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Australian Judge Finds Muslim Cultural Differences 'okay' in rape case.

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posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:09 AM

So in Aussie, a woman was raped by a Muslim male on a permanent protected visa.
This man has done so to other women.
This female takes him to court where obviously sensical judges wanted to say the Muslim was, you know, in trouble for rape. But nope.
That's just not allowed folks, because poor fellow didn't know that In Places Other Than Muslim Places, you are not allowed to rape women. They may not have rights in your 'ville, but in the rest of the world, they do.

So he was found innocent FINALLY by a judge who understood his plight re; sexual mores.

.......................................... I'm surprised I had words to even type the above down. This is repulsive. Beyond repulsive.

I can't. I just can't even. Now this just could start anywhere and they'll get away with it because of 'cultural differences'?

Just what are we fighting for again as humans?

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:29 AM
The Judge set him free? GOOD.

Now, according to the Muslim way of dealing with these kind of things, the girl's family can kill him...
...I mean, if we're using THEIR standards for one thing, then it's completely acceptable that he faces the consequences the way he would in his country, let the girl's father stab him to death...

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:32 AM

The Judge set him free? GOOD.


Now, according to the Muslim way of dealing with these kind of things, the girl's family can kill him...
...I mean, if we're using THEIR standards for one thing, then it's completely acceptable that he faces the consequences the way he would in his country, let the girl's father stab him to death...

How 'bout him Manning up and learn personal responsibility and keep his wick in his pants and realize woman aren't simply something to gratify oneself with.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:34 AM
i don't believe this. any credible links?

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by MadHatter364

But this whole eye for an eye thing IS the issue. I know most people's knee jerk reactions would be to 'do the same to the judge' or 'do that to the Muslim's female family members'. It really won't stop the issues going on with the "Extreme Muslim pov vs the World' war going on.

We DO have to stop bending over every time one screeches 'jihad' for being 'offended' by what non Muslims do/say/think/advertize/dress/ etc. I saw a post on here a while ago about some fast food chain in the UK changing their wrapping label because a Muslim got offended. The mark on the label reminded him of Allah so he screeched about 'jihad' so they changed the entire labeling.

I get worried Muslim ideals will slowly take over the world.
One can't laugh about it either.
It's slowly turning that way. See the article I posted on here for example. If one judge lets one off, the mass will find it fine to do as it'll be tossed out due to 'N'awwwww he didn't know.''


posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by sarra1833

He is in Australia on a permanent protected visa

An illiterate, uneducated...a permanent protected visa.

Anyway...I'm sick and tired of hearing about these things. Makes me wanna go on a rampage...and...uh...

Don't want to say more, as not to upset some of our more gentler Islamic members.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by taoistguy

Google it. A huge amount of sites come up with the same thing q=australian+judge+finds+muslim&gs_l=serp.1.1.0i22i30l2.70395.75256.0.78345. px_o8

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:39 AM


The Judge set him free? GOOD.


Now, according to the Muslim way of dealing with these kind of things, the girl's family can kill him...
...I mean, if we're using THEIR standards for one thing, then it's completely acceptable that he faces the consequences the way he would in his country, let the girl's father stab him to death...

How 'bout him Manning up and learn personal responsibility and keep his wick in his pants and realize woman aren't simply something to gratify oneself with.

Hey preacher, I'm trying to make sense out of this RIDICULOUS situation, while YOU just say that he should keep his "wick" in his pants, well LOOK HOW THAT WORKED OUT.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

How 'bout him Manning up and learn personal responsibility and keep his wick in his pants and realize woman aren't simply something to gratify oneself with.

haha...good one.

Maybe you can jet down to Afghanistan and give them a lecture...I'm sure it would work.

They know of western laws and practices...they just don't care about it.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:42 AM

reply to post by MadHatter364

But this whole eye for an eye thing IS the issue. I know most people's knee jerk reactions would be to 'do the same to the judge' or 'do that to the Muslim's female family members'. It really won't stop the issues going on with the "Extreme Muslim pov vs the World' war going on.

We DO have to stop bending over every time one screeches 'jihad' for being 'offended' by what non Muslims do/say/think/advertize/dress/ etc. I saw a post on here a while ago about some fast food chain in the UK changing their wrapping label because a Muslim got offended. The mark on the label reminded him of Allah so he screeched about 'jihad' so they changed the entire labeling.

I get worried Muslim ideals will slowly take over the world.
One can't laugh about it either.
It's slowly turning that way. See the article I posted on here for example. If one judge lets one off, the mass will find it fine to do as it'll be tossed out due to 'N'awwwww he didn't know.''


