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How will life look like after the hyperinflation of the dollar...

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posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 08:20 AM
People who are worried about the financial status of the US always say it is not a question of "if" but a question of "when" the US dollar will collapse.

When I think about certain poor neighbourhoods in the US and the already excisting crime...and the difficulty the police has to keep it all in check....I see very very dark clouds for what is about to blow over the united states of america.

I am not an expert on economic stuff but the way I understand it the US government (pretent to) not to really see the danger and has no nation wide plan to counter this coming doom senario. As a matter of fact the US government continues to ask the federal reserve to print money.

The other day I did hear a man explaining the debt of the USA. And it is a scary tale...not only the amount of debt but also how the nightmare started and has been building up towards the final chapter to come.

I am angry for what has happened to this wonderful country...I am aware there has Always been poverty and other social problems in the US but beside that there was a time america had it all and would have had a great future.... a pearl and example for the world. If it wasn't for these few greedy men who squirmed their way into power and robbed the nation from its money and future.

I am not from the USA but from what I (think to) know about it, the streets and the night will be a dangerous place and time to be in. The united states will become the most dangerous and unwanted country to live in.

Can you imagine how all the families with children and old folks must survive... ? It can not other be than that these FEMA camps are built for this upcoming disaster. will become really scary..If I was an american citizen with children... and in possesion of enough money...I would flee the USA as soon as possible.

How do you guys think the circumstances will become?

edit on 6/2/2014 by zatara because: something else

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by zatara

Unfortunately many people are relying on the government. I believe schools/parents should teach their children Basic survival as well.

Just the other day one of my neighbors was disgusted that I was going to butcher one of my chickens. I asked her "What do you think you buy at the Grocery store?" Some people are so disconnected it is unbelievable.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 08:49 AM
The US is a very isolated region compared to the rest of the world, and unique with the amount of guns, land, and a relatively low % percent of the population that sustains their own footprint to say..

It's not isolated to the US. Most all places I know of with a dense population like large towns/cities rely on the outside country/province to provide them food and water, and/or rely on electricity and infrastructure like roads, pumps, and wires to deliver them.

In the US, like most places that faces poverty when dealing with hyperinflation -- people commit "crimes" to feed themselves and family. In places with many guns/weapons and little farming means the targets are people with food or just about anything else they may find useful. It comes down to the person with the bigger stick, and after that some tribal form of organization.

All my opinions of course.. it would get very ugly with the proliferation of guns and ease of access to places with paved roads

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 09:12 AM
First order of business is to do whatever you can to get out of any city. They will tear themselves apart. About the only way you will be able to make it in the city is if you are either fortunate enough to live in a very wealthy part of town which will be a priority to protect or if you live in a neighborhood full of people whom you know very well and trust so that you can work together and take care of each other.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 09:27 AM
It will look like the soviet Union did in the early 90's. A dog eat dog mentallity. It will be extremely difficult for people who have relied to much on government and who have not taken the warnings. people who have not stock piled food and other items of survival will be at the mercy of people who have, leaving them extremely vunereable. This will prove to be a very hard time. It may turn into a kind of Afganistan, with local clans controlling certain areas. If you think the army is coming to the rescue, I feel thats a pipe dream. These people will be in the same situation, many may just desert there post. Its not good, and there are thousands of possibilities of what may or may not happen. JUST GET PREPARED. FOOD, WATER, AMMO, items of need for survival and trade. read up on gardening, energy, etc... Get Healthy, ween yourself of not essential items. Educate is the most important thing one can do.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 09:33 AM
Additionally, make bonds with people whom you can trust. It doesn't matter if you are talking about family - extended family, not just your immediate - faith community, neighborhood or what have you.

You won't be very successful at going it alone. You'll need help and communities will need to be rebuilt, likely from the ground up, by groups of like-minded, self-reliant individuals and families and groups.

The better you are networked with people you can trust to have your back and the more useful you can be to them and them to you, the more likely you will be to ride it out.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 09:41 AM
I imagine it will look something like these dubious and infamous examples from recent history.

The worst cases of Hyperinflation in world history

I'm putting my worthless paper on the side betting we take #1 with distinction for the worst ever, when out time comes.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:16 AM

I imagine it will look something like these dubious and infamous examples from recent history.

The worst cases of Hyperinflation in world history

I'm putting my worthless paper on the side betting we take #1 with distinction for the worst ever, when out time comes.

We are facing more then just an economic danger.

The damage from an EPM attack along with a Pandemic could also be the cause of great civil unrest in the world.

