posted on Feb, 13 2014 @ 09:16 PM
My Thread Languishes
My thread languishes
I wait by the screen
Blue light on my face
Click refresh obsessively
Then get up to pace
(Oh someone please put
Me out of my misery!)
One flag from a friend
I’m sure that I’ve bribed
“No more, no more!”
The dead thread cried
Alas and alack and woe is me
My heavens are dark
Nary a star to see
Would that my love for thee
Were not so strong
Oh site where I spend
All the day long
Would that I cared not
Who read or didn’t read
My poor abandoned words
My thread
Yes, pity the poor starless one
Who gnaws her nails
In funk and glum
All for one poor friend-purchased nod
I spent my day locked in a fog
Of word-smithing and smiting
Of carefully carved phrases
Of Valentine wishes
With pics of fresh flower vases
And languishing still
I wait, heck even a shill
Would be better than naught
A single soul in sight
Dear ATS
I beg thee be kind
And bid thee
(Except, oh no!
A new thread I must read!
Foiled again!
I boil water for coffee...)