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Too Corrupt, Too Big to Fail, Vampire Squid Bankers

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posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 03:05 PM
In light of the global financial difficulties, dying banker conspiracies and the "Too big to Fail" collusion between the DOJ and big banks I've wanted to write a thread refocusing attention on just what it is these evil banking institutions are really doing. Needless to say the crimes by these banks are practically too huge and extend much too far for them to be covered in a single thread.

My idea is to create a synopsis of a few of the most egregious crimes being perpetrated on us globally by these criminal institutions and give folks a place to read about what may interest them or discuss specific areas of banking criminality.

HSBC Too Big to Jail Gangster Bankers

The deal was announced quietly, just before the holidays, almost like the government was hoping people were too busy hanging stockings by the fireplace to notice. Flooring politicians, lawyers and investigators all over the world, the U.S. Justice Department granted a total walk to executives of the British-based bank HSBC for the largest drug-and-terrorism money-laundering case ever. Yes, they issued a fine – $1.9 billion, or about five weeks' profit – but they didn't extract so much as one dollar or one day in jail from any individual, despite a decade of stupefying abuses.

Bank of America Too Corrupt to Fail

Bank of America torched dozens of institutional investors with billions in worthless loans, repeatedly refused to abide by contractual obligations to buy them back, evaded hundreds of millions in local fees and taxes, pushed tens of thousands of people into foreclosure using phony documents, ignored multiple court orders to stop its illegal robo-signing, and exploited President Obama's signature mortgage-relief program. The bank fixed the bids on bonds for schools and cities and utilities all over America, and even conspired to try to game the game itself – by fixing global interest rates!

Vampire Squids Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs

Today, banks like Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs own oil tankers, run airports and control huge quantities of coal, natural gas, heating oil, electric power and precious metals. They likewise can now be found exerting direct control over the supply of a whole galaxy of raw materials crucial to world industry and to society in general, including everything from food products to metals like zinc, copper, tin, nickel and, most infamously thanks to a recent high-profile scandal, aluminum. And they're doing it not just here but abroad as well.

Each of these articles is worth a thread in their own right but it seemed prudent to bring them all together at least once. These are each 4-5 page articles that will take some time to read through but are well worth it for anyone grappling with trying to get a handle on what's going on in the criminal world of banking and the government bureaucracies that support them. Good luck.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Bassago

I don't know why it still gets to me, you would think we'd all be used to it by now. But every time I see these stories, I get pissed off all over again.

These stories should be required daily reading for everyone, maybe enough people would get pissed off at the same time to fix it.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Bassago

What would the French have done?

Of course, we're much more civilized now.
I'm surprised people aren't actionably more angry than they observably seem.

I mean, yelling about it on the internet, seems to work as a pacifier, but, what's it do?

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

I mean, yelling about it on the internet, seems to work as a pacifier, but, what's it do?

For one thing it actually informs people of the facts and that can only help. It gives them the ability to speak out confidently on the issues that are causing the most damage to other people and inform them as well. Basically it can only help.

As Watchitburn said above, this should be required daily reading for everyone. There's a reason our schools are being dumbed down and the MSM hardly speaks of these issues. IMO it's a duty for us to push back against those who exploit and oppress any way we can.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Bassago

The big players are storing assets away, physical stock and treasure wins hands down after the paper is finally burned.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Bassago

I don't really disagree.
Talking about the issues IS important.

We don't really hear about these issues via the MSM too because, well, who owns the MSM?

Still, talking about the issues, while part of the process of coming to a solution, could also become an issue itself where the only thing done is talking, and no actual solutions are pressed for other than circles of protest all nodding about something needing be done, but, never doing.

By no means am I agitating for the employment of old Doctor Joseph Ignace Guillotin's ever popularly employed invention from the French Revolution, but, employing such as a symbol, as a message, as a warning, in forming an alternative political "Cake" party to platform a position and candidates for reform, now, that could very well do something.

A "Cake" party might not win any elections, but, like the Green Party of Nader, the Tea Party, Libertarians, and all the others forgotten to history, the message could catalyze change where the some in the more effective parties may leverage the support on certain issues to maintain their own personal seats of power at the expense of others.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

forming an alternative political "Cake" party to platform a position and candidates for reform, now, that could very well do something.

That's a great idea. I think the original Occupy Wall Street could have been a great base for that party even at a global level. So hypothtically speaking what do you think needs to be done to begin something like that?

Actually the guillotine might make a perfect icon for such a party figuratively speaking. It would sure put the bankers on notice.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

That is brilliant. I love it.

The Cake party. Run on a platform of rooting out corruption. (Isn't funny how no one talks about that in their campaign adds or debates?)
At worst it might make the scum think twice.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 05:18 PM


That's a great idea. I think the original Occupy Wall Street could have been a great base for that party even at a global level. So hypothtically speaking what do you think needs to be done to begin something like that?

Actually the guillotine might make a perfect icon for such a party figuratively speaking. It would sure put the bankers on notice.

Well, like any political party, if not a revolutionary party, but a party working within the system, one would need research how to start a political party.
The next, or, the first step, either/or usually involves campaigning, soap-boxing, people standing up in front of groups of other people and platforming their positions.
This then goes the way of hat in hand, campaigning for donations, getting signatures, and all the rubber on the road mechanics of getting any kind of political headway going.

Alternatively, there's the Manchurian Candidate method which could involve the same tricks as Cuckoo Birds in the wild where Cuckoo Birds, I think Magpies as well, lay their eggs in other bird's nests, whereby on hatching the Cuckoo or Magpie disposes of all the competition.
In other words, plant candidates in offices on both sides of the aisle, all pretending to be and paying proper lip service to the Democratic and Republican parties, whichever, and then at opportune times, they coordinate as one stealth party to turn votes in favor of their 'invisible' secret society agenda.

