posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:24 AM
It's not surprising ATS has pissed off the Native American members so they move on to something friendlier.
Yes, I would agree the post is insulting, however it is without malice. The never ending insinuation that the 'tomahawk' was a weapon of war is only
made by those who know very little about the natives who ruled North America for thousands of years before white men came to the continent.
It was not a weapon of war until the war was forced upon them-the 'tomahawk' was a ceremonial, handcrafted icon handed down by the father and eldest
son to the son of the first daughter in a way of showing a union of the families that were now together through marriage. It was never taken to the
battlefield-until it became a weapon of survival against an invader.
There are some priceless and simply lovely Susquehanna examples in the Smithsonian.
Again, simple unfamiliarity with the customs of Native Americans, is in itself not insulting. Persons wonder why the 'tomahawk chop' at sporting
events upsets Natives is the fact that it would have never become a weapon of war-had the whitemen left them alone.
There are of course countless exceptions as the Yuchi and Kaskinampo Cherokee that lived for thousands of years on the land I sit at this moment were
warlike in a sense that it was the central factor in their entire society. They were incredibly skilled in all types of throwing weapons-the Tomahawk
being one on them however none of these weapons names have English translations that are that simplistic.
Since it's crystal clear that no intent to be insulting was in the original post it's really a no harm no foul situation.
It's so simple to take some time and learn about the Native Americans, or Natives in any land, with the internet that making such ridiculous
statements about their culture is hard to understand at times.
The Potawatomi in present day Michigan were a fascinating culture with their ceremonial crafts. They made things to represent life as they knew it and
their skill led to many of the early woodworking tools used by the settlers. The common router is one of them crafted from bone.