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Once Again Obama Claims Ignorance - this time of NSA Surveillance

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posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:08 AM
Obama will be on the TV later today. He'll be making announcements about how he was surprised and disturbed at the extent of NSA Surveillance (yeah, right *eyeroll), and how he's going to reign in the NSA Surveillance. Do you believe he'll do that? I don't think he is surprised at the NSA spying and I don't think he could control it even if he wanted to.

Obama Claims Ignorance - Extent of NSA Surveillance

President Obama doesn’t merely claim ignorance of the IRS’ targeting of politically conservative groups or the Department of Justice’s targeting of journalists: according to The New York Times, Obama was also ignorant of the extent of NSA surveillance. According to the Times, “aides said Mr. Obama was surprised to learn after leaks by Edward J. Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor, just how far the surveillance had gone.” David Plouffe, Obama’s advisor, said, “Things seem to have grown at the NSA. I think it was disturbing to most people, and I think he found it disturbing.”

New York Times - Obamas Path from Critic to Defender of Spying

Yet it is hard to express indignation at actions of the government after five years of running it, and some involved in surveillance note that it was Mr. Obama who pushed national security agencies to be aggressive in hunting terrorists. “For some, his outrage does ring a little bit hollow,” said a former counterterrorism official.

All of which leads to worries by critics of government surveillance that he will not go far enough on Friday. “If the speech is anything like what is being reported, the president will go down in history for having retained and defended George W. Bush’s surveillance programs rather than reformed them,” said Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:09 AM
Obama is ignorant of a great many of things, so I tend to believe him on this.

edit on 2014 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:14 AM
If he was truly ignorant then he should be furious. After all, IF done without his approval as Commander and Chief as well as direct head of U.S. Foreign Policy? They undermined him directly on both and made his ability to function for world wide events severely limited.

He should be furious. Public or not...investigations should be rolling like Casey Jones running his train. Heads should be rolling for undermining the policy of the nation and the ability of the President.

....If he had truly been ignorant....

I'm not seeing rage..I'm seeing awkward moments like catching my kid with ice cream around his mouth, claiming he has no idea what happened to the ice cream in the freezer. (rolls eyes)

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:18 AM

Obama is ignorant of a great many of things, so I tend to believe him on this.

edit on 2014 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

Honestly ... that's how government works these days. The great game is making sure the boss is kept completely in the dark ... so they 'can do their jobs.' The next part of it is making sure the boss doesn't get blindsided by reality. If that happens, the last part is dodging blame.

I ... kid ... you ... not.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:19 AM
Since many liberals only believe things when they come out of Jon Stewart's mouth:

Obama consistently claims he didn't know about any of these things until it came out in the news. Either he's lying or he is totally inept.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:28 AM
Golly gee darn it, I was going to post this same political hysteria story on ATS when I read it on 3 hours ago -- but alas, you beat me to it! *eyeroll

It also says on there that whatshisface thinks no changes are actually going to made that will change how phone data is collected
whatshisface has to be right. Everybody believe him!
This is shocking, breaking political news! NO WAY! *eyeroll

edit on 1/17/2014 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by jjkenobi

Rather... it is Liberals, Progressives and Leftists that have been all over Obama about this as well as other serious issues such as Drone Warfare, the NDAA, and the TPP while you guys were too busy drooling and getting the vapors over Benghazi and the War on guns that wasn't.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:41 AM
So we have a choice.

We either have a president who lies.

Or one that is a complete moron.

Biden is already filling the role as moron, so. . . . . . I'm going with liar on this one.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

(A) Pres. Obama does not do "furious"...whether it is his natural disposition or the idea that he consciously works to avoid the "angry black man" stereo-type...he does not do "furious".

(B) I am actually surprised that folks think he would be in-the-know on the depths to which the NSA was collecting data/spying. The NSA views any President as a "politician" and a "Temp" there for 4 years, 8 at most. The NSA never explains how the sausage is made during intelligence briefings, why would they? It would only risk a evidenced by what occurred with the Snowden leaks.

I understand the partisan nature of the forum, but I think most rational observers would agree this isn't an "Obama" thing. The NSA has not informed any President as to the depths of their illegal operations, nor Congress, and has gone as far to publicly lie to Congress when directly questioned. Their is a frightening arrogance in our intelligence communities, a disdain for the other branches of government and the "naïve" American citizenry.

In Short...The NSA is Jack Nicholson ..."YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!"

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Why can't they both be both?!
If thought about logically it should put an end to any political discussion =P Who wants to spend their time reading and talking about lying morons all day?!

wait don't answer that

edit on 1/17/2014 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:51 AM
Yes. the "Old I am a complete Dumb A@@" defense.

What the real shame of him/admin declaring he didn't know anything is that


That is even worse that being a clueless idiot. Now you are a Lame A@@ and a Dumb A@@.

It is one thing to think one is a idiot, it's another thing for them to prove it....

Go ahead. SLAY ME!!!!

I hope the NSA is reading this.... Who am I kidding... they are. In that case-copy this into my FBI file:

You work for an IDIOT.

