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This Is It -- A Michael Jackson Conspiracy

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posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:05 PM

”I’m not just fighting for myself I’m fighting for all artists. Those great artists who pioneered the entertainment business. They have been taken by the system, totally broken financially. This has to stop, this conspiracy.”
- Michael Jackson

This is it – A Michael Jackson Conspiracy

Soon to be five years ago, one of the Greatest Musical Legends of our time passed away, due to a Propofol overdose administered by his own doctor, Conrad Murray.

Officially, Michael Jackson died on June 25th, 2009, and in November of 2011 in a Los Angeles court, the judge ruled cardiologist Dr. Conrad Murray was guilty of involuntary manslaughter after the jury decided his treatment of the singer had been criminally negligent. The story is that Dr. Murray, Michael’s personal physician, gave Michael a lethal dose of anaesthetic, and that’s how he died.

Emphasis is mine.

Officially, it is reported to be an involuntary manslaughter but could it be more complex than that?

Cause...officially, the Roswell Incident was created from weather balloons and officially, JFK was shot by a lone gunman...So, if I may, I’d like to unofficially have a peek into the Michael Jackson case, his stardom, his eccentricity, the “This is it” Concerts, his death and finally, the conspiracy that continues to this day.

All unofficially, of Michael Jackson’s case, could it have been more than simply what meets the eye?

Could the music industry and greedy companies gain from the death of the King of Pop?

Let’s have a look into it...


Hello Friends,

And Welcome once again to another of nowadays greatest conspiracy. Whether you were a fan of Michael Jackson or not, whether you think he was crazy or not, whether you liked him or not, it doesn’t really alter the fact that the guy was an absolute musical genius.

His legend lives on, his spirit lives on, so does his music and the show just goes on.

To have a good overview and a better understanding of this conspiracy, this thread will be divided in seven segments:

• The Legend

• The Descent

• This is It

• June 25th 2009

• The Conspiracy

• Videos of Interests

• Links

I’ve been working on this thread for a very very long time, researching (yes, I know, armchair research but research just the same) documents, pictures and links pertinent to the conspiracy at hand.

The Videos of Interest are merely integrated to give the reader some perspective regarding MJ.

Be advised that if you plan on spending time viewing the videos supplied, the documentation supplied and the links provided...well...that should keep you busy for a while lol...

Disclaimer – This thread is for entertainment and discussion purposes only. While this thread will look at some aspects of Michael Jackson’s personal life, this thread will not make any direct claims and will certainly avoid touching certain shades of it, pedophilia being one of them and I would ask those who will participate on this thread to try and avoid it as well, if possible, as it is irrelevant to the conspiracy at hand. Thank you.

Hope you enjoy.

The Legend

Michael Jackson being named “The King of Pop” isn’t just a coincidence. As early as 1971, when he started his solo career, he’d already set himself apart from the musical community as both a singer and a performer, winning twice the Billboard Music Awards in1972, for top single artist of the year and top male single artist of the year.

Throughout his career, MJ would finally win 86 Billboard related awards.

Introduced in the Hall of Fame in 1995, MJ would shatter records over records, year after year, before and after having his introduction.

Who can forget the Record Breaking Album Thriller, the bestselling album of all times?

Who can forget songs such as Billie Jean, Bad, Beat it, Smooth Criminal or We are the World?

Michael Jackson holds 31 Guinness World Records, 75 MTV awards, 100 RIAA awards, and numerous other ones too long to list here...

Michael Jackson has made over 600 million dollars during his lifetime, prior to his death. Unfortunately, he’d spent it as fast as he’d make it...

And all Hell broke loose.

~Continued on next post...

edit on 1 18 2014 by SonoftheSun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:05 PM

The Descent

Michael Jackson’s skin turning white has made headline news more than once. Rumors started appearing in 1991 after MJ’s song Black or White made it to the number one spot on the Billboard. The rumor mill continued as fans started to think that the little black boy wanted to become a little white man, especially after he broke his nose, in 1999, in a dance routine and had to have surgery, the one of many to follow which would change his appearance forever. Nevertheless, the autopsy did reveal that Jackson suffered from vitiligo, a skin whitening disease.

His eccentricity would also grow as fast as his illness and tabloids made sure they’d have the very latest scoop, every time. Not necessarily making headline news, MJ always had an article here and there in various newspapers, exposing (and often times, exaggerating) his weird way of life.

In 2002, MJ would make the headlines again, in a very bad way, after holding his baby son over the railing of a balcony that stood four stories above the ground. After a lot of ink was used in different tabloids, he finally admitted that he had made a terrible mistake and yes, we can all agree with him.

I will briefly mention that overall, the press had taken a point of talking about Jackson on every little mistake he’d do. From his monkey to his crutch grabbing videos, from his wedding to Lisa Marie Presley to his friendship with Liz Taylor, from his climbing of trees in Neverland to his spending millions of dollars in minutes while shopping, the Media had a field day with this guy, at every chance they got.

