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My life in 3 boxes (possibly the last post for awhile)

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posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 08:38 AM
Countdown to transition...

3 days until final moving is done. My wife has found a bedroom she can use with a family from the church she attends, they paid for 3 months from their emergency funds. My good friend and a brother in the Lord, cleaned out a 10'x25' room which should be able to hold most of the house boxes / items if not all, and if that isn't enough, he's got more if necessary.
Yep..he's like that~!

I'll be moving in with my 2nd best friend in the whole wide world
on Saturday.

Please send your thoughts and prayers toward my Step-Grandson, he'll be homeless on Sunday. He's signed up for Job Corps and is just waiting for the green light to start the program.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Komodo

Good Luck to you Komodo, and keep us up to date.

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:36 PM
I'm back of sorts...
UPDATE: (with an ugh, sigh and a smile)

The Church where my wife was/is attending, unbeknownst to us, had a 'standby' moving crew at the ready, meaning pickup trucks, and a Dodge dual wheel pickup complete w/ 15ft flatbed trailer hauling behind it. It's part of their ministry for their members.
Yea, can't say enough about that...

I woke up Saturday at 9am, by 10am, we have 20-25 people in the house moving and packing. Super crazy! Never had anything like that before; your thoughts and prayers are being answered, we can't thank you enough.

And where did all this stuff go inside a 2400sqft 2 story house you might ask? *grin* A very good friend who just happened to lease a 40 acre farm 2 months earlier and a spare 10'x25' room in the basement and copious amount of outside space if that wasn't enough.Not only that, he loaded up the garbage outside on a 12ft trailer with his son and hauled it to his burn pile. Yeah... words fail me of how appreciative I am over the move. Your thoughts and prayers are being answered...
So, by Monday night, house was empty and clean.

At this point, my wife is living at a at a house for women in transition provided by a couple at the church she's a member at, it's a HUGE luxury home complete with wrap around living room and windows, professional kitchen with wrap around marble countertops; We call it the 'castle house'
My mind and heart at at peace she's there, it's what envisioned for her to be at. My Queen in her Castle.

As for me, hmmmm...I'm living the lesson I taught to instill into my daughters, never burn your bridges unless you're absolutely sure, you'll never go back that way; currently, I moved from my 'best friends' 1 bdrm apt. to... my daughters grandma's basement. Yea, A LOT of water under this bridge but, it's just water. I'm in her good graces and best of all, I get to see my oldest daughter every single day now, since I'm sleeping in the next room.
) Her fiancé is allowing me to use his laptop to get online. (HUGE SIGH..!) He's such a good guy! Another appreciation in my life.

Amongst all of this, all my tee-shirts and shirts and other very essential stuff got picked up and I assumed it was moved to storage. UGH~!!! and ARRRRGH!!!! yea......but, I do have wireless internet, food and a dry place to sleep.

Yea, it's going from bad to worse it seems. I STILL am unable to see a doctor that will correctly diagnose what the exact problem is with my legs; although I do have state medical now, they won't treat ANY Workmen's Comp injuries older than 3 months. SO, I'm still at square 1, legs are still giving me issues and can't be up on them more than 20mins or so. Yesterday, we went out for lunch and by the time we got home, I was limping on my left leg.
Yea, this completely in the Twilight Zone it's so unbelievable. I still can't get a MRI w/out paying 5k for a single scan out of my own pocket.
AT this point, I'll be sending prayers and thoughts to those of you in the same plight and even those who aren't that might find themselves suddenly facing the streets...
Deep thanks and appreciation to those on this thread...until then, I'll be on the threads doing a LOT of catch up

edit on 11-3-2014 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2014 by Komodo because: used the external text and removed it but it's still formatted as such .. have no idea why ..

posted on Mar, 11 2014 @ 09:37 PM

reply to post by Komodo

Good Luck to you Komodo, and keep us up to date.

