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Ever ask yourself Why you did not Die that day?

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posted on Jan, 26 2014 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by TheDualityExperience

Yet you are more closer to the Truth then most! Everything does talk and have a story if one cares to Listen! Even my rock tells a story from long ago yet considered sediment by most in the know. I did not place too much into the rock back in the day until I was having coffee one morning and seen a bear! Sun just happen to come in the right angle and behold, a bear next to the plants that day!

Story starts if you flip the picture upright, as it is now, that would be the end of said story. Most say I created out of my mind, could be only the rock does seem to have a say so. Even you have to ask yourself how you can talk to trees, pets and others don't; unless your pulling our legs, although I know it it true too.

Houses have a voice, forests to speak, and even the sky holds a tune itself! Hopefully your not having to hear what the Earth has to say Herself! History as I know it to be is filled with too many holes. I wonder why we keep holding on to the same old stories told from long ago. Of course, how I see it though.

Humans are not the only ones who Feel Pain!


posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by infoseeker26754

Sometimes, we simply can't explain things. Mysterious ways, He works in!

Following the rabbit.....that reminds me of a funny story, not a "might have died" type. My sister and I had driven out of town to see Haley's comet, before it was out of sight. I hadn't been yet, because of work and bad weather, and didn't want to miss it. On the way back home, for a good 2-3 miles, we had this crazy jackrabbit hopping in the road in front of the car, and couldn't get around it for anything! We couldn't stop laughing. On reflection, though, maybe there was some reason we needed to be delayed. Makes me wonder.

posted on Mar, 20 2014 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Soloprotocol

Not only do I ask myself that but this past October I had open heart surgery and they shock the heart stopped and then shock to re start it once over. I wonder all they time on why I'm still here

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