And then finally, in 2006, the first reports of hard financial difficulties would start to surface...

Reports of financial problems for Jackson became frequent in 2006 after the closure of the main house on the Neverland Ranch as a cost-cutting measure.

On February 25, 2008, Jackson received word from Financial Title Company, the trustee, that unless he paid off $24,525,906.61 by March 19, a public auction would go forward of the land, buildings, and other items such as the rides, trains, and art.

But there was still hope. MJ, approaching fifty years of age, could once again show the world that he had the magic touch, that he could still “Rock with You”, that he could still offer complete and utter awesomeness.

One last show, one last time, Michael Jackson would show the world that he really was “The King of Pop”, in a series of concerts; ten to begin with, which were sold out in less than an hour. AEG would then get Jackson to add another forty, making it fifty in total, all of them selling at a record pace.

Michael Jackson was about to re-write history once again...

But not the way everyone else had planned...

~Continued on next post...

edit on 1 18 2014 by SonoftheSun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:05 PM

This is It

"The figures speak for themselves — 360,000 tickets sold in 18 hours during the pre sale so far, that is 20,000 tickets per hour, 33 tickets per minute!" Demand was so great for the Jackson shows, Ticketmaster was struck with technical problems due to the high traffic. Among the records This Is It! has broken: The biggest audience ever to see an artist in one city, the most amount of people to attend a series of arena shows and fastest ticket sales in history.

No denial, “This is It” was to be a spectacular extravaganza! Scheduled to have an opening night on July 13th 2009, Michael’s passing on June 25th (18 days before opening night) left everyone in shock, or so it appears...

Isn’t it a fortunate event that AEG & Sony had enough footage from the training for the show that they decided to turn it into a documentary...even though some members of Jackson’s family stopped an agreement to release such a documentary, which they assumed was simply to make a quick buck. In august of the same year, a judge approved a deal between the family’s estate and AEG/Sony.

The film is now the highest grossing concert movie and documentary in the history of cinema.

Not that bad of a deal after all, I guess...

No conspiracy so far, the family’s estate and the corporations behind “This is It” all made money.

Danny Ortega, the film’s director and producer was a close friend of MJ. He’s mentioned more than once that Michael wasn’t fit for the concerts. He’s mentioned more than once that Michael seemed tired and out of it. As a friend, Danny Ortega was sincerely worried.

But as show business states, the show must go on. Danny Ortega would finally collapse when he learned that Michael had died. It wouldn’t take long for the whole world to be in shock...

~Continued on next post...

edit on 1 18 2014 by SonoftheSun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:06 PM

June 25th 2009

We've just learned Michael Jackson has died. He was 50.

Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.

This was reported on June 25th and shortly after, headlines from all over the world would follow suit.

Now, the picture that the Media was eager to wallpaper everywhere was the one where Michael Jackson’s body (your guess is as good as mine since it’s an enclosed white casket) was taken out of the hospital, after death ruled.

What some Medias have reported, however, before MJ’s body (?) leaving the hospital is this one, where they are obviously trying to revive him. Speculation again, as he may still have been alive, who’s to know the difference?

Finally, a picture that hardly any Media has reported and which was shown in court at the Murray Procedure. Michael Jackson, alone and officially dead. No sign of Janet who rushed at the hospital to see him as soon as she heard that he had been transferred...

Who took that picture and most importantly, when was it taken? No one knows.

Conflicting reports, same as with other celebrity deaths, are too long to list.

Here are, nevertheless, a few examples:

Michael Jackson suffered from a Cardiac Arrest.

Michael Jackson suffered from a Propofol Overdose that he self administered.

In 2009, Michael Jackson’s death certificate is changed to “intravenous injection by another”.

In January 2014, Murray loses appeal even though he still claims “self administered”.

Murray had spent 47 minutes on the phone with another doctor when Jackson was unconscious.

Murray denies even though 47 minutes show on his cellphone.

Like other celebrities, conflicting hours of MJ falling unconscious, the place where it happened, like other huge celebrities, it turns into a mess that leaves more questions than answers...

Something else to ponder:

The first official death certificate release, nothing much here, really:

The second death certificate release, notice something labeled beside line 119?:

Let’s zoom that a bit to have a closer look...see it ?

Now, since homicide is being raised, since Murray has been convicted of “involuntary manslaughter”, is the case closed?

Or is there more to it than what is represented so far?

~Continued on next post...

edit on 1 18 2014 by SonoftheSun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:06 PM

The Conspiracy

For those of you who would not know, Michael Jackson had questioned the musical industry and Sony in particular.

In this video, MJ denounces Sony as a music killer, stating how entertainers get taken advantage of and expressing that his venture with Sony was just about finished, that he’d be a free agent who would no longer need to give Sony all his money.

Here is the video:

”I’m not just fighting for myself I’m fighting for all artists. Those great artists who pioneered the entertainment business. They have been taken by the system, totally broken financially. This has to stop, this conspiracy.”
- Michael Jackson

Emphasis was mine.