Some “what-if” books like One Second After, Enemies foreign and Domestic, and Lights Out may provide good insight into our future.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:27 AM

Additionally, make bonds with people whom you can trust. It doesn't matter if you are talking about family - extended family, not just your immediate - faith community, neighborhood or what have you.

You won't be very successful at going it alone. You'll need help and communities will need to be rebuilt, likely from the ground up, by groups of like-minded, self-reliant individuals and families and groups.

The better you are networked with people you can trust to have your back and the more useful you can be to them and them to you, the more likely you will be to ride it out.

I can read much truth in your words and would be great advice for people who get totally surprised because they believe too much in what their government is saying.

Should the government not have the responsibillity to educate the common if not all people with practical information how to survive and ....not to to behave in such a disaster? I know the government does not want to create a picknik panick before the SHTF but they got to do something...

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:28 AM
Look around you..

Hows it working so far?

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:31 AM


I imagine it will look something like these dubious and infamous examples from recent history.

The worst cases of Hyperinflation in world history

I'm putting my worthless paper on the side betting we take #1 with distinction for the worst ever, when out time comes.

We are facing more then just an economic danger.

The damage from an EPM attack along with a Pandemic could also be the cause of great civil unrest in the world.

Some “what-if” books like One Second After, Enemies foreign and Domestic, and Lights Out may provide good insight into our future.

One Second After is just damn depressing and scary. I live on a road that has a deep dip and curve in it. It's not at all uncommon for cars to go roaring through there, lose control, and hit a power pole knocking out power to the entire neighborhood. After reading that book, EMP always flashes through our heads every time the power goes out. It's not a pleasant thought.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by waltwillis

Indeed... A pandemic is a cyclic thing and it will come again. There will be millions and millions die from a virus. History shows us that is an absolute we can cash with the confidence of a check on payday. We just don't and can't know when or which bug will go postal and homicidal to clear the decks again, so to speak.

In terms of EMP blast...I disagree entirely there. If EMPs in the high megaton range were detonated over the US in at least 3 places..carefully measured and coordinated, mind you..a good % of the civilian infrastructure would likely cook off or go down. Military, in what matters anyway, would go largely unaffected, as if nothing odd even happened. After all, use of our military in an already nuclear contaminated battlefield wasn't a far off 'maybe' when today's systems were in design phases during the late 70's and 80's. It was just a given taken for granted. Nukes WOULD fly. Emps WOULD hit and woe be the idiot commander who didn't maintain the shielding to the extent there are any 'user serviceable' elements for field commanders to worry about.

Folks seem to think these threats are new or scary or different. In fact, the actual level of threat we face today is so far BELOW what America lived with as a fact of life prior to the 'Fall of the Wall' that I have trouble really getting worked up on most 'threats' these days.

How can you take Jihad Johnny seriously, at this level, when many of us grew up in an area planned to be so totally overkilled with Nuclear warheads, the term 'Nuclear Drilling' was actually a meaningful one to describe some of the attack patterns intended for some areas of the nation.

let them give their EMP their best shot... By this time next week my home servers (all of them) will be within a faraday shielded utility room so I don't care anyway. I'll have something to watch as things fall out of the skies, crash into whatever they were aimed at when the big dump came and wonder how I can coordinate all my charging needs to keep from having dead gizmos while they rebuild the grid.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by zatara

Here's the dirty little secret - The government has been steadily doing everything it can to erode these things for a long time now. If you have strong family, faith, and neighborhood, you are a strong, self-reliant individual who does not need or want government to "help" you. This is the foundation of a free people in a free country. Government wants power, and the way they get it is by making you need them, so they do what they can to weaken your individual support structures. Once you are isolated as an individual, you have no one left to turn to except for them, and they get the power of doing things to "help" you.

Government could care less about the average man on the street or what will happen to him when things get really bad. All it cares about is keeping power one way or another. So, you can be sure that it will once again become part of your problem rather than part of any solution. The best you can hope for is that it becomes too much of a problem for government to extend its power to any area where you are at so that you are left well enough alone.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:36 AM

reply to post by zatara

Unfortunately many people are relying on the government. I believe schools/parents should teach their children Basic survival as well.

Just the other day one of my neighbors was disgusted that I was going to butcher one of my chickens. I asked her "What do you think you buy at the Grocery store?" Some people are so disconnected it is unbelievable.

Yeah, I is the rsponsibillty of the government or state to educate its citizens for what is about to come.

