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Obamacare, Part-time, and the Minimum Wage?

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posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 11:37 AM

reply to post by FyreByrd

You were right about most things in your post, but not subsidized healthcare being better.

They still can't pay the deductible unless they 1/2 a years pay in the bank, so it is worthless, and simply wasting money on the premiums.

These people will still be flocking to the emergency room, so nothing will change but the government dumping heaps of money into the insurance industry for products no poor person can still afford to use.

The average poor person might need what $5,000 a year in medical care they don't have, now they insurance with a $5,000 deductible they still don't have the money for.

This changes nothing for 9 out of 10 poor people. They will still be forced into the emergency rooms.

I don't see how you qualify this as a good thing.

I do agree with your point on the 'deductable'. The working poor cannot afford $1,500 a year in deductables and will still avoid getting health care early when care is less expensive.

This is a failure of the new law and would be easily addressed by universal single payer health care. Deductables are a means, used by big insurance, to obscure the true price of a health insurance policy.

I'm not a fan of Obamacare for just such reasons. It was a huge boon to the health insurance industry. However, being able to obtain (and there are policies without deductibles available) health care that is not dependant on an employer is a large step in the right direction.

We didn't get into this quagmire overnight and it will take some time to dig our way out.

Until such time that the U.S. joins the rest of the 'civilized' world with universal health care, this is a much needed step to help others.

It helps businesses as well.... but that's another time consuming discussion.

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 11:45 AM

Why don't all these idiots get real jobs or go to college and get away from this stupidity?

If they weren't so lazy, or prone to making poor decisions then they wouldnt have to have mothers and fathers working these crap jobs designed for kids to support their family.

The problem isn't healthcare, or min wage its the idiots working these crappy jobs. They need to grow up.

There aren't enough teenagers to flip all the burgers, mop all the floors, change all the light bulbs and carry your groceries out to your car. Someone has to do those jobs.

There aren't enough jobs for people with degrees, and "working hard" simply isn't enough. There aren't enough management positions in retail and service for people who work hard to "move up".

So you see, we have an entire class of people working service/retail jobs that are needed -- but can barley support themselves.

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

So your saying the real problem is these people aren't making what it cost to support yourself?

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 12:26 PM

This is a failure of the new law and would be easily addressed by universal single payer health care. Deductables are a means, used by big insurance, to obscure the true price of a health insurance policy.

Single payer system has its limitations, and can end up being gamed very badly (and of course you can fill in all the doom that people claim about single payer system).

A better way to get affordable care is for the government to regulate the costs, the way it does for Medicare. Just make sure that everybody is charged what Medicare allows for the procedure, and I would imagine most people will not really need insurance other than catastrophic insurance. Right now, the providers charge whatever number they can generate (10-100 times the cost of medicines are not unheard of), and there is nothing a consumer (patient) can do about it, any other domain, this would be called black marketing/racketeering. Also courts need to disallow any malpractice lawsuits unless the provider loses their medical license along with the settlement.

posted on Feb, 7 2014 @ 11:55 PM


This is a failure of the new law and would be easily addressed by universal single payer health care. Deductables are a means, used by big insurance, to obscure the true price of a health insurance policy.

Single payer system has its limitations, and can end up being gamed very badly (and of course you can fill in all the doom that people claim about single payer system).

A better way to get affordable care is for the government to regulate the costs, the way it does for Medicare. Just make sure that everybody is charged what Medicare allows for the procedure, and I would imagine most people will not really need insurance other than catastrophic insurance. Right now, the providers charge whatever number they can generate (10-100 times the cost of medicines are not unheard of), and there is nothing a consumer (patient) can do about it, any other domain, this would be called black marketing/racketeering. Also courts need to disallow any malpractice lawsuits unless the provider loses their medical license along with the settlement.

Yes, any system can be gamed. Regulating any for-profit, big-business business (either insurance company's, hospital companies, labratory companys on down to inidivudal Doctors without hunreds of throusands of well-trained inspectors working for the government is absurdly - complex, never happen.

You would regulate the costs in a single payer programs just by the single payer only paying so much for .... whatever..... If the doctor or group chooses to charge more - less customers for them. The wealthy will always have their perogative. But single payer, single priceing, non-profit is the way to go (and I do realize that those are different things). In would, in time, lower the cost of med school thereby getting people that have a calling (remember those) to help others rather then just make money.

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