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Ancient Sites & Monuments Aligned To "Ancient Equator"

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+80 more 
posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:23 AM
Take your favorite virtual globe (eg. Google Earth), draw a path from Easter Island to Giza Plateau and extend that line around the globe. You'll probably be just as astonished as I was when realizing that many of the most mysterious and famous ancient sites are aligned to that 'alternative equator'.

Located almost exactly on that Equator (within a perimeter of ~30km), you'll find: Easter Island, the Nazca Lines, Machu Pichu, Sacsayhuaman, the Oracle of Amun, Giza Plateau, Petra, Persepolis and Mohenjo-Daro. All being major archaeological/ancient sites linked to age-old cultures, from the creators of the Moai up to the Indus-Valley-Civilization. Here go the screenshots I took:

Based on that observation, I wonder whether the location of these sites can really be purely coincidental? I admit that some important other sites (like Stonehenge, Baalbek etc.) are not located on that line, but it still puzzles me that, along that alternative equator, we find many world famous settlements and monuments that are almost perfectly aligned over that vast distance ...

Please also consider this: Easter Island and Mohenjo-Daro are ~20.000 km apart, in both directions (east and west)! That's very disturbing, especially when taking into account the equatorial circumference of the Earth, which is 40,075.017 km.

It's just an observation and sceptical replies are of course welcome. However, I'd also be glad if some on here could keep an open mind with regard to a potential, hypothetical connection between these sites. Thanks for reading up to here and I'm really looking forward to your thoughts on this ... !

(1) Easter Island
(2) Nasca Lines
(3) Machu Pichu
(4) Sacsayhuaman
(5) Siwa Oasis
(6) Giza Pyramids
(7) Petra
(8) Persepolis
(9) Mohenjo Daro

+14 more 
posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by jeep3r

Excellent thread premise. Many ancient sites all over the world do appear to line up to some forgotten ancient equatorial reality. I've often pondered this very idea. It's good to know others are also thinking outside the box. I have a few theories of my own this possible scenario but I'd love to hear what others have to share on it first.

Again, Great topic.

Looking forward to more..

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:33 AM
Well, I hope the equator doesn't move there again, that would stick me right up near the north pole area. Brrrr.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:54 AM
Nice theory, and why not? Scientists have found evidence of tropical rainforests in both the Arctic and Antarctic as both here and here.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:13 AM
It's something I'm extremely interested in; the linking of these ancient sites across the globe based on an alternative equator with the Great Pyramid as it's Prime Meridian.

For further reading on this check out Graham Hancock's Heaven's Mirror which is a great look at the sites that this line covers.
Also Carl Muck's 'The Code' and Rand and Rose Flem-Ath's 'When the Sky Fell'.

I'm embarking on a study of this myself including the archeaostronomy involved...but my god its such a complicated thing to get your head around.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by jeep3r

That alignment would make very simple to monitor developments on Earth by one satellite. Something like the so called "Black Night" or similar.
edit on 18-1-2014 by Trueman because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by jeep3r

I have seen this presented in a utube vid, I'll see if I can find it again.
FYI moving the equator to this new (old) position puts the North Pole in the approximate area of Prince William Sound in Alaska, USA and moves the south pole approx. 30 degrees north almost completely out of the Antarctic circle.

The question I have had is if this was the old Equator, what happens to the alignments that we currently find between these locations and certain star formations, ie the 3 (4) Pyramids at Giza and Orion's Belt the alignment of the great pyramid to the current north pole and Angkor Wats celestial alignment to the constellation of Draco.
The second question I have had is with plate tectonics moving the continents what were the actual alignments in say 10,500 BC or earlier?

Giza Equator Line

edit on 18-1-2014 by RedmoonMWC because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by jeep3r

S&f jeepr's

This is a quest I have been committed to for some time now -

I have been painstakingly making an ancient monolith, petroglyph map
showing locations coming from Giza.
and mathematical eqivalences.

I will be creating a thread showing each line and it's significance, and how
these alignments work, but as you can see -
it's a lengthy endeavor

Be well

edit on 18-1-2014 by HumAnnunaki because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 10:51 AM
Also a lot of research was made by John Michell (RIP) into sites across the UK using the Megalithing Yard first re-discovered by Alexander Thom. This ties in to both Egyptian Royal Cubits, British Imperial Inch/Mile and even metric measurements.
Alan Butler and Christopher Knight have recently picked up the baton in this regard.

If only Google Earth would offer a customisable measuring unit, we might be able to find a more immediate link between ancient places and their symbolic representations. I think the myths that are attached to places hold the key and are to be used, if correctly passed on, with the measurements themselves.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by jeep3r

Very Interesting Indeed !

