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Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni history of a non human civilization?

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posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by Thorneblood

mmmm..... Good read and thank you, never heard of this before. I normally would argue the point of underground cities as with The Hypogeum isnt habitable. Although I noticed a good point you made,

Shaver wrote of extremely advanced prehistoric races who had built cavern cities inside the Earth before abandoning Earth for another planet due to damaging radiation from the Sun

Now in Malta we do have one timeline that doesnt really make sense. Around 2500BC to 2250BC we have nothing historically. Now this might sound odd but Malta has so much history still evident that nearly every century' can be attributed to either a Temple complex or carvings in stone, Except for these 250odd years. After this gap in history new types of people emerged showing different cultural emphisis. Mainly considered a fresh supply of migrants from Sicily. Now this is the same throughout the Mediterranean and the Middle East where as below
Pretty much wiped out many civilizations.

Makes me thing twice on the possibility of everyone 'jumping ship' as the world they knew going to hell.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Maltese5Rhino

Thanks for the information on this.

I'll have to look into this. (not that I'm really into this topic all that much, but it's a nice distraction and it does create an interesting line of thought)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 11:39 AM


Experts set to tune in to sound effects of archaeological sites in Malta TbTnacw

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 02:22 PM
Ok i figured for the people that havnt seen this you can go through a tour here gives you an idea about the site.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 03:58 PM

This looks like the start of a really fun dungeon in an RPG - you're making me want to play Oblivion or Star Ocean or something, with a bit of Myst.
edit on 19pmSun, 19 Jan 2014 18:36:38 -0600kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

I know I'm going a little off topic, but I loved myst back in 98....

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 04:06 PM

This is really cool. I wonder what other things are kept from us.

I don't think the additional information is hidden, so much as you don't know where to look. I'm fascinated by why so many cultures like to build underground and had a fascination for serpents. You've got the underground cities in Turkey.

Then there is this serpent/global flood story:
For me, it's interesting that the name Zoroaster, almost sounds like the Zho part of Nanabozho.

Then there is the legends of how the first Inca's came about - these are carried into Native American Indian legends as well:

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by RP2SticksOfDynamite

Well, ironic that you mention a "key" to unlock what we don't use in our brains. The Hypogeum of Hal-Saflieni's acoustic chamber in fact resonates the human voice, if chanted properly, between 110hz and 111hz. Which, from what I understand is a frequency that literally opens our mind up, on a frequency which allows a "swap", if you will, of the left and right cortex's of the human brain.

“Stone rooms in ancient temples in Malta were found to match the same pattern of resonance, registering at the frequency of 110 or 111 hz. This turns out to be a significant level for the human brain. Whether it was deliberate or not, the people who spent time in such an environment were exposing themselves to vibrations that impacted their minds.

Findings indicated that at 110 hz the patterns of activity over the prefrontal cortex abruptly shifted, resulting in a relative deactivation of the language center and a temporary switching from left to right-sided dominance related to emotional processing. People regularly exposed to resonant sound in the frequency of 110 or 111 hz would have been “turning on” an area of the brain that bio-behavioral scientists believe relates to mood, empathy and social behavior.”

Ancient Chanting Influenced Temple Design

Now, to throw out there some random conspiracy theory to coincide with this revelation of frequency, I find it interesting that 110 and 111 are the exact amount of floors of the WTC 1& 2 buildings (if you count the helipad on the one, to make it 111 floors - each are technically classified as 110 floors). That sure makes me wonder what exactly the level of brainwashing/ imagery was meant on 9/11. But then again, maybe i'm just looking for patterns where there aren't really any. I'm sure i'm not the first to notice this though. (111 floors/hz - 11 (buildings side by side) - 9/ 11) Oh, numerology...where to start and when to stop.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 06:22 PM
These different skulls could be the fallen angel. They were cast out of heaven and went to different parts of the earth, like Egypt, Peru, the island of Malta and more to be discovered (I bet in China, India, north Asia, etc). Showed us technologies such as: manipulation of metal to makes weapons, math, writing, astronomy, wearing make up, casting curses, lifting curses, using herbs to heal, and more. This is all described in the book of Enoch. We can also read in Genesis that the nephilim were part of the "old world" pre flood.

That would explain where the story from the holy scriptures comes from and why we see different bone structures. It also explains why we seemed to have learned everything in one shot. it also explains why there are pyramids everywhere on earth.

edit on 20-1-2014 by bitsforbytes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 07:47 PM

These different skulls could be the fallen angel. They were cast out of heaven and went to different parts of the earth, like Egypt, Peru, the island of Malta and more to be discovered (I bet in China, India, north Asia, etc). Showed us technologies such as: manipulation of metal to makes weapons, math, writing, astronomy, wearing make up, casting curses, lifting curses, using herbs to heal, and more. This is all described in the book of Enoch. We can also read in Genesis that the nephilim were part of the "old world" pre flood.