Yes, eye for an eye is an issue, but I also think we have another issue: THE LAUGHABLE JUDICIAL SYSTEM.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by sarra1833

i said 'credible'.
real news sites.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:50 AM


The Judge set him free? GOOD.


Now, according to the Muslim way of dealing with these kind of things, the girl's family can kill him...
...I mean, if we're using THEIR standards for one thing, then it's completely acceptable that he faces the consequences the way he would in his country, let the girl's father stab him to death...

How 'bout him Manning up and learn personal responsibility and keep his wick in his pants and realize woman aren't simply something to gratify oneself with.

I think if the girl's father or brother stabbed him to death, he'd learn that lesson real quick, wouldn't he?

Hatter was being a bit sarcastic and suggested that if he get free by his cultural norms then he should submit to extrajudicial punishment by the victim's family, also part of those same cultural norms.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:50 AM
This happened in 2012. The attacks happened in 2008.

And he was sentenced to 14 years which was later reduced to 8. He wasn't 'found innocent' at all.

Why is this hitting the news again now? I can guess a few reasons.

edit on k085301bamFri, 17 Jan 2014 08:53:45 -0600 by khimbar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:52 AM

haha...good one.

Maybe you can jet down to Afghanistan and give them a lecture...I'm sure it would work.

This happened in Afghanistan?

They know of western laws and practices...they just don't care about it.

If one chooses to live in a Western Country they'd better get used to Western values and Laws just like when one lives in their countries they should obey the laws of those lands too.


posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:53 AM
Seems like there might be more to this story. Did those two know each other?

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:55 AM

Seems like there might be more to this story.

The 'more to the story' is it's total bollocks and he was sentenced to 14 years which on appeal became 8 and a half in 2012.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by khimbar

Ha, it appears we were arguing all for nothing, then...or were we?...

Still, well done khimbar.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 09:13 AM
Ack, my truest apologies if this was old news or not reported right. I happened to see it on the book of faces and figured I'd share it here.
No harm meant, though it DOES make us think as it DID happen, you know?
Scary world we live in and it's just getting scarier by the minute, it seems.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 09:15 AM
I understant the cry for justice but imaginate that some countries do not share jail sentenced for child raping, no matter what skin colour u are, even police officer used hes power and raped 15 year old girl and did not get jail sentence and it wasnt one case but atleast 2 i know, another cop were told he can come back to job if he want it but he sayd in news paper that it was so dramatic for him and whole family that he consider retiring, this from rapist mouth in news paper... They rape little girls and dont get jail sentenced, their identity is hidden for another 50years becouse they must protect their innocent creatures.... Even in case they go jail its like 1-2years and they sit that time in own luxure part of the jail, so nobody can return the favour to them, what about other prisoners? They can cry their eyes off while raped in jails and no one ansfers and guards know if someone goes later on crying about rape, u know what happens to snitches, they get stiches right.

I read and watch documents out of Holland and other places and there is even worst cases than these, ppl who go cry for justice of been raped might get problems them self from law officals etc. It doesnt look that good for the common folks.. And btw this is not about race, religions etc and i hope ppl can see over these things becouse they only made the whole problem much more harder to solve, ppl sometimes goes blind mode when its question about different skintones, religions etc. Same laws should be for everyones, other ways things will fall apart quite fast and this is what we are witnessing today world, our societies are falling apart, ppl dont want to wake up and others is raping and praying on the weak as fast they can, laws and their officers are more concerned by pot smokers and such small time problems that aint even problems in the first place but they love to make problems over nothing so they dont have to focus on real things.

Also they just made law that any system that works with children do not have to check new workers criminal records at all, WTF is this, here is all the time in news how school teacher molested children, just while ago i read about case that teacher raped girls and boys for some years and there were 40-50 children atleast, how the hell he did get to continue this so long, i cant understant..
edit on 17-1-2014 by romilo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

This happened in Afghanistan?

Apparently he is from have to nip in the to speak. While they are young.'s too late. The programming has already been completed.

If one chooses to live in a Western Country they'd better get used to Western values and Laws just like when one lives in their countries they should obey the laws of those lands too.

Absolutely my good man...but we know this will never happen. Multiculturallity is the latest craze. We're supposed to be tolerant of other's views and ways of "doing things".

Anyway...what about this from khimbar...

This happened in 2012. The attacks happened in 2008.

And he was sentenced to 14 years which was later reduced to 8. He wasn't 'found innocent' at all.

Why is this hitting the news again now? I can guess a few reasons.

Se he wasn't set free...?'s the mentallity and even defense offered by his attorney...makes you wonder about that kind of frame of mind.

It is also worth remembering that most of this stuff also goes by unreported.

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