Ideally, one would recruit roughly 2000 students of Law at various prominent Universities that are well known for producing future political up and comers, using all the tools of the trade of influencing people, including all the dirty tricks like setting them up for compromising and extremely damaging situations with which to "own" them, and then, let them loose on the world to mature and start stamping their name on the world.

Those successful in obtaining influential positions some 10, 15, 25, or so years later on, are then in your control, to some extent.

Then again, if I can think of this, I'm sure there's others that have thought of this, and there's already a line of 'recruiters' in various employs with well practiced and oiled bags of dirty tricks vulturing around campuses in collecting promising futures.

Thus, you are then left with the grass-roots methods.
How did the Libertarians get seats?
What has the Tea party done?
What about the Green party?
Some of these parties, or former members of such might even extend help in activating a new promising position on the political stage.
It would give them the promise of either being part of something new and exciting or, the hint of injecting their own influence on something.

Everyone wants something and one would need become deft at hinting without making any promises, or writing any checks that can't be cashed.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Bassago

Thanks for bringing it all together.


posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

The idea of leveraging an existing group make the most sense to me. I know little about the Green Party and the Tea Party while a possible consideration has to my mind already has outside influences directing some of them. The Libertarians would be the best fit IMO but it may be a difficult sell to a lot of people who believe they are extreme. I don't but many folks who cannot imagine a country without a huge centralized government probably do.

Might be worthwhile thinking about putting together a position paper on this and see about approaching them via email or snail mail. This would require a lot of research.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Bassago

What was it that JFK said about going to the Moon?

"We don't do this because it is easy, but, because it is hard." ... or something like that?

Nothing worth having should ever be expected easy.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Bassago

They will "off" a few low level bankers inevitably with the papertrails will lead to them as causing the coming financial armageddon (dead men cant be called to testify) More specifically Market crash (incl Stock market but more particularly Derivatives) to happen 2014/2015?
Pension funds will be nationalized as govt. increasingly unable to pay debts
Google: “retirement accounts to be swindled by government”
Enough threads are already surfacing on ATS about banker deaths/suicides
Recall how Nick Leeson was the patsy who supposedly singlehandly destroyed his bank (Baring Bros)

Paltry fines will be the order of the day as noted in your summations. Irrespective of how large a federal fine may be its all water under the bridge as
1) the JPMorgans (an extension of the Federal reserve) have already taken their fat bonuses (and paid their Washington Politicans)
2) the fines will ultimately be paid by shareholders

remember 2008 unwinding – 2013 results/penalties
2014 crash – 2017 “Warren-JFK” style “staged” investigations
2020 penalties handed out

Some low levels will probably be offed again as people call for blood. Return of French style guillotines or public executions due to public thirst for blood.
Money long gone into the wealthiest families yet again.
"Hunger Games"/public executions - Benevolent Dictator/govt will reassure people all is well
Meanwhile euthanasia of the elderly/baby boomers will be the order of the day

Feed them Bread and Circuses

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by TheConstruKctionofLight

This is my greatest concern, that we are too far gone down the road of financial armageddon to be able to stop it. Once the global implosion hits it will be too late to try and put together a political platform to combat the problem. And the current parties obviously have no intention of trying to fix the problem.

2014-15 is my best guess for this collapse and there's no power on earth that will contain it once it starts. The Depression era or the 20th century will look like a picnic when the derivative markets implode.

Maybe the better solution is simply to stockpile gold, silver and a way to protect your family (guns & ammo.) Even with modest hyperinflation an ounce of gold or silver may mean the difference between a family eating or starving.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 06:46 PM
Nice S&F, I just read all three articles. I wasn't aware of the banks manipulating commodities and metal markets. Holy crap! It also looks like the only way we can ever hope to tackle and change this corruption is to wait until it all comes crashing down around the banks. They have the game completely rigged in their favor. Even when we get a bill to fight their corruption, they just send their army of lawyers to poke holes into it until it is a ghost of its former self. These articles also do a good job of showing how both political parties are in the pockets of these banksters. Stop voting Democrat or republican, they only differ on unimportant issues. Look to where they agree to see the corruption.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 06:54 PM

reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

That is brilliant. I love it.

The Cake party. Run on a platform of rooting out corruption. (Isn't funny how no one talks about that in their campaign adds or debates?)

They can't discuss corruption in their ads or debates because they themselves are all up to their necks in it and they know their own names would keep cropping up.

edit on 17-2-2014 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Yeah, Matt Taibbi isn't messing around when he goes into details either in these articles. The nice thing about them is while they are long they are easy to read and not buried in financial jargon.

Figures it would take Rolling Stone to be the one to print articles like this. I hope they give Matt a raise for these stories. The guy really knows his stuff.

posted on Feb, 17 2014 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Bassago

He's probably going to end up dead. Or not, 2 of the articles were written in 2012 and its not like anything has changed for the better.

posted on Feb, 18 2014 @ 07:35 AM

By no means am I agitating for the employment of old Doctor Joseph Ignace Guillotin's ever popularly employed invention from the French Revolution, but, employing such as a symbol, as a message, as a warning, in forming an alternative political "Cake" party to platform a position and candidates for reform, now, that could very well do something.

I am agitating for the employment for devices equal to the racheteering crimes of the trash running our country. The banksters, sock-puppet-politios, wall-streeters and others have committed treason. Not just against the US, but humanity. They need real trials by informed citizens ... and real punishment.

Guillotine, tree-rope, firing squad, beheading .... hell's bells .... even crucifixion along the Appian Way is beginning to look good.

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