That would explain where the story from the holy scriptures comes from and why we see different bone structures. It also explains why we seemed to have learned everything in one shot. it also explains why there are pyramids everywhere on earth.

edit on 20-1-2014 by bitsforbytes because: (no reason given)

Well i dont know about fallen angels but i would say if there was a group that looked different that legends could indeed be built around them. If for example the skulls found in Malta was actually a different race. Then yes i could see legends started and we hear about them as myths and legends. Im convinced all myths have a hint of truth thats what makes them legends i guess. Thats one reason i have always been fascinated with legends like dragons etc.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

Exactly, some truth was part of the story. Even what you speak of dragons could be part of the same story I speak of. The story goes that these fallen angels mixed different animals together and created abominations, they knew about gene manipulation. These stories only make sense today now that we have rediscovered this technique of mixing DNA together from different species. All these myths and legends of centaurs, goat men, giants, dragons stem from this. From those "who from the heavens came", so many civilizations have these mysterious beings as part of their history. We all know this and keep overlooking it as just crazy worshiping from the past, but this could be why all these fantastic stories exist.

Serpents are always used by these beings why? I don't know.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:07 PM

reply to post by dragonridr

Exactly, some truth was part of the story. Even what you speak of dragons could be part of the same story I speak of. The story goes that these fallen angels mixed different animals together and created abominations, they knew about gene manipulation. These stories only make sense today now that we have rediscovered this technique of mixing DNA together from different species. All these myths and legends of centaurs, goat men, giants, dragons stem from this. From those "who from the heavens came", so many civilizations have these mysterious beings as part of their history. We all know this and keep overlooking it as just crazy worshiping from the past, but this could be why all these fantastic stories exist.

Serpents are always used by these beings why? I don't know.

Well actually serpents were not always bad this started with christianity most ancient cultures worshipped snakes this all changed for the west with the adoption of christianity. Ancient Pharaohs were guarded by the Djedi Knight-Priests this is where Jedi knight came from in star wars by the way. A Djedi was one who had awakened the Dj ( serpent) at it seat and then raised it up his Djed (column or spine) to the head. You could call this their version of the force sort of. But one major theme of the bible seems to be destroying snakes you seeit for example when the priests of pharaoh make a snake and Moses kills it with another.Or as i mentioned earlier driving snakes out of ireland or paul being bitten by a snake. Ive often wondered whether this was just references to an ancient religion?
edit on 1/20/14 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:19 PM
Malta has a rich history, and some oddness, too... thanks for the OP.

There was some speculation about the "cart tracks" ... two ruts of varying lengths apart that run over the land and trail off into the ocean. Them leading into the ocean spurred guesses that they were dated to the last glaciation (lower water levels).

I mainly read this in a Hancock book, so it may well be inaccurate, but these ruts were thought to be cart tracks worn into the bedrock, but it was said they aren't even in their spacing, thus invalidating the cart theory... unless the cart shape-shifted.

So, there are old ruts carved into solid stone for miles there... just another odd fact to throw in the speculative fires. I think someone postulated they might be trenches for electric wires... which is pretty random due to the lack of info and the fact we don't lay electric lines in tandem, to my knowledge... but a weird set of ancient leftovers nonetheless.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 08:32 PM

Malta has a rich history, and some oddness, too... thanks for the OP.

There was some speculation about the "cart tracks" ... two ruts of varying lengths apart that run over the land and trail off into the ocean. Them leading into the ocean spurred guesses that they were dated to the last glaciation (lower water levels).

I mainly read this in a Hancock book, so it may well be inaccurate, but these ruts were thought to be cart tracks worn into the bedrock, but it was said they aren't even in their spacing, thus invalidating the cart theory... unless the cart shape-shifted.

So, there are old ruts carved into solid stone for miles there... just another odd fact to throw in the speculative fires. I think someone postulated they might be trenches for electric wires... which is pretty random due to the lack of info and the fact we don't lay electric lines in tandem, to my knowledge... but a weird set of ancient leftovers nonetheless.

Yes at different places they run into the ocean as well meaning they were from a much earlier time period.

posted on Jan, 20 2014 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

It all looks like primitive sacrificial chambers which eventually and over time just came to be burial sites as new local populaces came and went from the island over thousands of years, I mean the sound acoustics in the place can be some sort of frequency mind wack job playing on the senses and vibrations to reach more enlightened states.

Or it can be just a very effective way of calling everybody to dinner. Depends on how you look at it, and without further evidence any and all tales and theories are just as viable as they are un-viable.

As for these underground dwellers? Well! All I can say is! Never trust sneaky people bro. And that stands most especially for non humans as well, there generally sneaky for a bunch of reasons, but all those reasons would not be very good or healthy for you or anybody but them.
edit on 9pmMondaypm202014f1pmMon, 20 Jan 2014 21:29:42 -0600 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by Baddogma

Well the 'Cart Ruts' are possibly connected to all the sites across Malta during this time period, Nearly all lead to ancient quarries and to the complexes such as the Hypogeum and vice versa.

