posted on Feb, 23 2014 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by DexteramLucifer
I listened to all 3 tracks.
On "Metal Tracks 1 and 2", the guitar riffs are clean, but are pretty "stock". I would have to hear the tracks with full metal orchestration (drums,
bass, and vocals). Due to the fact that they are solo rhythm guitar tracks, it leaves it to the imagination as to what the rest of the "song"
components would be. Also, solo rhythm guitar in general does not express dynamics well, it is pretty much one dynamic throughout, so there are no
emotional "high" points of expression or arrival. Good rhythm tracks, though.
The track "Beast" reminds me of old Black Sabbath, like a cross between "Paranoid" and some of the stuff from the Dio years. Some nice rhythm riffs in
there. The drums could certainly be louder in the mix, and the rhythm guitars could use some doubling and stereo separation. The bass is lacking the
"subs", the low frequencies that make metal rumble the cones. Mastering processes would be required to "juice up" the raw mix to modern metal
recording standards.
Some dynamic diversity would help the track emote more, some points or arrival or anticipation, driven by a lyrical theme but accentuated by the
music, a la Rage Against the Machine or Audioslave compositional techniques.
And of course, long term, vocals would help greatly to make it more of a "song" rather than a rhythmic metal composition.
Good work, though, and keep rockin'. It's a process of growth, and it's great that you are composing something.
Here is a metal-ish track I recorded a few years ago, when I still was in a band.
Soundcloud Link: Do you have eyes?
edit on 2/23/2014 by InTheFlesh1980 because: (no reason given)