AEG had a contract under which they gained everything out of the “This is it” concerts, MJ was barely getting crumbs in comparison. Not only that, but by any breach of contract, his company would become theirs.

Here is a copy of the contract, this is an extremely long read, be advised:

The AEG contract with Michael Jackson

Needless to say, Sony still had 50% of MJ’s business.

Now, I cannot state that Companies have eliminated Michael Jackson for their own gain.

I just ask questions.

Was he worth more dead than alive?

Michael was a train wreck about to crash. Everyone around him knew that. The doctors that approved the contracts found him to be in excellent shape. Really?

MJ would have made millions with the “This is it” concerts. Concerned Companies would have made millions with the “This is it” concerts.

The MJ estate has already made much more than mere millions since his death. Concerned Companies have already made much more than mere millions since his death.

In time, the MJ estate will make billions over MJ’s death. Concerned Companies have already staged the set with companies raising left, right and center with innovative ways to propagate The King of Pop to younger generations who hardly knew him.

Yes, unfortunately, a LOT of people and Companies are making a LOT more money since Michael’s death...

I make no claim whatsoever. I’m supplying all that I have found underneath under videos of interest and pertinent links.

You decide.

Perhaps, that on June 25th 2009, Michael Jackson died of a propofol overdose, administered by Dr Murray, which we’d call malpractice and which has been the ruling of court decisions.

Let me conclude this thread by saying that Dr Murray had been employed by AEG.

Michael Jackson – The King of Pop – 1958-2009

I would really appreciate civilized discussions on this topic and sincerely hope you enjoyed.

Thank you for reading.


edit on 1 18 2014 by SonoftheSun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:06 PM

Videos of Interest

Michael Jackson’s Greatest Hits:

This is It Trailer:

Death of a Legend:

edit on 1 18 2014 by SonoftheSun because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:21 PM
A little advice to you my friend -

Next time you make a multi-post OP, why don't you just take the time to write it all in one shot before you actually post it? This way you could have an appropriate title to accompany it.

EDIT: Oh well didn't know you could edit a title afterwards.
Advice to myself: mind your own business.
edit on 18-1-2014 by St0rD because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by St0rD

It's all good !

Hope you'll enjoy..

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:38 PM
Why does it look like he's strapped down on the hospital bed? Looks at his wrist in the picture.

I remember one time my sister and I fought over his album and my step mother broke it in half. One for her and one for me.

edit on 18-1-2014 by Diabolical because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Diabolical

Hey.. I didn't even notice ! Good catch !!!

Although I'm not sure if it's a strap..

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Diabolical

I'm guessing that's one of those bracelets they put on you when you check in. For identification purposes. I dunno . . .

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:48 PM
Great thread Son!

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought there was a discrepancy on the death certificate regarding his middle name. A previous DC listed his middle name as "Joe", not "Joseph".

Of course, this sparked the interests of MJ conspiracy theorists like Pearl Jr.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by denybedoomed

looks to big to be a hospital bracelet.Straps are usually that big.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Hiya SS !

Yeah I had heard about that too but I couldn't find it. There are a lot of "hoaxed" death certificates on the net about Jackson. It could have been one of those..

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:10 PM
Epic Thread.

He was just maturing, cutting himself loose from the music-industry, becoming his own Boss. His sales and popularity werent what they once had been. Time to get rid of him and cash in on his work? Maybe.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

Very nice thread, son... I always thought there was something fishy with his death. And for any doctor to state he was in great shape for This Is It is lying through their teeth. I remember hearing that he was so winded while doing rehearsals he could rarely finish.. didn't anyone else find it strange that in the movie they kept cutting away to old concerts during all the songs performed????


posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Thanks !! Nowhere close to some of the epic threads you've made overtime but I'll accept the compliment !!

Glad you enjoyed !!!

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

I agree. Ortega brought the subject up many times.

There were numerous individuals who voiced their doubts about Jackson’s ability to perform, including emails from AEG employees calling Jackson a “basket case.” Also included were messages from the show’s director, Kenny Ortega, who told Phillips the pop star was not ready for the comeback tour. Ortega even called for a psychiatric intervention and according to the Times, stated, "There are strong signs of paranoia, anxiety and obsessive-like behavior. I think the very best thing we can do is get a top psychiatrist in to evaluate him ASAP.”

This is the type of reply he would get as an answer:

Phillips, resisting the requests by Ortega and other emails about Jackson, wrote, “It is critical that neither you, me or anyone around this show become amateur psychiatrists or physicians.

Randy Phillips was chief executive of concert division AEG Live.

From this provided link:

Michael Jackson AEG Death of a Pop Star

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by SonoftheSun

I did a quick little search and found that the "middle name conspiracy" came about because the middle name "Joe" was used on some court papers, his passport and music contracts.

But the DC and coroner reports used the correct name.

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