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Japan's secret war against United States.....things may not be as simple as the MSM says

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posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:02 PM
U.S. pressures Japan to return 300 kg of plutonium

The United States has been pressuring Japan to return the 300 kg of plutonium that it exported during the Cold War in the 80s. The plutonium has been brought to Japan for research purposes and is currently housed at the fast critical assembly in Tokaimura, Ibaraki Prefecture. The amount exported could theoretically produce 40 to 50 nuclear weapons.

One would wonder why the hell does Japan insist on keeping all those plutonium.

Japan is arguably technologically on par with US(maybe even superior in some field) and can compete with U.S. selling military weapon to countries if Japan does succeed in changing the constitution and start producing Japanese made military weapons.

So is Japan using U.S. alliance to create tensions in Asia as a cover to change the constitution and compete against United State in the weapon selling business in the future? Especially considering Japan is preparing to devalue its currency even more to help its export.

If a war between Japan and China breaks out and Japan defeats China with the help of America, China will most likely break into civil war with the Communist Party losing the support of its people, and some warlords will most likely side with Japan if Japan can help create manufacturing jobs, it would solidify Japan's status in Asia as the leader in the region.

If Japan does have secret nuclear weapons and becomes the leader of Asia with the fall of China, it will be an even greater threat than the current China due to its superior technological power, cultural influence in Asia and most importantly the ability to declare a war with nukes.

Even if a war between China and Japan never happens, as long as Japan changes its constitution, Japanese will have even more leverage in the international stage now that they can produce a military as strong as any superpower nowadays and can defend its own territory by initiating military action against any enemy, and that includes United States.

Another wild guess is a militarized and independent Japan could mean United States would lose the influence it has on Japan, and who knows maybe Japan will negotiate with China to share the resources in the sea and make deals that'll benefit both nations, then the two nations will form alliance around the region and in the end create an Asian currency that will compete with the dollar

War or no war, it's a win-win situation for Japan.

Do you think the current Japan-China-U.S. relations is really what it seems?
Is having a technologically inferior, economically U.S. dependent Communist China siding with you really as bad as it seems?
Are the Japanese trying to reclaim their superpower status lost in WW2, and is already planning way ahead to take down United States in the future?
edit on 27-1-2014 by kevinduhand because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by kevinduhand

I'm pretty sure the secret nuclear weapons that the Japanese made are also aimed at Pyongyang and even Seoul due to rising tensions with the South Korean Government

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:10 PM
Sounds about right. I expect to see a lot more cut throat moves as economies suffer - as Countries jostle to use the opportunity to their benefits. Whose to say if Japan goes to war with China - the US and Japan would win. Russia is vying for resources up north and are increasing their presence to muscle the US out. Everyone is resource grabbing and it's only going to get worse. If things go bad fast (economically) for any one of these players - or basic needs dry up and people begin rioting due to shortages - we will see more aggressive attempts to get all they/we can.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by Dianec

But wouldn't the the North Koreans and China launch nuclear weapons against Japan and the USA should they lost the war?

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:16 PM
Japan needs the US to protect them from China. My money is on China in an all out war with Japan. Im sure Japan has been plotting their revenge on the US since the minute we nuked them several decades ago. Your ideas are all plausible, but Japan has a NO chance if they go to war with anyone, even with their newly made weapons.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

Yes - China would attack us but North Korea couldn't do a thing to us. Of course - we are friends of the South so if we make China angry...I don't even want to think about the possibilities. But it's worth keeping an eye on.

There is a rumor out there that China has nuclear subs that have second strike capabilities but I don't know if this is true or if these could touch US soil. I know it's been confirmed they have a plan in place to expand their military capacity - and we're ultimately paying for it IMO.

"Though China does not have the ability to strike land targets with sea-based cruise missiles, the report states China’s navy is developing a land-attack cruise missile capability, most likely with the Type-095 SSGN and Luyang-III (Type 052D) guided-missile destroyer. This will enhance China’s “flexibility for attacking land targets throughout the Western Pacific, including US facilities in Guam.” One of the many disturbing conclusions in the report is the suggestion that China’s military modernization is “on track to alter the security balance in Asia over the next five to 10 years, challenging decades of US military preeminence.” "And as the US military and diplomatic community work feverishly to improve Sino-US ties, China is “rapidly expanding and diversifying its ability to conduct conventional strikes against US and allied bases, ships, and aircraft throughout the region.”

Beijing is "on the cusp of attaining a credible nuclear triad of land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and air-dropped nuclear bombs."

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:38 PM

U.S. pressures Japan to return 300 kg of plutonium

The United States has been pressuring Japan to return the 300 kg of plutonium that it exported during the Cold War in the 80s. The plutonium has been brought to Japan for research purposes and is currently housed at the fast critical assembly in Tokaimura, Ibaraki Prefecture. The amount exported could theoretically produce 40 to 50 nuclear weapons.

