u can to find some more sources on this matter, i think it'll be phenomenal if we're capable of cracking the plot b4 it's occurance...the website's log superimposed on the time will be enough proof to any doubts


[Edited on 11-11-2003 by Cyrus]

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 02:28 PM
SO did anything happen? I havent heard anything special today...but there is warnings vcoming in all the time so im not surprised nothing happend...

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 03:32 PM
CNN has a headline saying "Explosions hit Baghdad's 'Green Zone' again"

U.S. military officials said three or four mortar rounds or rockets hit Tuesday night in Baghdad's "Green Zone," the center of the U.S.-led coalition's activities hours after a U.S. general said forces are escalating the tempo of battle against insurgents as they increase their attacks.

This is on the front page of seems like a second round of attacks, but when I click the link it takes me to the same story I posted earlier. so it's somewhat conflicting. Where are we standing now?

posted on Nov, 11 2003 @ 03:33 PM
I'm personally standing slightly left of completely in the dark.

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