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Automated Menus

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posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 12:47 PM
I've been on the phone with the Post Office and local health department agencies for information for the last hour and a half. I cannot get a human to speak to and absolutely cannot get any helpful information. At this particular moment I'm ready to tear my own head off from frustration.

I guess it's way too much money(root of all evil and all that) to get someone to answer a phone. The bloody post office has me yelling at them, answering yes or no questions and their voice recognition thinks yes is no and vice versa. The long distance runaround is the worst, as I've already been to my local post office and they can't help me. To add to this, I've only been waiting for these packages since last month.

I'm thinking that banging my head into a brick wall would be less painful. Maybe have a lady with high heels step on my private parts. Sitting here, going hoarse from yelling at my empty room is nuts. Maybe I'll find a biker bar and go start a fight, seems like a better idea than trying to ACTUALLY GET A HUMAN BEING TO TALK TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I have to go out and do this ridiculous process. I'll probably do it wrong as I couldn't get a freaking human to answer my questions. Happy happy joy joy.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by TheSpanishArcher

I feel your pain.

I'm sure every member of ATS (and everyone else for that matter) has been there.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by TheSpanishArcher

As if that isn't bad enough, ever have to speak with a customer service rep that speaks broken English and all they do is keep reading the same script over and over again.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 04:26 PM
Thanks guys.

I know most everyone in the "civilized" world has gone through this so this isn't a pity thing. I just had to vent and the only person around was a part of the problem, so I used ATS.

That voice recongition they are using is the workings of an evil mind. Reserve a spot in hell and roast the bastards who came up with that idea. Bloody satanic fiends.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by TheSpanishArcher

I turn it into a game of "Find the F'n live operator."

I'll choose other options other than what those automated menu's recommend for my situation. You will eventually get to the holy grail of "Or press 0 for a live agent."

They will redirect you to another live operator who can handle your question(s). JUST remember to ask that helpful operator of which option you need to choose - to get them again. They'll probably give you a string of numbers to enter at the initial menu.

God speed!

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by ChuckNasty

Yeah, I was trying that tactic, trying being the operative word. It wasn't working and I was screaming at the phone like a wild and crazy man. Which helps not at all. I finally dod get a hold of the Post Office today and it was like the phone had cookies installed, they knew my package # right off the bat, which I found just a bit odd, and I only had to yell at the phone twice to get customer service. At least I might be able to get one package but the other I have no # for so that one might be difficult. If the post office had just done their jobs right in the first place but that's too much to ask, eh?

As the saying goes, "If you want something done right, forget it". I'm sure it's a ploy by TPTB to make us all nuts before they haul us to FEMA camps or wherever. Ok, maybe not but I'm sure there's something nefarious a going on with this.

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