The US and the dollar still have great economic influence on big parts of rest of the world. Hopefully it will not drag the euro and Europe with it in its fall.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:43 AM
What the problem with the USA is the following:

The lessons that the elderly and the baby boomers had to learn, are slowly disappearing with the wind. Too often too many expect things to be done for them, that they forget how to do such. Things like having a vegitable garden, cooking and the very basic skills for survival. Items that our grandparents used becomes just decorations and perhaps if something were to happen, initially there would be some chaos, but it would also mean that those who do know how to survive will, and those who do not will either have to learn very quickly or ultimately end up dead.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:44 AM

am not from the USA but from what I (think to) know about it, the streets and the night will be a dangerous place and time to be in. The united states will become the most dangerous and unwanted country to live in.

I like your thread except for this bit. You are implying that when the US self-destructs, it will just be isolated to the US (or the N. American continent). Unfortunately, the US dollar is so intertwined with the world's economy, especially with the Petro-Dollar, that when our economy implodes, the rest of the world's economy will go with it. We will be looking at a world-wide depression unseen since the fall of Rome, and that may not even be accurate since the eastern part of the Roman Empire didn't fall for another 1000 years and continued to be prosperous during that time.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:47 AM


am not from the USA but from what I (think to) know about it, the streets and the night will be a dangerous place and time to be in. The united states will become the most dangerous and unwanted country to live in.

I like your thread except for this bit. You are implying that when the US self-destructs, it will just be isolated to the US (or the N. American continent). Unfortunately, the US dollar is so intertwined with the world's economy, especially with the Petro-Dollar, that when our economy implodes, the rest of the world's economy will go with it. We will be looking at a world-wide depression unseen since the fall of Rome, and that may not even be accurate since the eastern part of the Roman Empire didn't fall for another 1000 years and continued to be prosperous during that time.

It isn't just the US.

All it takes is pretty much any one of the major world currencies or the BRICs to collapse and things are intertwined enough that the whole house of cards will come down.

Thanks to the IMF and the Fed, none of us are going to do this isolated.

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

I'd have given ya a big cookie to have left out the comparison to THAT phase of the Fall of Rome. Errr... We all know what came next, don't we? I'll be even happier if my child (I'll be dead by then) doesn't have to experience and watch HIS children live through the modern day version of the Dark Ages.

The other problem? The Dark Ages weren't really dark, since the Muslims (among others) had made a key priority out of hoarding knowledge, manuscripts and examples of technology where they could buy, borrow or steal it for future safe keeping. Thank God for that too... The Europeans must have been both relieved..or perhaps just come out of the Dark Ages and find all their precious knowledge hadn't been lost. It has just relocated to the Arab lands for a few years, eh?

....So who will be the 'outside power' this go around, where all the knowledge necessary to restore life on the other end can be safeguarded away from the perils of social collapse?

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:54 AM


am not from the USA but from what I (think to) know about it, the streets and the night will be a dangerous place and time to be in. The united states will become the most dangerous and unwanted country to live in.

I like your thread except for this bit. You are implying that when the US self-destructs, it will just be isolated to the US (or the N. American continent). Unfortunately, the US dollar is so intertwined with the world's economy, especially with the Petro-Dollar, that when our economy implodes, the rest of the world's economy will go with it. We will be looking at a world-wide depression unseen since the fall of Rome, and that may not even be accurate since the eastern part of the Roman Empire didn't fall for another 1000 years and continued to be prosperous during that time.

No, ..well maybe it looked that way in this specific reply. But if you had read my comment before this one you would understand that my thoughts and worries are also with the economies of the rest of the world.

Anyways..this thread is not about life after hyperinflation in the rest of the world....only specificly in the USA...

edit on 6/2/2014 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2014 @ 10:58 AM

reply to post by Krazysh0t

I'd have given ya a big cookie to have left out the comparison to THAT phase of the Fall of Rome. Errr... We all know what came next, don't we? I'll be even happier if my child (I'll be dead by then) doesn't have to experience and watch HIS children live through the modern day version of the Dark Ages.

The other problem? The Dark Ages weren't really dark, since the Muslims (among others) had made a key priority out of hoarding knowledge, manuscripts and examples of technology where they could buy, borrow or steal it for future safe keeping. Thank God for that too... The Europeans must have been both relieved..or perhaps just come out of the Dark Ages and find all their precious knowledge hadn't been lost. It has just relocated to the Arab lands for a few years, eh?

....So who will be the 'outside power' this go around, where all the knowledge necessary to restore life on the other end can be safeguarded away from the perils of social collapse?

Hmmm, that's a tough one. Who actually values truth, knowledge and learning these days, and I mean real truth, knowledge, learning.

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