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ABC TV show: Scandal

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posted on Jan, 27 2014 @ 09:21 PM
Yea.. I don't watch much TV .. but suffice it to say .. I'm definitely hooked on this show so much so, I haven't done anything else in my spare time being off work, seriously. I've watched the entire season 1 in one sitting LOL.. yes.. yes I did! LOL

Working on season 2 right now (3 seasons in all atm): Characters in the show are awesome, nice to see a fresh face once in awhile, although I do not watch much TV which is why I haven't heard of this show to my detriment of sorts. That being said, here's the SCANDAL wiki

VERY interesting to note in the show...

President is portrayed as being the main decision maker of going to war instead of Congress making the decision, and the show seems ok with this, and the UN isn't mention either in some of the overseas if USA is given full rights to do what they want, where they want, and how they want.. think about that for a moment ... and you can draw your own conclusions from there.

All in all .. I gave it 5 stars on Netflix. (I fast forwarded though some of the scenes due to personal preferences which after I did didn't really add to or take away from the show...but, I'm supposing it was good for the ratings LOL..) Below is one of the top comments posted on Netfilx, emphasis is mine (1,563 out of 1,565 members found this review helpful)

Scandal is an excellent and brilliant portrayal of the behind the scenes action, cover ups and scandals that happen in politics which I'm sure are more realistic than most people realize. Just think of Watergate and previous Presidential indiscretions just to name a few.

This series is not as far off point as you would think. I feel the actors are clever, exciting and amazingly entertaining. It keeps you guessing and usually your guess is wrong and the outcome of the situation is very different from what you had anticipated. I love every minute of the weekly series and wish it was on longer. An hour is just not long enough to take it all in. I absolutely love Scandal and can't wait for the next season to begin to find out who Quinn Perkins really is and what she's up to. And so, as with any good mystery, the plot thickens.

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 04:55 AM
some some pretty hard core viewing time man, you should consider a break in there and take the following into consideration.

posted on Jan, 29 2014 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Komodo

I'm a scandal fan!

I'll admit that I have been pretty absent from it for Season 3 and anything afterwards, but I plan to catch up over the weekends on Netflix.

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 07:16 PM

reply to post by Komodo

I'm a scandal fan!

I'll admit that I have been pretty absent from it for Season 3 and anything afterwards, but I plan to catch up over the weekends on Netflix.


had to take a break ..whew.. must have made up 5 years worth of viewing in 10hours LOL..

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