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Guess Whose Back? Unexplained Strange Sounds Have Returned In Greece Strange sounds Greece 22.1.201

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posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 10:33 AM
Guess Whose Back? Unexplained Strange Sounds Have Returned In Greece Strange sounds Greece 22.1.2014


It seems that the Unexplained Strange Sounds Have Returned this time in Greece. The source of the video is PRIZRAK whom lives in Greece apparently in the area where the strange Sound had occurred in Greece last night.

I was wondering has any Greek ATS member heard this one yet?

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 10:50 AM
I heard some loud "booms" on Monday night. I live in Quebec, Canada and It was the first time I heard them. To be honest, I had no idea what was going on. One of them as so loud that I felt the house shake a bit. Both my brother and I went outside to find the source.

It was around 2-3 AM...cant be sure of the time but I know we were both intrigued by what it was. We heard one while we were outside and we could not even determine the direction it was coming from....

Weird, but we just tossed it aside and went back to bed...I had forgotten about it until I saw your post

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 10:51 AM
First trumpet
Second trumpet: a great burning mountain plunges into the sea. Beatus de Facundus, 1047.
The Fourth Angel sounds his trumpet, Apocalypse 8. Beatus Escorial.

Upon the first trumpet sound, hail and fire, mixed with blood, is thrown to the Earth burning up a third of the trees on the planet, and all green grass. (Revelation 8:7)
Second trumpet

By the second trumpet sounding, it cues something like a great burning mountain that plunges into the sea and wipes out a third of all sea life and ships. A third of the oceans will become blood. (Revelation 8:8-9)
Third trumpet

By the sound of the third trumpet, a great star called Wormwood falls to the Earth poisoning a third of the planet's freshwater sources, such as rivers and springs. Men will die from drinking its bitter taste. (Revelation 8:10-11)
Fourth trumpet

Following the sounding of the fourth trumpet, a third of the light that shines from the Sun, moon and stars became dark from these celestial bodies being "struck". This catastrophe caused complete darkness for a third of a day, during the day, even through night hours.(Revelation 8:12)
Fifth trumpet

The fifth trumpet sound is the "first Woe" of three. Before this trumpet sounds, an angel (translated eagle in some versions) appears, flying in mid-heaven, and warns, "Woe, woe, woe, to those who dwell on the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!" [6]

The fifth trumpet prompts a personified star to fall from heaven. The star is given the key to the bottomless pit. After opening it, the smoke that rises out, darkens the air and blocks the sunlight. Then from out of the smoke, the Locusts were unleashed. They were scorpion tailed warhorses, having a man's face with lion's teeth. Their hair was long like that of a woman's and flew with locust-like wings. They were crowned with golden crowns and protected with iron-like breastplates. They were commanded by their king, Abaddon, to torment any man who does not have the seal of God on their forehead, by using their scorpion-like tails. It was also made clear to them that they must not kill anyone during their five-month mission of torment. (Revelation 9:1-12)

Preterist views
Robert Witham, a Catholic commentator, issued his two-volume Annotations on the New Testament, in 1733. Commenting on Chapter 9, he offers two preterist views for identifying the locusts with scorpion tails.[7]

The locusts may have represented the incursion of the Goths and “those barbarous People” that interrupted the Roman Empire during the time of Decius. [8]
The locusts may have represented the Jewish heretics who denied Christ. Most notably, Theodotus, Praxeas, Noetus, Paul of Samosata, Sabellius, and Arius.[8]

Sixth trumpet
Seventh Trumpet, Bamberg Apocalypse, circa 1010.

Five months after the fifth trumpet blast, the sixth one sounds.[9] This is the "Second woe", where four angels are released from their binds to the "great river Euphrates". They command a brute force of 200 million mounted troops whose horses dissipate plague from out of their mouths, most notably: fire, smoke, and brimstone. The mounted horsemen wore breastplates with the color of fire, hyacinth, and brimstone. The horses had a lion's head and their tails were like a serpent, even with a snake head. They are responsible for the deaths of a third of mankind who are striken by the plague that emanated from these armies. (Revelation 9:13-21)
Seventh trumpet

The sound of the seventh trumpet signals the "Third woe". This is the final trumpet sound and the final woe. Loud voices in heaven proclaim Christ as ruler forever and ever under the "Kingdom of our Lord". Thanks is given to God, the Almighty and praise for the wrath that came, the dead who were judged, and the bond-servants rewarded. The temple of God in heaven then opened and the Ark of the covenant appeared in His temple. Then lightning and peals of thunder occurred followed by an earthquake and a great hailstorm. (Revelation 11:15-19)


posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 11:25 AM
Whoa there bye!
We surley dont need any more woes...................

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:12 PM
OK...I call BS...simply because the vid claims the noises were on the 22nd Jan....the vid on YouTube was published on the 21st!


posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:54 PM

OK...I call BS...simply because the vid claims the noises were on the 22nd Jan....the vid on YouTube was published on the 21st!


This might be because of time zones.

