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I Need To Get This Off My Chest

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posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 06:01 PM

reply to post by Dark Ghost

But our children are being taught to experiment with homosexuality in elementary school . How can you justify that ? How can that happen and it does .

Are they being encouraged to experiment with homosexuality in school, or are they simply taught tolerance from a young age? Just asking, because I have never seen a case where school children are encouraged to "experiment in homosexuality" before. Can you provide an example? (I live in Australia and I have not heard of such a thing being taught, maybe things are different where you live.)
edit on 20/1/2014 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:47 PM

It's not hatred of the person or persons.....I think Christians say it is a hatred of an "act" that they view as sin. Something they see as immoral.....if they believe that some "act" is immoral then it is their duty to chastise it and "hate" it.....

but I don't know any Christians that openly hate some person or group of persons.....I think that would be against the whole "love thy neighbor" thing......

Magnus, your opinion is very informed and I like it - very traditional.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:55 PM
A book I ran across that may shed some light on the subject is called ''Cruel Hoax" by Henry Makow . In it you may find why we are having the emergence of the Coming Out Party crisis that we have today . You will also find out who funds that movement and why . Not for the faintest of minds .

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