Now if only a map of all the ancient places could be made for us to look at.

It is amazing that they built the places in this fashion, places along particular
lines or coordinates as if they were creating a map/grid of earth size proportion.
If we can complete the map we might find some answers.


posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:10 AM

reply to post by jeep3r

Excellent thread premise. Many ancient sites all over the world do appear to line up to some forgotten ancient equatorial reality. I've often pondered this very idea. It's good to know others are also thinking outside the box. I have a few theories of my own this possible scenario but I'd love to hear what others have to share on it first.

Again, Great topic.

Looking forward to more..

Thanks, Slayer, and all others for adding some details to this thread ... what I find most puzzling is the fact that the measured distances between Easter Island and Mohenjo-Daro would make these sites nearly exact geographical opposites with roughly equal distances in either direction (~20.000 km).

I wonder if these two sites can be linked in any way, from an archaeological point of view? I didn't check whether or not there are other megalithic or ancient sites opposing each other (geographically) but I'll certainly look into that ... !

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:22 AM
Pretty coincidental, dontcha think? I heard about this some time ago in a doc about the Giza pyramids in this youtube vid:

Skip to about 1:10:00 to see what OP is talkin about.

The whole documentary is very awesome to me as a structural engineer. If you have time to watch the whole thing I do recommend it. Talks about the mathematical anomalies involved in the buildings as well.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by jeep3r

Clues, on clues, on clues make an evidence....

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Arken

Thanks for chimin' in, Arken! I think it's all coming together quite nicely, although it's difficult to say how the rest ties in with all that. But as you say: clue for clue and step by step ... that's the way ahead!

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by jeep3r

Interesting concept indeed. Quite possibly at a time in the distant past when the earth's poles were in a different place. If so, it would mean that most, if not all of those monuments, are much older than we were previously led to believe. Who'd a thunk it?

Isn't it also true that the nearer you are to the equator, the easier it is to launch things into earth orbit? I think it is.

Aren't many of these sites theorized to have been possible sites of ET visitations? I think I heard that before too.

On to of that, considering the fact that Antarctica would have been a totally different place during that time as well, it might help to explain some of the more recent interest in the place. Might also lend a little more credence to some of Admiral Byrd's statements following his return from "Operation Highjump."

Just thought I'd throw that in there. F&S for the OP!

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 12:41 PM

reply to post by Arken

Thanks for chimin' in, Arken! I think it's all coming together quite nicely, although it's difficult to say how the rest ties in with all that. But as you say: clue for clue and step by step ... that's the way ahead!

I'm quite sure that the "ladder" is over...

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:09 PM
While this is a fun idea, one must sacrifice all the CURRENT speculations about star alignment, winter and solar solstice alignments, and every other positional alignment deemed Canon in both accepted paradigm AND fringe speculations.


Because if the Earth had an alternate equator, then, the Sun, Moon, Stars, and every other everything in the sky would rise and set at completely different positions in the sky.

Probably the last major impact event that could have had a significant effect on equatorial location was 65 Million years ago.

Otherwise, we'd need an extremely significant Chandler Wobble event to occur and a deviation that drastic would cause every ocean on the planet to slosh, basically destroying everything, not to mention the slosh results that would occur with magma chambers, and other places of liquified rock which would likely result in wide ranging Continental Flood Basalt events.

Basically, a change that big would result in the extinction of most life on the planet, similar the Permian-Triassic extinction event which had the Siberian Traps Flood Basalt to thank for some of that.

I enthusiastically encourage some study in Geology and Planetary Physics as opposed to going straight for the box of crayons to draw lines all over the planet because it looks cool.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:15 PM

I enthusiastically encourage some study in Geology and Planetary Physics as opposed to going straight for the box of crayons to draw lines all over the planet because it looks cool.

Thanks for your input on this, based on astronomical insights. But they still 'are' aligned on that alternative equator, which is ... well ... disturbing I would say.

Perhaps there is another reason for this line-up then, or we got something wrong. Anyhow: the 'crayons' worked for this particular observation!

edit on 18-1-2014 by jeep3r because: text

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 02:35 PM
This blew my mind when i first heard it and whats extra odd is that the magnetic north pole is around the top part of that angular 60 degree ancient equator.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by jeep3r

I saw a program the other night,that said if you draw two circles on the base of the great pyramid an inner and an outer then divide the circumference of one into the other, you end up with the speed of light. Since the Pyramidon is one meter in height.We might well ask some mind blowing questions. Like if the pre flood (ice melt civilisation) could do that they could probably do anything.

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