I believe that these sounds are really happening all around the world. I've heard them here also in Holland, not recently but some months back.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Maybe it is due to the time zone you are in compared to that of the author?

I am not saying that this is the case for certain but just raising the possibility.

If you are in UK and they are in Greece, maybe it was uploaded on the 22nd in Greece but was still the 21st according to "YouTube" time but I could be incorrect as I am unsure if YouTube time stamps are universal or adapt to where the user is located.


The post above me beat me by one minute ...
edit on 1/22/2014 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Teye22

Everyone and their grandma (except for me) has heard these noises. I am in Southern Ontario and these loud booms have made the headlines several times. I forget the exact name they gave to these but I believe it is "ice quakes". I have lived in the cold off and on through my life and have never heard anything like this due to the cold so this seems to be a new phenomena to me, or it was just never documented until now, or maybe it has been documented but I just never heard of it.

All I know it is freaking cold right now!

( - 31 c )


I am not saying that I believe, or disbelieve the "ice quake" explanation as I cannot prove or disprove it, all I know is that it does sound a bit fishy that these "ice quakes" start occurring all of a sudden and everyone I speak to has never heard anything like it their whole life.

ETA x 2:

On topic to the OP's vid, certainly interesting and thank you for posting

edit on 1/22/2014 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

I hear you buddy. It was the first time I heard anything like it myself. I dont thing it is because of the cold tho, THAT just don't make sense to me, but I am no scientist so perhaps it is possible?!?

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 01:29 PM
I live in Southern IL and Sunday night around 7:30 PM, there was a boom sound here too. It was on the news and face book was buzzing with everyone wanting to know where the sound came from. Reports from the news (NBC) is that People as far away as TN also called in at the same time to report the boom noise. As of date, according to NBC... earthquakes and other natural sources have been ruled out.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 01:39 PM
And as usual, only one person hear it and record it.

That is kind of wierd, but it might be that it's only meant for one person to hear, like " you are the choosen one"

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Ugh you know the international times move quick right?

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Hey Corruption Exposed
yeah they always find new excuses to give us an a explanation even that they themselves cant ID it.

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

You raise a good point that when they cannot ID it they come up with these new explanations that I at least have never heard of, and as mentioned in one of my previous posts, every single Canadian I have spoken to has never heard these noises before or the "official explanation" either so I can't help but question them.

As for the video in the OP, noises are being heard around the world, and in my opinion something is causing these and I have a feeling that it is an unexplained phenomena but I don't know for sure as I have heard some decent explanations...


posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 09:36 PM
The part that I find interesting / worrying about this latest episode is that based on the assumption that it's not a fake, it's one heck of a distance from the north pole.

This puts the theory of it being the most widely accepted natural phenomena i.e. the poles deflecting solar winds into serious doubt in my mind.

Maybe it is the sound of the earths magnetic field weakening and heading toward total failure and a magnetic pole shift after all.....
edit on 22-1-2014 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2014 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Teye22

Where in Quebec? I don't mean town, but North? South at the US border? Out toward the Atlantic? I'm curious but for a specific thing I'm watching for all the time.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by RunForTheHills

I just checked my text messages from my mom here in southern Jersey, cause she texted me at that SAME time, asking if I heard the loud boom..... I double checked, it really was approx. the same time....I did not hear it, because I was in another part of the house doing was loud enough to scare her....I wonder now, how far did that sound really echo??? Odd.....

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Hi Wrabbit

I live near Ottawa, in Gatineau. Southern Quebec. If you dont mind my asking, what are you watching for? Just curious.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by Teye22

TBH, something like what people are hearing for the booms.... There are radar traces and UFO (truly just Unknown aircraft..not suggesting alien) activity coming out of the Arctic and into the Hudson Bay. What I've noticed in what I've seen is that a dramatic deceleration happens over the water there and pretty close to ending around the mid point of the Bay. I figure at the relative and comparative speeds those traces are coming down from, they miss occasionally and probably do part of that over land. It wouldn't take but a couple seconds of "oopsy" to be a long long way off from where they intended for it.

If what I believe I've seen in some of that does happen over land from time to time...there is no question it would shake houses and rattle windows, similar to what the Shuttle always did coming back in over the U.S. to land.

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 11:00 AM

reply to post by Teye22

TBH, something like what people are hearing for the booms.... There are radar traces and UFO (truly just Unknown aircraft..not suggesting alien) activity coming out of the Arctic and into the Hudson Bay. What I've noticed in what I've seen is that a dramatic deceleration happens over the water there and pretty close to ending around the mid point of the Bay. I figure at the relative and comparative speeds those traces are coming down from, they miss occasionally and probably do part of that over land. It wouldn't take but a couple seconds of "oopsy" to be a long long way off from where they intended for it.

If what I believe I've seen in some of that does happen over land from time to time...there is no question it would shake houses and rattle windows, similar to what the Shuttle always did coming back in over the U.S. to land.

I never though it could be something like that. But it sure would explain a lot. I will be on alert if I should hear this again and will try to catch it on camera (for sound obviously).

Thanks Wrabbit

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