The Miami Dolphin cheerleaders sent the US Troops in Afghanistan a music video and the troops sent one back…mimicking them almost to perfection.
You'll have to watch it twice to catch it all.
Good stuff, didn't catch all what they were doing, couldn't pull my eyes away form the right box lol. Saw a guy with full beard, either the first
white guy I have seen with a no shave chit or maybe some special ops guys having some fun.
\when i was in the middle east the jacksonville jaguar cheerleaders came to visit was a nice gesture but on that day...all this upper brass
and senior ncos we had never met showed up to get meet the girls...our base was a small outpost in the middle of no where and I have no idea why they
had the girls come out there. We found out some Lt Col bought a cake for one of the girls cause it was her the same time it was one of our
guy's bdays and we made him a cake as well with cigarettes as the candles. It left such a bad taste in my mouth that all these douches came out to
see "us" on the day the cheerleaders were there.
There were soldiers in the video?????????
I didnt see that!!
ETA: Of course some tard is gonna come in here and say "what a waste of taxpayers money" or something to that extent.
To you I say this: Go work 24/7 and see if you need to let off some steam
edit on 2/7/2014 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)