Thanks AD,

done and done

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by Komodo

Wow,wish I had that much help to move! Glad at least that transition worked out. One day at a time ,one step at a time. Sending out good vibes into the Universe for you.

posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Thanks for the support AD...!

See my update below.. yeeeah ..

posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 06:09 PM
Hi ya all~! Wow...finally get somewhat of a connection to the outside world~! So, last night, we discovered that Android 4.3 no longer supports Java ..grrrr....thus, no connection to outside world unless I travel down the street to the library...but yea.. thanks Android...


Yeah, so, I attempted to hook up my PC and in the most crucial time I needed it, the power supply blew...yeah....*huge sigh!* So, not much to do other than play my PS2 maybe ...and LOTS of time to think.. reminds me of the G&R song 'November Rain'

edit on 20-3-2014 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2014 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by Komodo

Ah yes,nothing like the library for net connection. Been there,done that. Just keep your hopes up,and things will get better. A positive attitude is key buddy.

posted on Mar, 27 2014 @ 03:08 AM
So .. my update didn't post ...

good news is on the way .. I'll post when I have a more solid connection

posted on Apr, 2 2014 @ 11:18 PM
Writting this from a local Barnes & Noble wifi from a VERY generious person that sent me a Dell Isperion 1200 through the mail, complete with MS Office 2004....yea.. my faith in humanity is overwhelming right now.. and restored...

After drying my tears for 20mins after seeing the desktop w/ a Komodo Dragon as my wallpaper.. yea.. that took a moment; life isn't as bleek as I thought it would be, due to the generousity from a virtually complete stranger.

Who would have thought, a life could be saved from a comspiracy website??!!! RIGHT!!?
I know there are 1000's out there worst than me or as bad as me, but, to them I say in tears of hope .."you must hope against hope, have a bit of faith that someone above you IS looking down and concerned, hope even when there is none, there is NO shame in hoping in humanity and those around you will someday come to understand that there IS good in the world, as obsure as the MSM paints it to be...there is, and this post is concrete proof of that!!!"

We, as human beings, seriously, more than any other time lives right now MUST pay it forward and pay it back, to remember those that help us in times of our plights and trails. I can barely see my screen right now from holding back the flood of tears in a public place. We must, sacriface a little to gain alot of stuff that isn't' material. We must do this as basic human condition first, and friends second, for if we don't, though all around us fall, we will be animals left to ourselves, with no love or peace in our lives!

WE MUST be, for the lack of a better term, the good samaritians, the once that the world tosses aside, the rejected to show that WE make society what it is, and what it should be, NOT the corporations or govenments of the world...

it is ...WE the people!!!!!!! of the world..this is OUR world to make the changes for our kids, to show the world we will never go down without hope or peace or love...

because we love each other as humans and nothing more and did something wounderful for someone that didn't have give back..the life you save, maybe your own someday..

edit on 2-4-2014 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-4-2014 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by Komodo


posted on Apr, 7 2014 @ 11:19 PM
taking active steps to get a list of items going that will be useful in case my living situation deterates here all together. Having a device to get on the net is HUGE right now.. !! Society is bound to it .. there is no going back .. if the net goes down, it'll be 1984 ALL over again..

I'm sleeping during the day and up at night making it difficult to get on the web at times.. but, it's quiet and gives me time to think..

At this point, I've posted what's been going on in my mind/spirit on this Thread and it's taking a bit of time to get those things together ..


edit on 7-4-2014 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2014 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by Komodo

I followed your link to the other thread,and I can definitely understand how being in your situation makes it very easy to put your priorities in order,and also to feel the weight of all the negative energy in the world. On any given day I can flip flop between hope for humanity and my family's future,and complete and utter despair. Truly it makes any kind of moving forward in life quite disabling. I will say however,it is a snowball effect to get too wrapped up in doom and gloom and could have a detrimental effect on planning to get past your current circumstances. Tread carefully Komodo.