I think plutonium has a critical mass (CM) of roughly 16.3kg's, the mass required to produce a chain reaction in "stationary" material. If enhanced with a laser trigger you might get away with 5kg or even less for a nuclear device. Otherwise a simple CM device would sit at 16.3kg's using two formed pieces, a saturated 10 Boron water mix between lead impregnated glass sheets (with a 10 Boron coating) and C4 could be used as the trigger to start the chain reaction inside of a 1" tubular reinforced metal casing. Using the KISS principle, that would give something in the area of 21 very cheap nuclear devices. Of course more complex trigger systems and refining centrifuges could bring the number of devices up to 60, but that gets expensive.

Legal Disclaimer - Don't try this at home!

Cheers - Dave
edit on 1/27.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 10:48 PM
The u.s has OCCUPIED japan since the end of the second war. Its long past time the americans get the hell OUT of japan. Your occupation forces are NOT wanted in japan.
Im saying what many of my fellow japanese refrain from saying out of politenes.

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 11:23 PM

The u.s has OCCUPIED japan since the end of the second war. Its long past time the americans get the hell OUT of japan. Your occupation forces are NOT wanted in japan.
Im saying what many of my fellow japanese refrain from saying out of politenes.

That pretty much goes without saying,,,but If the US were too pull out of the area ,China would surely dominate the whole area,, that may or may not be a good thing..

posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 11:51 PM
I think Japan has plenty of plutonium to share with everyone .

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 09:13 AM

One would wonder why the hell does Japan insist on keeping all that plutonium.

It's a safe guard. If the Americans really wanted it back, they know where it is.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 09:18 AM

Do you think the current Japan-China-U.S. relations is really what it seems?

This question is ridiculous. Nothing on the international scale is what it seems. There are ALWAYS backdoor negotiations and deals being made behind people's backs.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 07:58 PM


U.S. pressures Japan to return 300 kg of plutonium

The United States has been pressuring Japan to return the 300 kg of plutonium that it exported during the Cold War in the 80s. The plutonium has been brought to Japan for research purposes and is currently housed at the fast critical assembly in Tokaimura, Ibaraki Prefecture. The amount exported could theoretically produce 40 to 50 nuclear weapons.

I think plutonium has a critical mass (CM) of roughly 16.3kg's, the mass required to produce a chain reaction in "stationary" material. If enhanced with a laser trigger you might get away with 5kg or even less for a nuclear device. Otherwise a simple CM device would sit at 16.3kg's using two formed pieces, a saturated 10 Boron water mix between lead impregnated glass sheets (with a 10 Boron coating) and C4 could be used as the trigger to start the chain reaction inside of a 1" tubular reinforced metal casing. Using the KISS principle, that would give something in the area of 21 very cheap nuclear devices. Of course more complex trigger systems and refining centrifuges could bring the number of devices up to 60, but that gets expensive.

Legal Disclaimer - Don't try this at home!

Cheers - Dave
edit on 1/27.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

That's one scary thought. Imagine if they planted them throughout America..

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 10:44 PM

Japan needs the US to protect them from China. My money is on China in an all out war with Japan. Im sure Japan has been plotting their revenge on the US since the minute we nuked them several decades ago. Your ideas are all plausible, but Japan has a NO chance if they go to war with anyone, even with their newly made weapons.

Yes, The Japanese need us to HELP defend them, but I would not make the mistake of underestimating The Japanese mind. Besides, any Nuclear options that they have stationed on their islands are all still monitored, and controlled by the America.

As far as them wanting revenge against us, yeah I am sure many old school nationalist movements still do, but they attacked us first, and as wrong as dropping those two Atom bombs on The Nation of Japan was, there is also the dishonorable attack against us that they being what they are, surely consider.

Finally, If you actually believe that China could defeat Japan and The USA, you are very, very misinformed about the current Military power of all 3 Nations. In fact, The USA alone could eradicate China if those in control decided to.

Keep in mind as well, China has no Navy whatsoever to start with, but I don't need to lay out once again all the reasons why China would not even stand a chance today, tomorrow or even 10 years from now against The United States of America, not to mention her allies. ~$heopleNation
edit on 31-1-2014 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on Feb, 1 2014 @ 11:43 AM
There is no reason given as to why it was exported.
I will search for another link to try and gauge a better understanding.

Secondly you ask why would Japan want to keep it?
It could also be asked why does America feel it is necessary to have back at this time?

Overall you made some good points though about where the relationships could be headed!
The ball is definitely in Japan's court, with China & the US left wondering where the rabbit hole will lead them.
Maybe America's caution of wanting back the materials is the answer to that question.

Interesting topic OP. Nice one.


Edit: It appears that the plutonium was exported because Japan had the best equipment & facilities to research the materials!
Make what you will of that.
edit on 1-2-2014 by CharlieSpeirs because: Given!

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