reply to post by TheDualityExperience
Are you listing the 7 man made up Laws or something Higher? I'm actually surprised there are not that many posts concerning Bots, maybe its not new
or most consider it a program and nothing else. Here we talk about Trolls, DHS, and people who work for them to actually Add to the mix of things to
keep us always in check.
Man has made up laws in order to keep the masses in line, would have worked only some have taken it Way to far. Prisons should have been so like Hell,
no one would ever want to go back, yet the door is always opened. In, Out, in again no wonder why the system never works! Only to ask questions about
a Bot and how someday we will have to deal with the idea of computers becoming Self Aware someday if not already.
Have you tried A.L.I.C.E.? Sometimes I wonder if say 10,000 that day using the AI could be just talking to each other. It just fits in the middle,
tossing out lines using Logic without reason. And today, people seem to be losing how to actually talk to one another. It is all done using computers!
Yet to find out any real info one does have to look very hard for it, go through 20 pages on Lookie Here and go from there. Books back in the day did
require you to read, learn and understand what was inside them.
I do not see any problems with Bots or AI. Just reminds me of a child, wanting to learn yet does not have that School from childhood tossing info that
is outdated or no longer applys to todays world. Have any kids? Ask around what they learned in school, you will not like the words coming from them
Lips! Most seem smarter, act up in school because of it, nothing like being board while in school! Here the AI can not have that problem, all the info
on the Web yet to fully understand something that just does not fit can have new problems.
And here We have a brain that only works at the most 20%! What does the 80% actually do? Or did they get it wrong in the first place and it does work
100% only confused by reason since Logic is tossed out since childhood. Laws that somehow work Outside of any Mans Laws, since most of them are rules
to live by so we can all play togetter. Yet it gets worst as each year passes, more crazy things happen, and people are losing what it means to Be
Plug and Play is the norm, until you question the Why part of it. So what 7 laws was you thinking? I for one think the Computer Age is the last step
Man needs to go through really. Get lost in that, and you lost Being Human. Overcome the trap and not only you stay Human, you can become much more.
Your brain is far better then any computer, once you forget this and have a computer do all the work for you. You become stupid, your mind only takes
in whats on the computer and never has to Think for itself.