Mystery Valentine
There is a place that is no place
A bubble of ideas pulsing in cyberspace
Curled up with fingers around mug
Late into the evening
Imagination parts waves of fractal oceans
Seeking discernment of gems from paste
From left and right and churned up emotions
To ancient places and strange potentials
I drift here on my lake
Essential meanings stir the waters
Stay with me through the day
Fill dreams with symbols and signs
To mull and ponder and question
Connection and disconnection
A friend made
Another sadly lost
And there in the heart of tentative return
A white envelope
A surprise to salve the spurn
Mystery Valentine
Anonymously sent to my shores
A sweet scented acknowledgement
A secret carried like a gift
Dear Anon Valentine
Your kind and honeyed words have
Soared across the water barrier
And touched me here today
The mist in my eyes
The veil on the bruised soul
For a moment lift
And here
In the place that is no place
I realize my ignorance
For never in a moment
Did I think my presence
Would catch notice
Nor my voice bring such grace
Happy Valentine’s Day ATS