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by AccessDenied

agreed AD ...


posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 04:06 AM
So as fates would have it ...

I was pushed out of the basement today ..given till Friday at midnight to move...confirming that I felt in my spirit was going /might happen.

But, I landed back in PO w/ a family member ..for now. would have been in my car at walmart..I guess luck favors the prepared ?

edit on 9-4-2014 by Komodo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2014 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Komodo

Oh dear....

posted on Apr, 11 2014 @ 11:56 PM
Lifestyles of the no so rich & famous...

LOL.. makes for interesting living with others...

but, whatever "get out of jail free card" of sorts is my laptop...! Without the net for networking and general intertainment, life would be a kickback to 1984
Yea...said this before but, from my point of view....there's no going back, the web is so accurately named due to it's major connection to our lives nearly as air, food and water we need of course unless someones life is in a place where it's not needed...I can think of only one older couple who were neighbors, their intertainment....sitting in their chairs in the front room reading a book .. no tv, no web....they go to work, come home eat, and go to the living room...yep..that's the extent of the entertainment..

Peace all ..

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 06:35 PM
So today, I started to make a short list of things that are becoming precious to me..that I used to take for granted at times or had some disregard for at home...

• My Super Tool Leatherman..
• My General Tours/TBI Tours/General Expedition back pack (it has the feel of a rubberized material) which I somehow picked up along the way, has multiple pocket sizes that can hold just change if needed which, it does. :-)
• My $1.00 9 LED/ 3 AAA battery flashlight, WAY brighter than my 15(?) LED one...
• Bar Soap, Irish Spring to be exact, in my backpack that fits 5 bars in a side pocket of my backpack
• My leather spit-kit (bathroom toiletries mini-bag) holds quite a bit for it's size..
• My 2’wooden frame & cloth laundry hamper, simple, store-able and washable...
• PS2 2nd generation, still plays SD DVD’s and is compact & light for easy packing and remains the best among the rest of the consoles IMO, it easily can play games without heat issues for 24 hrs continuously, GT4 24hr race is proof & has yet to see any cleaning since joke. Also can use IR controllers.
• Authentic military leather boots with speed lacing...
MAC Sports folding cot something that I don't think the website goes into detail about; it's made like a cot SHOULD BE made, there's NO center bar and therefore it's design is that like sleeping in hammock :-)I've yet to have a hard time sleeping. No family and no ONE should be without one. If you can't afford this type...pick up an army cot, the design is the same.
• A good conformable comfy pillow
• My Dell Ispirion 1200 laptop ;-)
• Leather soled slippers for house life
• (Although I didn’t have one at the house, and don’t tote one around with me) an LED TV with a D-sub connection for alternate monitor.
• Bio-Degradable Lens wipes, try and find the 200ct they come in individual packets.
• USB, enough said. still need to see if I can get a 12v car converter for USB devices
• Sleeping bag(s), I have 2 for whatever reason
• Without a doubt, one good 16GB thumbdrive,
• Toothbrush cover
• Bar Soap plastic holder

The final: Running Tap Water, (appreciated when there’s no money to buy the ‘good’ stuff or go pick it up on hwy26 like we used to for free) yea…it’s fluorinated…Which as we know is completely bad for the human race, but dehydration…is such a B* !

edit on 13-4-2014 by Komodo because: input the final

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 10:58 PM
As of right now..


Homeless...sitting at a McDonalds with my only connection to the outside world is ..

a laptop I got from a complete stranger ...gosh Mike .. I wish I so could toss you a stack of 1000 dollar bills for this laptop.....! thx you...

So.. with everything going on .. I think I'll be checking into the ER tonight or tomorrow.. this .. sucks..

my heart & prayers goes out to those struggling with near homelessness and homelessness.. I take you in my house and you could stay with me till you were on your feet and never kick you out ......!

love you all ..

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 11:37 PM
YOU not sleep in your car buddy near some truckstop

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