Hi Flyers Fan!!!! nice to see you.
edit on 1/17/2014 by anon72 because: Add content


posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by anon72

Man this whole dog and pony show really is getting old his first term, anytime something went wrong "Bush did it" was all that came out of his pie hole, now it is " Well gee, i didnt know that happened".

How long will people actually allow him a pass ? It is just plain asinine at this point and downright insulting that he thinks we are all that stupid.

Man up and grow a pair (or ask moo-chelle if you can grab them from her purse for a few minutes) and actually OWN one of your decisions, policies or mistakes for just once in your life!

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:58 AM


When the only tool you brought along was for 'your shovel ready job' ... you're not getting out of the hole. -chuckle-

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:59 AM
This story would be way cooler and more entertaining if somewhere in the news article lied a statement saying "And Experts are Baffled"

Best line in the whole world to ever be line...

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:03 AM

If he was truly ignorant then he should be furious. After all, IF done without his approval as Commander and Chief as well as direct head of U.S. Foreign Policy? They undermined him directly on both and made his ability to function for world wide events severely limited.

He should be furious. Public or not...investigations should be rolling like Casey Jones running his train. Heads should be rolling for undermining the policy of the nation and the ability of the President.

....If he had truly been ignorant....

I'm not seeing rage..I'm seeing awkward moments like catching my kid with ice cream around his mouth, claiming he has no idea what happened to the ice cream in the freezer. (rolls eyes)

Underminig the policy of the nation? Our president and administration expounded upon the already heinous patriot act/surveillance BS.. and knew. Claiming ignorance at this point is disingenuous.

I can see certain posters are trying to spin this all political, pitting right against left. Pathetic lock step comedy... that no one laughs at anymore. There is NO way he didnt know, unless he was too busy vacationing and schmoozing with athletes to do his job... so which is it.. incapable of doing his job as CiC or distracted by his own life of leisure and vacation? Taken by surprise by a rouge element of HIS OWN CRAFTED SURVEILLANCE STATE? None of the above, in reality.

In my opinion: This is political theatre at its finest. I see that it has sucked some in who believe this is truly a battle for good or our safety against an out of control NSA.. which is complete bullcrap. I am not fooled and I am not entertained.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:04 AM



That is even worse that being a clueless idiot. Now you are a Lame A@@ and a Dumb A@@.

A review board established by the White House to investigate the National Security Agency’s controversial surveillance operations believes that the NSA should make drastic changes to its bulk phone data collection program.


Pres. Obama announced the creation of the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technology on August 9, two months to the day after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed himself to be the source of a leaked document that proved the US government has been compelling telecommunication companies for the phone records of millions of Americans on a daily basis.

The Review Group suggests in their report that the NSA stop pressuring tech companies to put government-friendly “backdoors” into their programs and halt their habit of stockpiling so-called zero-day exploits — or otherwise-unknown software and hardware vulnerabilities than when relied upon may allow for unfettered access to a target’s system

Right now there is a fierce debate in DC between the intelligence community and the President's panel and it's recommendations.

You can interpret that any way that you wish, but it seems inaccurate given the current debate to say the President has done "nothing".

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

Sorry to say... what he has proposed is not enough. To go beyond saving face (which his proposals don't do) and actually be OUR President, he should be having a very public ragefest directed at the NSA as well as a pardon for Snowden in hand... if he didn't know then he should thank the man that made it possible for him to know.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

After he "Found Out" he could have waved his magical wand and ordered it all to be stopped.

You know. Just like he did with the Employer Mandate in the AHC Act/ObamaCare or......

Do you think he knew that Bengazi was NOT about a film back when he contiuned to make the claim even after it was expose as Male Bovine Feces?


posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

so what is he actually doing besides throwing up a smokescreen and making some suggestions to them?


because he doesn't want them to change anything.

he had to create the review board in reaction to Snowden to make it at least appear that he is doing something.

Sure, he will go out there and make some speeches and "fire up" some people and make a headline or two for people to read and get a thrill up their leg for him again, but that's about it. Just like everything else he will make his speech then blame someone else for the non action. Ya know "those extremists in congress" or "a spontaneous you tube video" or " George Bush did it"

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:26 AM

reply to post by Indigo5

Sorry to say... what he has proposed is not enough. To go beyond saving face (which his proposals don't do) and actually be OUR President, he should be having a very public ragefest directed at the NSA as well as a pardon for Snowden in hand... if he didn't know then he should thank the man that made it possible for him to know.

Agreed. I was only responding to the "done nothing" claim, which was inaccurate. Your claim.."Not enough" is also accurate in my opinion.

As to Snowden, the Pres. will pardon him when he leaves office and no longer has to work closely with and rely upon the folks at NSA/CIA et al. who are going to go ballistic when it happens.

60 Minutes did an interview with the Lead Investigator at NSA who was responsible for assessing the damage that Snowden did and summarizing what he has, how he got it etc. That Lead NSA Investigator said he thinks we should Pardon Snowden and bring him home, minutes later that mans boss, NSA Director essentially said "hell no" to a pardon. That pretty much summarizes the sentiment in DC. A mixed bag.

Ideally I think we should meet in the middle. Negotiate conditions for a trial with limited charges, assuring him limited jail time or probation if found guilty. I don't think that will happen though. The Pres. will pardon him on his way out the door.

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