Hi folks.
I'll go straight to the point.
There is a powerful
hidden truth in this thread about mankind and why he has been so destructive towards himself and the planet he lives on for
so many years. I'm not willing to talk about it asap because I'd like you guys to take on a very simple exercice first.
To be fair, I shouldn't be using the word 'simple' because it might not be as easy as it may sound at first. In complete honestly, I'd bet one hundred
bucks with anyone that nobody's going to succeed in it. And if you
do, then I'll have to admit some of you guys are greatly more conscious and
in control of their mind than I thought.
Let's go for the exercise (please do it with serious intent) -
Close your eyes and relax.
Start to observe the thought process you presently have in your mind.
Be attentive of how so many there are and how they come and go.
3(main challenge)
Free yourself of the thought process. Have complete silence in your mind. Do not think about anything.
Now let's see just
how long you guys can handle this.
10 sec without thoughts?
30 sec?
45 sec?
60 sec?
The reality should be that most of you guys didn't succeed to the 1 minute mark.
The reason is simple; we spend more than half of our day just thinking about anything and everything.
What if I told you it is actually possible to be in complete silence (or almost) in the mind for more than fifteen minutes in a row and that it can
have HUGE benefits on our body and mind?
Some of you guys are probably already aware that this is how meditation works, it frees the mind of all the useless thoughts we have during a day.
However, it is also possible to be in complete serenity without the usual meditation (eyes closed, lying calmly). I won't develop any further for now
on the effect of incessant thoughts on our lifes and the negative impact it has on humanity in recent times. I want to hear what you guys have to say
So have you done the exercice?
edit on 25-1-2014 by St0rD because: title