Cart Ruts..
Sorry Cant seem to get the pictures up.

The limestone in Malta when wet losses some 80% of its strength making it very maliable. Even though some of the 'ruts' dont tie with the Cart idea as they tend to become more narrow or wider the further along you go, which is why many still believe they were not wheeled but more plow like.

Where they lead off of cliffs into the sea is explained when you visit Fifla, oposit side there are the archeological sites of Hagar Qim and Mnajdra which have cart ruts that run off the cliff to the sea and then on Fifla there are remains of the other end of the ruts and they keep going!

Then again as always, I look to our present to see our past...... Today in Malta in Qajjenza close to Ghar Dallam, the Maltese fishermen use the same ancient cart rut by the bay to guide thier Fishing boats into the water.

Malta (previously known as a safe haven by the Phoenicians 'Maleth') could have had a system that could bring boats that were in harbour on the south side of the island acros land to the north in very bad weather conditions. Even though Malta is small enough to circumnavigate in a day by sail, during a storm thats not gonna happen, most of Malta which isnt a bay is shear cliffs and rockfaced, meaning the storm will just smash you back into the island. Thats one of my theories anyway on the Cart Ruts.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

Here is a link to Heritage Malta's Website for the Hypogeum and here is a 3D walkthrough you can take...

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 01:54 AM

reply to post by dragonridr

It all looks like primitive sacrificial chambers which eventually and over time just came to be burial sites as new local populaces came and went from the island over thousands of years, I mean the sound acoustics in the place can be some sort of frequency mind wack job playing on the senses and vibrations to reach more enlightened states.

Or it can be just a very effective way of calling everybody to dinner. Depends on how you look at it, and without further evidence any and all tales and theories are just as viable as they are un-viable.

As for these underground dwellers? Well! All I can say is! Never trust sneaky people bro. And that stands most especially for non humans as well, there generally sneaky for a bunch of reasons, but all those reasons would not be very good or healthy for you or anybody but them.
edit on 9pmMondaypm202014f1pmMon, 20 Jan 2014 21:29:42 -0600 by galadofwarthethird because: (no reason given)

Well there has never been any archeological evidence of sacrifices. However it didnt start out as a tomb either. There are 23 megalithic sites between Malta and Gonzo. The best preserved are Ggantija, Hagar Qim, Mnajdra, Tarxien, and a wonderful underground temple called the Hal-Saflieni makes england look kinda sad in comparison. So at the same time or even before in stonehenge was being built the people on malta went crazy erecting temples everywhere.Another clue is whats called oracle holes where people could come seeking advice think of it as an ancient confessional. the other thing odd is the people who built them just seems to disappear. What i mean is there's nothing after 2400 bc.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 02:01 AM

reply to post by dragonridr

Here is a link to Heritage Malta's Website for the Hypogeum and here is a 3D walkthrough you can take...

Very cool feels like your operating a camera. One thing i noticed is the entrance appears to have been painted in red ocre i wonder if this is why the greeks thought it was an entrance to hades?

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

I think the Greeks might have been refering to many of the underground complexes that can be found in Crete and Pathos which are not to dissimilar to the Hypogeum in Malta.

With regards to Hades, also in Malta.... even older is Ghar Dalam which goes very deep. Nothing as complex as the Hypoguem but it shows Malta's first signs of human life that has been found so far. Some 2000 Years before the Hypogeum was first constructed.
Wiki Ghar Dalam

Now I remember going as a child before the vandalism and then protection project started. Back then you could just go into the cave and keep going. Near the end of the cavern is a drop, after that drop its the scariest place ive ever been in. Temp just drops, I mean propper drops to the point you can see your breath (and on the surface only 30meters up) its 32C outside. Then you get similar noise to what you hear in the Hypogeum sometimes, its like a humming sound from a bug as I recal. Even though its all natural, just still gave me that feeling of death. I havent been able to go that deep again in Ghar Dalam since they blocked it off.

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

There is some evidence of animal sacrifices but minimal at best, As with the Temple sites all over the islands it seems like a similar culture to a Greek city State system was emerging as different sites had different functions. In Tarxien there is alot of evidence that it was a constuction themed area as many roller stones and brick furnaces were found. Hagar Qim and its twin Mnajdra had more of a spirtual aspect as most connections show alot to do with the Summer and Winter Solstace. Each temple site had all the basics, the same layout and theme with added parts depending on its purpose. Each one has a 'religous' room with an Altar etc. Nearly all had defencive capabilities and massive storage space where evidence of grain and game was hung. Alot like city centers where food storage would be held safe and be able to be distributed. The sites being called 'Temples' gives an idea of a religous purpose yet very little of any temple site show this except for one room per temple. The other 5-8 rooms were mostly storage from what was found at the sites. Add the Cart ruts laid out every where inbetween the sites and it looks like a modern country with networks and different counties with a specialist trade that contributed to the whole polulation.

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